Use the Properties window to get a quick view of the basic attributes of a selected object. The attributes displayed in the Properties window can be customized using the Properties tab of the Customize dialog box.To view object properties:
In an object list or object tree, select an object.
Select View | Properties.
Do any of the following:
To float the Properties window above the main window, click the Pin button. If you press the shift key when selecting the Properties menu item, the Properties window is opened already in ’float’ mode.
To dock the Properties window to the main window, right-click it and select Docking view.
To undock the Properties window from the main window, right-click it and deselect Docking view.
To keep the Properties window open above all windows in all open applications, right-click it and select Always on top.
To open an additional Properties window for the same object, right-click it and select Clone Dialog.
When you are finished, click the window Close button.
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