Remote Jobs Content Area

What appears in the content area depends on what you have selected in the navigation area.

If you select...

Then the content area displays...

The top-level base database object

  • A list of remote jobs.

  • select_check_box.gif: Select one or more objects.

  • select_all_button.gif: Select all objects.

  • Filter: Accesses the Remote Job Filter dialog box.

  • html_list_button.gif: Display a summary of the objects in an HTML page (suitable for printing).

  • csv_list_button.gif: Display a summary of the objects as comma-separated values in a text file.

A remote job object

A General section: displays general details about the remote job. Click the View/Show Logs button adjacent to General to display the logs for the job.

Related Topics

Remote Jobs Menu Area

Remote Jobs Navigation Area

Remote Jobs Main Window