Restoring Shelved Changes

To restore shelved changes you merge a personal stream back into a work area of a stream. The source stream is the shelved personal stream and the target stream is the stream you are merging into. When restoring you can:

To restore shelved changes:

NOTE  The process for restoring shelved changes is the same for merging streams.

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. In the Merge wizard select Merge streams or their folders and click Next. The Merge wizard opens.

  3. In the Merge changes from this stream box select the shelved personal stream, which is the source for this merge. Do one of the following:

  4.       Start typing the ID of a stream. Streams that contain any characters in the string are displayed. For example, to find ’QLARIUS:VS_BRANCHA’ type ’vs’.

          Select a stream from the list. Favorite streams and recently used streams are displayed at the top.

    Optionally merge the work area to a specific version of the shelved stream. Click OK.


    For example: QLARIUS:JAVA_BRANCHA;5

    NOTE  If you do not specify a version the changes are merged from the latest version of the source stream.

  5. By default the Merge changes into this target stream box displays the name of the target stream for the merge. To select a different target stream enter its name or click Select and choose a stream.

  6. If the target stream has a default work area it is displayed in the Merge using this work area box. To select a different work area enter its path or click Select and choose one.

  7. Complete the rest of the Merge wizard, for details see Merging Changes across Streams.