The Build Areas section contains an entry for each build area defined in the build configuration. Build areas are set up in the Dimensions Administration module and not in Dimensions Build.
When a build area is used in Build, two types of information are used:
The area itself as defined in Dimensions.
The specific attributes defined when the build area is added to a build configuration.
NOTE When importing a build area from a file, Build attempts to perform a name match between the build area name in the import file and the build areas in the receiving database. When a match is found, a relationship is made in the configuration to the existing build area. If no match is found, the build area in the import file is ignored and a build area is not created automatically. Therefore, the information related to the build area (node, location, userid, password) is not imported.
XML Example 1 |
XML Example 2 |
Description |
<BuildAreaConfigs> |
<BuildAreaConfigs> |
Opening tag for build areas section. All build areas for this configuration are defined within the open and closing tags. |
<BuildAreaConfig Id="28"> |
<BuildAreaConfig Id="27"> |
Opening tag for this particular configuration build area that contains the unique id for it. |
<BuildArea Id="4206024"> |
<BuildArea Id="4206024"> |
Opening tag for the Dimensions defined build area that contains the unique id for it. |
<name> ![CDATA[LCL-GEN-JAVA]] </name> |
<name> ![CDATA[LCL-GEN-JAVA]] </name> |
Build area name. |
<host> ![CDATA[MTROTH-XPV]] </host> |
<host> ![CDATA[MTROTH-XPV]] </host> |
Dimensions node containing the build area. Note: information only, not used during the import process. |
<location> ![CDATA[C:\build\qlarius\ gen-java\]] </location> |
<location> ![CDATA[C:\build\qlarius\gen-java\]] </location> |
Build area location/path/ relative to the defined node or <host> tag. Note: information only, not used during the import process. |
<user> ![CDATA[dmsys]] </user> |
<user> ![CDATA[dmsys]] </user> |
Security user id relative to the node. Note: information only, not used during the import process. |
<password> ![CDATA[EE961583AEC7144D]] </password> |
<password> ![CDATA[EE961583AEC7144D]] </password> |
Security user password (encrypted) relative to user id. Note: information only, not used during the import process. |
<askPasswordAtRuntime> False </askPasswordAtRuntime> |
<askPasswordAtRuntime> False </askPasswordAtRuntime> |
Flag to indicate whether to ask for a password at runtime. This is a configuration specific attribute. |
<Option Id="s"> <name> ![CDATA[JAVA-HOME]] </name> <OptionValues> <OptionValue Id="4"> <value> ![CDATA[c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12]] </value> <buildToolId>0</buildToolId> <ruleId>0</ruleId> </OptionValue> </OptionValues> </Option> <Option Id="1"> <name> ![CDATA[ANT-HOME]] </name> <OptionValues> <OptionValue Id="3"> <value> ![CDATA[c:\apache-ant-1.6.5\bin]] </value> <buildToolId>0</buildToolId> <ruleId>0</ruleId> </OptionValue> </OptionValues> </Option>
</Options> |
<Option Id="2"> <name> ![CDATA[JAVA-HOME]] </name> <OptionValues> <OptionValue Id="2"> <value> ![CDATA[c:\j2sdk1.4.2_12]] </value> <buildToolId>0</buildToolId> <ruleId>0</ruleId> </OptionValue> </OptionValues> </Option> <Option Id="1"> <name> ![CDATA[ANT-HOME]] </name> <OptionValues> <OptionValue Id="1"> <value> ![CDATA[c:\apache-ant-1.6.5\bin]] </value> <buildToolId>0</buildToolId> <ruleId>0</ruleId> </OptionValue> </OptionValues> </Option>
Build options defined on the area, see page 286 for details. |
</BuildArea> |
</BuildArea> |
Closing tag for a single build area. |
</BuildAreaConfig> |
</BuildAreaConfig> |
Closing tag for a single build area configuration. |
</BuildAreaConfigs> |
</BuildAreaConfigs> |
Closing tag for the build configurations section. |