Dates Tab

Use the Dates tab of the Find dialog box to limit a search by specifying object creation, modification, or action dates. The available date ranges depend on the type of object you are searching for.

Dates Tab



Rules and Guidelines

Create Date

For From and To, type the date range for the creation of the object.

Type dates and times in the following format:


dd-mon-yyyy [hh:mm:ss]

Update Date

For From and To, type the date range for updates to the object. An update is any change to the object, including checking it in or editing the attributes.

Used for items, requests, secondary requests, design parts, and releases.

Action Date

For From and To, type the date range for when the request was actioned to the next lifecycle state.

Used for requests and secondary requests only.

Revised Date (UTC)

For From and To, type the date range for changes to the content of the item.

Used for items only.

Related Topics

Finding Objects