The Edit Global Stage Lifecycle dialog box allows you to:
Rename a stage
Delete a stage
Import, export, or delete an associated lifecycle image
Add a valid transition
Delete a transition
Assign roles to a transition.
NOTE You create a new stage only in the New Transition dialog box when adding a new transition. This is because you cannot add a stage to a lifecycle without there being a possible transition for that stage.
The Edit Lifecycles dialog box consists of:
A menu area. This is described in The Edit Global Stage Lifecycle Menu Area.
An Interactive Lifecycle Model, a diagram which allows you to select and control what appears in the Transitions area. This is described in The Interactive Lifecycle Model.
The Transitions area, a list of possible transitions and the roles required for those transitions. This is described in Transitions Area.
Edit Global Stage Lifecycle Dialog Box:
Related Topics
About the Global Stage Lifecycle