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Serena Dimensions CM 12.1.1 Readme
This document contains important information about the 12.1.1 release of Serena Dimensions CM.


What's New

What's New in Dimensions CM 12.1.1

Dimensions CM 12.1.1 includes a number of fixes. It also includes the new features and fixes in Dimensions 12.1 plus all the fixes in

It includes the following new feature.

Library Cache Areas for Deployment

You can now use library cache areas in order to improve deployment performance in cases where deployment areas are geographically remote from the main Dimensions server.

You assign a library cache area to a deployment area by using the dmcli command UA (Update Area) or CA (Create Area) and supplying the /LIBRARY_CACHE_AREA=<area_id> qualifier.

For example, the following command will create a new UAT deployment area and associate it with the ST-LC-1 library cache area:

CA UAT1 /net=st3859 /dir=c:\deploy\uat1 /user=dmsys /pass=<password> /type=deployment /stage=uat /library_cache_area=st-lc-1

And the following command will associate an existing deployment area with a library cache area:

UA UAT2 /library_cache_area=st-lc-1

What Was New in Dimensions CM 12.1

The following features were new in Dimensions CM 12.1.

New Deployment Functionality

This release includes major enhancements to deployment:

  • You can deploy and roll back independently using the Deploy and Rolback commands.
  • Promote, demote, deploy, and rollback can be used with multiple items or items related to requests or baselines.
  • If deploy by default is enabled for deployment areas, when you promote or demote to a stage you can automatically deploy files to the deployment areas associated with that stage.
  • Deployment areas have controlled versioning. Deployments can be rolled back so that the deployed files are removed and the previous versions restored to the area.
  • You can schedule deployment to occur at a future time.
  • Deployment tasks run asynchronously from the clients for improved performance but synchronously against the same area for improved area integrity.

The web client provides full functionality for the new deployment features. There is a new Deployment tab where you can:

  • View the history of deployment and build events.
  • View items, requests, and baselines that have been promoted but not yet deployed.
  • View deployment jobs that are running or have been scheduled.
  • Filter the data on the Deployment tab, including by project/stream, area, stage, and date range.
  • Cancel or reschedule scheduled events.

Note that the "Move on Deploy" Feature is no longer supported in this release.

The management of privileges has been expanded to support the new deployment functions, and these privileges can be specified by project/stream, stage, or area.

The new deployment server manages all deployment and build commands using deployment areas submitted to Dimensions.

There are new Web services and ALF events that support the new deploy and promote functionality.

A new book, the Dimensions CM Deployment Guide, describes the new deployment functionality. It also contains scenarios that describe the recommended methods for using Dimensions CM to manage deployment. You can follow these scenarios in the cm_typical sample database.

Deployment of Refactoring

Deployment of refactoring changes is available using requests (but not baselines or items).

Note that requests with refactoring should be deployed in order of any dependency. For instance, a request that creates a folder or item should be deployed to an area before a subsequent request to rename, move or remove that object. Sequences of renames, moves and removals of the same folder or item should be spread over more than one request.

Web Client Enhancements

In addition to the deployment features described above, the web client has the following additional features.

  • Reports tab. Reporting features are now located on a new separate Reports tab. This tab lists existing reports, favourite reports, and public reports and enables you to manage and run reports in a single view.
  • Multi-view reports. You can now display up to four reports simultaneously in a single view.
  • Home View selection. You can choose the tab you want to be displayed when you launch the web client. If you choose the Reports tab you can choose a report or multi-view report to be displayed. The Home button always you to return to your Home View.

Desktop Client and Windows Explorer Integration

  • You can launch the web client with the Deployment tab displayed in the desktop client when selecting stage, area, item, request, and baseline history.
  • You can promote and demote items, requests, or baselines from the desktop client.
  • The Item History dialog has been enhanced and now enables you to filter and sort the entries in the list and select which columns are displayed.
  • The Synchronize Wizard now lists conflicts that occur when you deliver to a stream and allows you to ignore them.
  • The Windows Explorer integration now supports Windows x64.

Installer Enhancements

Enhancements to the installation processes include:

  • You can now select various details for the sample process model you wish to install, such as system login ID, and login credentials for the work and deployment area owners.
  • You can provide the login details (server, database and connection string) for the desktop client and Windows Explorer Integration so that they will be displayed when you first see the Login dialog.

