The Queue tab lists all deployment jobs that are waiting to be executed including jobs that are:
Scheduled for a future deployment.
Waiting to be deployed, for example:
Jobs whose scheduled deployment time has passed.
Jobs that do not have a scheduled deployment time and are waiting to be deployed as soon as possible.
The Queue tab has the following columns:
Job ID: the ID of the job.
Job Type: Deployment, Rollback, Build, Clean, Audit, or Collect.
Job State: the current state of the job (Submitted or Executing).
Queued Date: the date and time the job will execute.
Queued By: the Dimensions user who deployed the object.
Created By: the user who created the job.
Stage: the GSL stage for which the job is pending.
Area: the deployment area where the job will be deployed.
Project: the project or stream associated with the job.
To display more information about a request, item, or baseline, in the Object Name column click the object’s name.
You can hide or display any of the columns and sort the list by Queued Date.
To display a job’s properties, in the Job ID column click the job number. The Queued Job Properties dialog box appears and displays information about the job.
To display details about a job’s status, in the Job State column click Scheduled. The Status Details dialog box appears and displays information about the job, for example:
General messages such as ’Deployed as a result of a promotion operation’.
Error messages.
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