When you select a template or item type group in the navigation pane, the content pane displays details for that specific object. These details are grouped into sections which are displayed in the content pane according to the selection made. These details are discussed in:
When the top level node: is selected in the navigation pane, the content pane displays a table listing all of the baseline templates, release templates, or item type groups in the base database depending on the selection in the navigation pane. It contains the following:
A button to display the list of templates as a separate HTML page to print or save.
A button to display the list of templates as comma-separated values to save as a text file.
Column headings for the fields. Clicking the icon selects or deselects all the objects in the list. You can change the sort order of the list by clicking the column headings.
A list of objects:
For baseline and release templates, this contains the following details:
Field |
Description |
Check Box |
A check box to select or deselect the template(s) for the operations performed by the toolbar buttons. |
Template ID |
The name that identifies the template. |
Creation Date |
The date the template was created |
Originator |
The user ID of the user who created the template |
Scope |
For a baseline template, whether it is an item or request baseline template. |
For item type groups it contains the following details:
Field |
Description |
Check Box |
A check box to select or deselect the template(s) for the operations performed by the toolbar buttons. |
Item Type Group Name |
The name that identifies the item type group. |
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