About Setting the Item Data Format

Your process model may specify multiple data formats for a given item type. This enables Dimensions CM to handle different kinds of items differently even though they share the same item type.

For example, in a software application you could distinguish files on the basis of language (for program sources) or execution platform (for executable program files) to use different build processes for items of the same type but different formats. Thus, an item of type SRC and format C would be compiled using a C compiler, and an item of type SRC and format CBL would be compiled using a COBOL compiler.

If an item type has a list of associated data formats, you must select one of those formats when you create an item of that type. If an item type has no associated data formats, you can type in any format, even ones not defined in the process model.

Related Topics

About Setting the Item Type

About Setting the Item ID and Project Filename

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