Run Build Wizard

The build dialog boxes in the web and desktop clients have been replaced by a wizard. The impacted target page has been modified to improve performance and provide additional options for viewing source/target relationships.

Browsing MVS Work and Deployment Areas

You can now browse the files in an MVS work or deployment area in the web and desktop clients.

Locking Items in a Stream

You can now lock items in a stream in the following additional clients:

  • web client
  • Windows Explorer integration
  • Eclipse integration
  • Visual Studio integration

Improvements to Streams when Merging

When you merge streams the following enhancements have been made:

  • Deleted items and directories are not recreated.
  • Items that have been renamed and/or moved do not revert to their old filenames and locations.
  • Newly created items and directories that do not exist in the stream that you are updating from are not removed.

The stream merge enhancements mentioned above apply to the following clients:

  • Synchronize Wizard (Desktop Client, Windows Explorer and Visual Studio Integration)
  • Eclipse integration
  • DMCLI command line
  • DM command line

Serena-Supplied Runtime RDBMS 11gR2 Release

There is a new Serena-supplied runtime RDBMS 11gR2 release. See the Supported Platforms section for details.

CAUTION! The Windows versions require approximately 11 Gbytes of free space on the disk where they are installed.

Web Services and ALF Events

Web Services and ALF events now support the new deployment functionality.

Eclipse Integration

Enhancements to the Eclipse integration include:

  • Ability to link to the new web client Deployment view
  • Performance improvements
  • Support for WindRiver

Visual Studio Integration

Enhancements to the Visual Studio integration include:

  • Ability to link to the new web client Deployment view
  • Support for VS 2010
  • Performance improvements
  • Enforced pessimistic locking in Dimensions projects
  • Support for “out of project scope” files when opening from Source Control
  • Uncontrolled solutions with controlled projects can now be added to source control

QC integration

Performance improvements (introduced in Dimensions CM 2009R2.02)

Dimensions RM/Dimensions CM integration

Performance improvements (introduced in Dimensions CM 2009R2.02)

Fixed Issues

This section provides detailed information on fixed issues in Dimensions CM.

Fixes in Dimensions CM 12.1.1

For a complete list of fixes in Dimensions CM 12.1.1 consult the following query in the Serena Support Knowledgebase:

Fixes in Dimensions CM

Issues fixed in Dimensions CM were:

  • DEF198895    Cannnot deliver items with Korean symbols to a stream using the Synchronize Tool
  • DEF198939     Multi-view report name that contains non-ASCII characters gets misnamed
  • DEF198941     De-assign project from deployment area fails if project ID has non-ASCII characters
  • DEF198937     Area Assignment dialog changes relative path if it contains non-ASCII characters
  • DEF197509     Javascript fails when setting attribute values
  • DEF199043     Update from stream does not work for a folder with a long Korean name
  • DEF198931     Assign project to deployment area fails if project ID contains ß (eszett) character
  • DEF199440     Update button erroneously present on the Open Baseline dialog's Items tab
  • DEF199571     Run Build on all areas at a stage - fails if stage name has space character
  • DEF199566     Run Build on all areas at a stage - error message on dependencies wizard page
  • DEF198804     Deployment error on Korean Windows
  • DEF198859     Build does not start on Korean Windows
  • DEF198819     Replicator issue with Lock Ownership to this site
  • DEF198630     Scheduled deployment fails when child request contains no items
  • DEF198671     gettargetsV2 crashes if pszStartStage is null under some circumstances
  • DEF199466     Build of multiple areas from UI (desktop and web client) fails to launch
  • ENH198186     Ability to disable workerthread pool to resolve dmpool issues
  • DEF199339     Performance issue during upload of thousands of files into a project
  • DEF199372     Build does not work in root folder
  • DEF198503     Deployment server's log is flooded with messages during large upload to project
  • DEF199569     Build - GetSources error message when sources are not found
  • DEF198885     Demo process model, unable to deliver file

Fixes in Previous Releases of Dimensions CM

For a complete list of fixes in previous releases of Dimensions CM, consult the following query in the Serena Support Knowledgebase:

and select the required category.

