New Attribute Rule dialog box

The New Attribute Rule dialog box enables you to add a rule for the display and updating of the selected attribute that applies to a specified transition and role.

There is a check box: keep_open_checkbox00037.gif at the top of the dialog to enable you to continue adding more rules without dismissing the dialog box.

NOTE  If you are defining a rule for an attribute within a multi-field, multi-value block, you need to ensure that, for a given role section and transition, all of the preceding attributes in the multi-field block will also be visible to the user. This means that for all the preceding attributes in the block, if you have not selected Required when actioned to the To state or Writeable at the From state, you will need to select Display in this role section. This is so that the multi-field multi-value attribute will be displayed correctly in the desktop and web clients.



Rules and Guidelines

Attribute name

The name of the attribute

  • Select an attribute from the list.

From state

The state from which the rule will apply.

  • Default: The state selected if previously selected from the Lifecycle Model.

  • Enter the name in the text field or

  • Choose a state from the list.

To state

The state to which the rule will apply.

  • Default: The state selected if previously selected from the Lifecycle Model.

  • Enter the name in the text field or

  • Choose a state from the list.

  • The To state must belong to the same transition as the From state.


The name of the role.

Select a role from the list.

Required when actioned to the To state

A check box indicating whether the attribute must have a value before actioning to a new state.

Default: Unchecked.

Writeable at the From state

A check box indicating if the attribute can be updated by this role.

Default: Checked.

Display in this role section

A check box indicating if this attribute is to be displayed for this role for this transition.

Default: Checked.

Related Topics

Creating a New Attribute Rule