Updating the PCS


Follow this procedure to change the part change status (PCS) for a selected design part. The PCS represents the version number of the design part.

Updating a PCS is not a commonly performed operation. Typically you would use this command when you want to work on a new version of a design part.

PRIVILEGES  Update Design Part

To update a design part's PCS:

  1. From the Design Part Structure window, select the design part that you want to update.

  2. In the Design Part Details section, click the PCS button: updatepcsbutton00007.gif. The Update PCS dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the new value for the PCS in the New PCS field.

  4. Enter a new description for the design part in the Description field, if necessary.

  5. Click Yes to update the PCS.

Related Topics

Update PCS Dialog Box

Editing Design Parts

Deleting Design Parts

Suspending Design Parts