Adding Transition Rule Templates


Follow this procedure to add a new transition rule template.

To add a transition rule template:

  1. In the navigation pane of the Build Management tab click Settings, and click Transition Rule Templates.

  2. In the content or menu areas click New Object.

  3. The Add New Transition Rule Template dialog box appears.

  4. For Name type the name of the new transition rule template.

  5. From the Preferred Build Tool list select the build tool that will be used to execute the transition. If you do not want to specify a build tool, select Undefined.

  6. From the Select the script type list select one of the following:

  7. In the Script Content field type the content of the script to be executed when this transition rule is run. To wrap the text select the Word Wrap check box.

    Choose a file from the Dimensions repository (see step 6 below).

    NOTE  If you are using a work area the file will be pushed to the build area. If you are using a deployment area, Dimensions Build assumes that the script has already been deployed to that area.

    Type the name of a script or template located in your build area.

    When you use a transition that has this script type the target is built using the main script defined for the parent build configuration. However, you can specify build options for the transition that are different to those defined in the main script. Therefore the build options that are used are those defined in the transition and not the main script.

  8. If you selected Use Dimensions-controlled file as a script, do the following:

  9. a    Click Browse. The Select File from Dimensions dialog box appears.

    b    In the left pane, expand Projects or Baselines and browse for the directory containing the file.

    c     In the right pane select the file.

    a    Click OK. The file is added to the Add New Transition Rule Template dialog box.

  10. Click OK. The new transition rule template is added to the list of transition rule templates in the content pane.

Related Topics

About Transition Rule Templates

Adding Input Masks to Transition Rule Templates

Adding Output Masks to Transition Rule Templates

Adding Build Options to Transition Rule Templates

Adding Build Option Groups to Transition Rule Templates