This section shows you how to view the values for predefined operating systems, file systems, and code sets. You can choose from among these values when you create a network node or a client/server connection.
Operating system: Network Administration provides a list of supported platforms with standard case conventions. When you define a physical node, you choose the operating system to be used by that node.
File system: Network Administration provides a list of file system types. When you define a client/server connection, you choose what file system is part of your Dimensions CM network.
Code set: Network Administration provides a list of code sets available for the Dimensions CM network. A code set or code page is a method for encoding characters for different platforms and for different human languages. When you define a client/server connection, you choose a code set.
Contact: Network Administration enables you to add, edit, or delete a list of network contacts. When you create a physical node, you choose a single contact to be responsible for the node.
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