Options Tab (Find Dialog Box)

Use the Options tab of the Find dialog box to limit a search by specifying the lifecycle status or the user role for an object.

Options Tab



Rules and Guidelines


Select the lifecycle status of the objects to find.



Select the work phase of the objects to find.



Select the originator of the objects to find.


User Name

Select the user who last updated the object.


Stage ID

Select the build stage of objects to find.


In Inbox

Select to find objects based on whether they are in a user's Inbox.

This check box has three states:

clear_tick.gif Finds objects that are on a user's Inbox

empty_tbox.gif Finds objects that are not on a user's Inboxes

filled_square.gif Finds all objects


Select a user name to search that user's Inbox.

Only available if you have selected the Is Pending check box.


Select Primary, Secondary, or Leader to search the Inboxes of users with that role capability. Select Ignore Capability to disregard role capabilities.


Is Held

Select this option if you want to restrict the search to held/draft requests.


Owner site

Select a site from the list if you only want to list requests or items that are owned by a particular replication site.

Only displayed if replication has been enabled.

Delegated owner site

Select a site from the list if you only want to list requests or items whose ownership has been delegated to a particular replication site.

Only displayed if replication has been enabled.

Related Topics

Finding Objects