Suspending Design Parts


Suspend design parts when they are no longer needed but you do not want to delete them. For example, you could suspend a design part that had been used for a specific purpose and was no longer used. Suspended design parts still appear in Dimensions CM but you cannot relate requests to them. Once they are suspended you cannot un-suspend them.

You cannot suspend a design part that is referenced by any open requests.

PRIVILEGES  Suspend Design Part

To suspend a design part:

  1. Select one for more design parts.

  2. NOTE  All the design parts must belong to the same product and be of the same type.

  3. Select Part | Suspend.

  4. Verify that you selected the correct design part(s), and click OK. The design parts are visible, but you cannot use them.

Related Topics

About Design Parts

Selecting a Design Part

Suspend Design Part/Suspend Multiple Design Parts Dialog Box