Actioning a Project or Stream


Use this operation to move the project from one lifecycle state to the next lifecycle state.

Action Project/Stream to Next State to action a project or stream to a valid next state.
Action Project/Stream to Any State to action a project or stream to a lifecycle state without a valid transition.

To action a single project or stream:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. For New Status, select a lifecycle state, either select Next status and select a valid next state from the list, or select All statuses and select a lifecycle state from the list. (You will require the necessary privilege to action to a state other than a valid next state.)

  3. Click the Next button.

  4. If you want to set any attributes, type or select the values.

  5. Required attributes are shown in bold.

  6. Click the Next button.

  7. Optionally, in the Comment field, type a comment.

  8. Click the Next button.

  9. Use the Summary page to check the details of the action to be performed.

  10. Click the Finish button to perform the action and close the wizard.

To action multiple projects or streams:

  1. Select two or more projects/streams.

  2. Select Project | Action or Stream | Action.

  3. In the Action Multiple Project/streams dialog box, from the New Status list, select the lifecycle state to which you want to action the selected projects/streams. If you leave this field blank, the projects/streams are actioned to the next normal lifecycle status.

  4. NOTE  Lifecycles are defined with respect to the project's type. If you have selected projects of different types, you must ensure that the lifecycle state you specify is common to all these lifecycles.

  5. For Action description, optionally type a comment.

  6. Click the OK button.

Related Topics

Action Wizard

Action (Multiple Projects/Streams) Dialog Box