Delivering Changes to a Stream

To deliver changes from your work area to a stream:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. The first page of the Deliver to Stream wizard opens.

  3. Select Additions to include new files created in the work area.

  4. Select Deletions to include files deleted from the work area.

  5. To restrict the deliver operation to particular files do the following:

  6. For details about using these filters see Using Wildcards to Include and Exclude Files and Folders.

  7. Click Show additional options.

  8. Optionally change the options.

  9. To require an output log for the results of the delivery, select Enable in folder. To change the default folder where the logs are written use the Browse button to select another folder.

  10. Click Next.

  11. If a list of Additional streams from which to include content is displayed, the work area from which you are delivering has been updated from other streams and/or baselines. Deselect the stream(s) or baseline(s) whose files you do not want to deliver to the parent stream and click Next.

  12. If there are conflicts between the work area and the stream you cannot continue with the deliver operation. To perform an update from the stream and resolve the conflicts click the link in the dialog box. The Update from Stream wizard opens, for details see Updating a Work Area from a Stream and Resolving Conflicts. After you have resolved the conflicts and updated your work area, try delivering again.

  13. A list of changes is displayed.

  14. On the Defaults tab optionally change the defaults values used when an item revision is delivered to the repository:

  15. Click Next. The Summary page is displayed.

  16. Click Deliver.

Related Topics

Opening Projects and Setting Defaults

Synchronize Wizard