Supported Platforms

For details of supported platforms and third party integrations, see the Serena Release Plan for Dimensions CM at:

and select the link for your release.

Agent Platforms with Dimensions Build

Dimensions Build requires an upgrade to the 12.1.1 Agent for mainframe builds, and in one special case for non-mainframe builds.

A 12.1.1 or 12.1 Agent must be installed on the mainframe if build is to be used. Note that the 12.1.1 or 12.1 Agent can be installed and operated alongside older versions of agents on the mainframe.

Generally a 12.1.1 Agent is not required for distributed builds, and older versions can be used. If however a distributed build requires rebuild rules to be established by Dimensions, rather than by another tool such as make or ant, then the 12.1.1 Agent must be installed. This situation would imply that in the tomcat setup file bws\WEB-INF\web.xml, the parameter brd.force.dependencies has the value true. If this is not the case, then the 12.1.1 agent upgrade is not essential.

Virtual Environment Support

Serena recognizes that virtualization technology provides significant utility and value to our customers. As such, Serena conducts functional testing and certifies our products using virtualization technology in addition to native environments. While Serena expects that our products will function properly when running on supported platforms in a virtualized environment as well as a native environment, there may be functional and performance limitations. Serena will not require that customers recreate and troubleshoot every issue in a non-virtualized environment, however there may be circumstances in which such action may be required. Serena will only make this request when there is reason to believe that the virtualized environment is a contributing factor to the issue. If the issue cannot be reproduced in a supported non-virtualized environment, customers will need to refer their issues to their virtualization vendor.

Installation Notes and Issues

Deprecated Features

Serena announces End of Development for Dimensions Connect for Remedy. Customers who still need to use this product should continue to use Dimensions CM 2009 R2.

With Serena's orchestrated ALM strategy, Serena intends to deliver comparable and better ALM - ITSM integration through an orchestrated SBM solution within 12 months.

Installing this Release

For information about installing this release please refer to the following documentation:

  • Serena Dimensions CM 12.1.1 Installation Guide for Windows
  • Serena Dimensions CM 12.1.1 Installation Guide for UNIX

Upgrading Previous Dimensions CM Installations

If you have installed and are using Dimensions CM 10.1.3, 2009 R1, R1.01, or R2, or 12.1, you should run the Dimensions CM 12.1.1 installer to upgrade to this release. The Dimensions CM 12.1.1 installer will upgrade these existing Dimensions CM installations.

If you are doing a client-only upgrade for Solaris however, the installation will fail. You will need to do a fresh install.

Versions of Integrations

The following CM integrations have not been updated for 12.1.1:

  • QualityCenter
  • Dimensions Connect for Remedy
  • Dimensions Connect for SBM

The installer versions provided with the 12.1.1 downloads are the same as the versions that were supplied for 12.1, and these are the versions that should be used for this release.

Upgrading of SSO/CAC Installation from 2009R1

Upgrading from a 2009 R2 installation that had SSO/CAC set up through running the install a second time will cause the following registry key to be missing, which causes the upgrade to 12.1.1 to fail:


The resulting error message that occurs on the upgrade is:

"Error2343. Specified path is empty."

You will need to enter the path [DM_ROOT]\demo in the INSTALL_DemoProductDir registry entry, and rerun the upgrade.

Checking the Presence of the UNIX "uncompress" Utility

Certain Dimensions CM for UNIX installation activities rely on the UNIX uncompress utility and this must be present on the UNIX machine. Most UNIX machines will have this installed as standard, and its presence can be checked with commands such as:

$ which uncompress, $ uncompress -h

If your UNIX machine does not have uncompress installed, your system administrator will need to install it before you can proceed with the installation of Dimensions CM for UNIX.

Upgrading Dimensions Connect for Business Manager (SBM)

You must install the Dimensions Connect for SBM integration code whenever you upgrade the Dimensions server to a new version. For example, if you upgrade the Dimensions server to a new version such as 12.1.1, you must install the 12.1.1 version of Dimensions Connect for SBM as well. If you do not, the integration may not work as expect with supported versions of SBM. For more on installing and using Dimensions Connect for SBM, please see the Dimensions CM Connect for Serena Business Manager User's Guide.

