Use the following guidelines to help you create the design part structure of your product:
Have a rough sketch of the tree structure of the product so that you know which part is the parent of each new design part.
Have a general idea of the purpose of each new design part, in order to provide a brief description of its function.
For each new design part, you need to know its part specification. The part specification is:
The partID is the name you give the part. It is the most significant component of the specification.
The productID is assigned when the product is created. For more information on creating products, see the Process Configuration Guide.
Use variant to identify that this is a variant of another design part. The variant is inherited from the parent design part. Unless directed by your administrator to change this value, leave it at its default value.
The pcs (part change status) indicates the modification level of the design part. The PCS is inherited from the parent design part. Unless directed to change this value, leave it at its default value.
Know which category to assign each design part. Categories are defined in the process model. Work with your administrator to determine which categories to use. For more information on design part categories, see the Process Configuration Guide.