Integrating CruiseControl.NET

To integrate CruiseControl.NET with Dimensions follow the procedure below.

Integrating CruiseControl.NET with Dimensions:

  1. Copy the following Dimensions plug-in DLLs to the CruiseControl.Net server folder in the CruiseControl.Net installation, typically located in:

  2. C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server









    The DLLs are available after you install the desktop client with the Visual Studio integration plug-in.

  3. Configure the ccnet.config XML file, which is located in the same directory as the server application. You can get details about the configuration file from:


    This is an example of a ccnet.config file that uses the Dimensions plug-in:


     <project name="FileCollector">



         <intervalTrigger seconds="60" />



       <sourcecontrol type="dmcruise" autoGetSource="true">







         <workingDirectory>c:\workspace\cruisecontrol projects\FileCollector\</workingDirectory>





           <executable>c:\program files\nant\bin\nant.exe</executable>

           <baseDirectory>c:\workspace\cruisecontrol projects\FileCollector</baseDirectory>















         <xmllogger />




    In the <sourcecontrol> block configure the following parameters:

  5. To start the CruiseControl.NET server, open a command prompt and type:


NOTE  Make sure that the CruiseControl.NET server folder is on the path environment variable.

The server status is saved in a log file that you can view in the Web Dashboard.