Server Memory Requirements

The following memory is required for a server installation:

  • Minimum: 1 GB
  • Recommended: 3 GB

Roles Required for SQL Server 2008

Before installing Dimensions Server, the following SQL Server roles need to be allocated to the user running the install against SQL Server 2008:

  • public
  • sysadmin

Due to enhanced security on SQL 2008, this will also have to be done for local administrator accounts as there is no longer a BUILTIN\Administrators Login to automatically give you administrative rights on SQL Server.

Shut Down Tomcat Before a Server Upgrade

Serena Software recommends that the Serena Common Tomcat should be explicitly shut down before commencing any Dimensions software upgrade. Unfortunately, the upgrade installer is not able to automate this, so the person doing the upgrade must do it manually. If this is not done, then the Web archive (.war) files used by the upgraded Dimensions CM Web tools may not expand correctly, causing missing files in these tools.

Stopping Dimensions on Windows

When you stop the Dimensions Service on windows, the dmschedule and dmemail processes may continue to run for a period after the other processes have exited. You should ensure that these processes have actually terminated before performing an upgrade or patch installation.

Closing the Microsoft Management Console

On Windows platforms, it is recommended that you make sure that the Microsoft Management Console (i.e. Services, Computer Management, etc.) is closed before starting an installation or upgrade. (This is the option accessed from the Windows Control Panel, or on certain versions of Windows is part of the Control Panel Administrative Tools option.)

Delay After Starting the Installer

On first starting the installation, there may be a delay of up to a minute before the first dialog appears. It may take some time for the installer to process various files in between the appearance of installer screens during the upgrade process.

Unable to Connect to Database

If during the installation, you receive an error message stating that Dimensions CM is unable to connect to the database, but it does not inform you of the reason, check the following:

  • Ensure that you have entered the correct database password, and Oracle DSN if applicable.
  • Ensure that the locally or remotely located RDBMS database used by Dimensions CM is active ("up") by establishing that it is running, or that you can connect to it, for example using standard RDBMS database utilities, such as sqlplus.

For more details, see the section Pre-Installation Tasks and Considerations for your platform in the Installation Guide.

Windows Oracle Installation on Servers with SQL Server

If you are installing this version with SQL Server on Windows, and Oracle was installed on the system at the time of the original Dimensions installation, you will need to remove a registry key before running the installation. To do so, run regedit and remove the key:


Note: Make sure that you back up your registry before making any changes using via Registry | Export Registry File.

Oracle DBA User

It is no longer necessary to use the Oracle SYSTEM user. The installer will prompt the user to enter the Oracle DBA user, which no longer has to be the default value of SYSTEM.

In addition, the following commands no longer require DBA privileges: CRDB, DELV, DLDB, EXPM, GRTV, INCR, INSV, LSGV and REKV

Dimensions Installation with Oracle 10: Service may Fail to Start

When installing 12.1.1 against Oracle 10 as a clean install (not an upgrade) the Dimensions service may fail to start. The workaround is to run:

dmdba upgrade /force

and then restart the listener manually.

Installation Fails if There is no C: Drive (Windows)

The Dimensions CM Windows installer will fail before loading the first window in the install wizard if there is no C: drive on the machine. To work around this problem use the subst command to create a virtual C: drive.

Registry Keys not Deleted During Uninstallation (Windows)

Some Dimensions CM installation-specific information is retained in the registry for reuse on subsequent installations. If you have removed all Dimensions CM products from your system, you may also wish to remove this registry information. To do so, backup your Windows registry, run regedit, and remove the following key and its contents:


UNIX Installer Sometimes Displays Certain Letters in Passwords

The UNIX installer sometimes displays certain letters in passwords. Typically, only one letter is visible. This is a known InstallShield issue. This only affects the on-screen display of passwords during installation. Passwords will not be stored in clear text as a result of the installation.

Checking that the Installation Has Completed

On Windows platforms there is a small possibility that the installation may not in fact have worked even though the installation has appeared to complete successfully. It is recommended that you check that the expected software is listed in the Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs window following the installation. Select the entry (such as Serena Dimensions CM Server) and click on the 'Click here for support information' link to check the version number. 

