Modifying Groups


Follow this procedure when you want to edit the description or the list of users in a group, or to delete a group.

PRIVILEGES  Manage Users and Group Definitions

To modify a group:

  1. In the Users and Groups tab, select All Groups from the drop-down list in the navigation pane.

  2. Select the group in the navigation pane and Click the Edit button: editbutton00023.gif. The Edit Group dialog box appears.

  3. If necessary, Edit the description for the group in the Description field.

  4. To edit the list of users that belong to the group:

  5. Click OK to commit the changes.

To delete a group:

  1. In the Users and Groups tab, select All Groups from the drop-down list in the navigation pane.

  2. Select the group in the navigation pane and Click the Delete button: delete_group_button00024.gif. The Delete dialog box appears.

  3. Click Yes to delete the group.

Related Topics

Edit Group Dialog Box

New Group Dialog Box