Deleting a Project Folder


Delete a project folder when it is no longer needed.

NOTE  You can delete project folders only when they do not contain item revisions and subfolders.

This option is not available for streams.

PRIVILEGES  Delete Directories

To delete a project folder:

  1. In a Project tree, select a project folder.

  2. Select Project | Directory | Delete.

  3. In the Delete Directory dialog box, verify that you have selected the correct folder.

  4. In the Track changes with request(s) field, enter or select any requests you want to use to track the refactoring operation.

  5. Select Delete directories recursively if you want to include the subfolders of this folder when you delete it.

  6. Select Remove item revisions contained within directory(s) from project if you want to remove the item revisions in the folder(s) when you delete the folder.

  7. Click OK.

Related Topics

About Managing Projects

Changing a Project or Stream ID

Delete Project Directory Dialog Box

Renaming a Project Folder