Error Messages when Uninstalling UNIX Client

If you are uninstalling the UNIX 12.1.1 client from a directory beneath the root directory of the installation that you are uninstalling, you may receive some spurious messages, such as:

/opt/serena/dimensions/12.1/common/tomcat/6.0/conf/server.xml exists on this system and it has been modified since installation. Do you want to remove this file?


rm: cannot determine if this is an ancestor of the current working directory /tmp/istemp495138092221 bash-2.05# id uid=0(root) gid=1(other)

The uninstallation will nevertheless complete successfully and the messages can be ignored. Additionally, the following errors can be safely ignored:

cat: cannot open /tmp/istemp4482139051720/chunk2 , /tmp/istemp4482139051720/chunk1: No such file or directory , /tmp/istemp4482139051720/chunk2: No such file or directory

Upgrading Windows Agent

If you are upgrading a Windows Agent from version 10.1.3, 2009 R1.01, 2009 R2, or 12.1, you must first uninstall the existing agent before installing the 12.1.1 Windows Agent.

Installation Fails if Path Includes Reserved OS Words

If you customize the installation path, do not include reserved operating system terms such as “nul” in the path. Installation will fail in this case.

Upgrading of an Existing SSO/CAC installation

During an upgrade, you will be prompted for various details for your SOS/CAC configuration as you would for a fresh install. These details will be applied to your 12.1.1 installation. If however, you have made any manual edits to the .xml files in your previous installation, those files will be saved in:


You will need to merge/reapply any edits you previously made to these files.

Known Issues

Dimensions CM integration for Remedy issue (DEF198811)

The synchronization service for the Remedy integration is not currently available for CM12.1.1. The approach that should be taken is to use the integration from CM2009R2. Note - the integration requires that a Dimensions CM2009R2 client be installed. The CM12.1.1 client must not be installed on this machine. The CM2009R2 client and Remedy integration are available on the CM2009R2 download site. If you are already running the CM2009R2 Remedy integration no action is necessary. This issue will be addressed in a patch or future release.

Large deployments to many areas fail on first deployment for project after the database upgrade (DEF198537)

This problem only occurs on upgraded databases, not new database installs. The problem is seen only on the first deployment to areas on an upgraded database where hundreds of items are deployed to several tens of areas. The problem is not seen for newly defined areas, or smaller deployments. The workaround is to precede a large first deployment with either:

  • A much smaller first deployment, e.g. update or refactor an item already on each of the areas.


  • To issue the following command from the dmcli client:


    where <project or stream name> should be replaced by the name of the actual project or steam.

Deployment areas recommended to be defined with credentials (DEF198567)

Dimensions CM 12.1.1 now does deployment and build operations in deployment areas asynchronously, so if you intend to use this functionality, you should ensure you define a user name and password (or a credential set) on the deployment areas in question.

Upgrading of User Profiles

The upgrade process does not automatically add the Deployment View to existing user profiles. You will need to add this manually.

Rollback privileges

Access to all roll back operations is controlled through the use of the item roll back privilege. Although they are displayed through the user interface, the roll back request and roll back baseline privileges are not used, and will be ignored. Future releases of Dimensions will provide a single roll back privilege to control access to these operations.

Privilege Caching

To improve performance, Dimensions CM application servers now cache some privilege and role information. In general, this information is refreshed only when an application server is allocated to a session, i.e. on connection or when an idle session is reactivated. If any privilege assignments are updated in the Administration Console, the changes may not take effect during existing client sessions.

In this case, the user will need to restart the client session for the new privilege settings to apply. This behavior can be changed by setting certain variables in the file. For further details, see the Administrator's Guide.

Default Grant Rules for Download Files from Project Privilege (ENH143377)

When you create a new base database, the default grant rules for the Update Files from Project/Stream and Deliver Files into Project/Stream privileges include the "User holds any role on the product owning the object" rule. As a result, there is a security issue where certain users are able to download and upload files from any project in the product including those to which they should not have access. To correct this, you must remove the "User holds any role on the product owning the object" rule from the grant rules for "Update Files from Project/Stream" and "Deliver Files into Project/Stream" privileges.

Spurious Message on Log In Page on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit (DEF203197)

When you open the web client or Administration Console on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit you will see the following message on the Log In page:

“The operating system type that your web browser is using (Windows Server 2008 R2) is not supported and may cause this web application work incorrectly. Please use a supported operating system type (AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris or a supported Windows version).”

