Set the Merge Tool options when you want to configure the way the files are compared and merged.
To select the options:
In the main window, select View | Configuration, or click the Configuration button: on the toolbar, and select the Options tab.
Set the required options as described in the following:
To make the saving of the target file compulsory, so that when exiting the Merge Tool you are prompted to save it, select Always perform merge interactively.
To view the resulting merge without having to save the Target file, so that you are not prompted to save the Target, select Perform a diff interactively.
To automatically detect whether a file is binary or not, select Detect, and if required, change the value for Number of bytes to read. This means that the Serena Merge Tool will check the file for the first number of bytes specified in Number of bytes to read, and if none of these characters are binary, it will assume the file is text, otherwise it will assume it is binary.
To always compare files as though they are text, select Text.
To always compare files as though they are binary, select Binary.
To ignore the case when comparing text between files, check the Case check box.
To treat the Ctrl-Z character (0x1A) as whitespace, select Treat Ctrl-Z (0x1A) as a whitespace.
To ignore changes in amount of whitespace, when comparing text between files, select Changes in amount in the Whitespace section.
To ignore all changes to whitespace, when comparing text between files, select All in the Whitespace section.
To include changes to whitespace when comparing text between files, select None in the Whitespace section.
To set the number of lines displayed above and below the selected line in the Global Comparison window, enter an integer value in the Number of lines displayed above and below in the Global Comparison window field.
NOTE The selected line is included in the count.
To set the maximum number of derivatives which are displayed in each Derivative Frame window, enter an integer value in the Number of derivatives per frame field. This means that if the number of derivatives selected is greater than the Number of derivatives per frame value, then the Merge Tool automatically creates additional Derivative Frame windows for the extra derivatives.
To set the number of spaces allocated per tab in the Merge Tool, enter an integer value in the Tab Width field.
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