The application will however function normally, and this message can be ignored.


There is a new variable that can be specified in the DM.CFG file that has not been documented in the Administrator’s Guide:


Including this parameter forces the Dimensions CM server to specify its fully qualified domain name in certificates that it passes to remote nodes.

Compiler Versions for Sample Trigger Events (DEF11517)

There are a number of examples provided for the Dimensions CM Events Callout Interface. These are described in Chapter 5 of the Developer’s Reference.

The compiler versions that are needed need to build triggers with the examples are as follows:
  • AIX: XL C/C++ for AIX, V11.1 (

  • HPUX ia64: HP C/aC++ A.6.16

  • Linux RH64: GCC 3.4.6 (20060404)

  • Solaris: Sun C/C++ for SunOS-Sparc U5.10 (2009/06/03)

  • Win32: (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  • Win64: (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for x64Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Merging Items in the Visual Studio Rich Integration

With certain types of directory structures where solutions have individual work area metadata and are not under a higher level work area, using the item Merge option may result in the merged file being incorrectly shown as moved. To correct this, you may need to reopen the solutions from source control.

Visual Studio Menu Options

You may find that after you have restarted Visual Studio following a crash, Source Control operations are not present in the menus for a controlled solution after loading the solution.

In this case, the "Set Repository Bindings" menu option on the solution should be used to reinstate the bindings and re-enable source control.

Error Opening Help from VSIP with .NET 4.0 installed

An exception occurs when the online help is opened from VSIP when .NET Framework 4.0 only is installed. This is related to the issue described in:

The help does work correctly with .NET Framework 3.5 and all the patches applied.

The problem can be overcome by editing the application config file and adding <supportedRuntime> elements as described in the above article for versions 2.0, 3.5, and 4.0, in that order.

Adding a Project to an Existing Visual Studio Controlled Solution

In certain circumstances, after adding projects to Visual Studio solutions that are already under source control, you must exit and restart Visual Studio before attempting to open and work with the modified solution. This is necessary any time the solution root has changed and therefore the solution source control bindings have been recalculated. It is also advisable to re-open the solution from source control to recreate the Dimensions metadata to match the new layout.

Adding Web Projects to Source Control in Visual Studio

Before adding Web projects to source control in Visual Studio, make sure that the project contains some content. Do not attempt to add an empty Web project to source control.

Dimensions for Eclipse running as “root” on Linux

Do not use the “root” account to run Eclipse with the Dimensions for Eclipse integration if you are using Dimensions Projects. This causes issues with file permissions. It is recommended to always use a non-root account to run Eclipse.

Installing Dimensions for Eclipse into RAD and Eclipse

Before installing the new version of the rich integration to Eclipse IDEs, uninstall any previous versions. After uninstalling, ensure that the following directory has been removed:

<Dimensions installation location>\Integrations\RichEclipse3.x

The Dimensions 12.1.1 integration will be installed to a different location.

Remedy Integration Installer Issue

Remedy installation does not work correctly because the following file is set to read-only:


Make this file writable before installing in order to work around this issue.

z/OS: Dimensions Agent Messaging

To turn off many of the mainframe agent’s messages during startup, set the following variable in MDHTDCFG:

Some Date/Time formats not working for Deploy Start Time (DEF201710)

The parameter /DEPLOY_START_TIME for deployment-related dmcli commands is not accepting two of the formats for date/time that should be valid.

These formats are:

  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS[.sss]Z

Deployment ALF Events and Web Services Now Contain Job IDs

ALF Events and Web services for Deployments now contain Job IDs. This is not currently documented in the ALF Events Reference or the Web Services Reference.

ALF events for the Submit Deploy Baseline/Item/Request commands now contain a returned Deployment Job Identifier in EventNotice\Base\ObjectId.

The web services:

  • submitDeployBaselines,
  • submitDeployItems
  • submitDeployRequests

contain a new boolean parameter:

returnSubmittedDeploymentJobs (true/false).

If true, submitDeployRequestsResponse now includes a “deploymentJobs” array. This array contains Deployment Job Identifiers (deploymentJobUID) and Types of Deployment Jobs (jobType) for all deployment operations that were initiated during the execution of the web service.