Serena® Dimensions® CM 10.1.3 Release Notes

This file contains information about new features in Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.3. It also contains information about the defects corrected (against their Serena internal defect numbers) for this release. See the relevant sections below.

This release includes all the fixes that were present in the and 10.1.2 patch releases to Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.1.

See the Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.1 Readme and Release Notes for information about the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 release.

To view defects corrected in previous releases, visit the Serena Support Web site at

For late-breaking information, see the accompanying Readme HTML document.

Table of Contents

1.0 Startup Documents

2.0 What's New in Dimensions CM 10.1.3

2.1 Client Enhancements

2.2 Integrations

2.3 Migrations

2.4 Web Services API and ALF Events

2.5 Schedule Jobs

2.6 Scheduling of Deployment

2.7 Dimensions Build

2.8 Dimensions for z/OS

2.9 Dimensions Server Enhancements

2.10 Other Enhancements

3.0 What's Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.3

3.1 Administration Console

3.2 Baseline Management

3.3 Build

3.4 Change Management

3.5 Connection Pooling

3.6 DBA

3.7 Desktop Client

3.8 IDE Integrations

3.9 Installation

3.10 Integrations

3.11 Merge

3.12 Networking

3.13 Release Management

3.14 Replicator

3.15 Version Management

3.16 Web Client

3.17 z/OS Support

3.18 Other Defects Fixed

4.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM 10.1.2

4.1 General Usability Enhancements

4.2 General Performance Improvements

4.3 Authentication

4.4 Build and Make

4.5 Integrations

4.6 Supported Platforms 

4.7 Guide for Optimizing WAN Development

5.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.2

5.1 Administration Console

5.2 General Client Issues

5.3 Desktop Client

5.4 Web Client

5.5 Integrations

5.6 Dimensions Build

5.7 Dimensions for z/OS

5.8 Synchronize Wizard

5.9 Privileges and Roles

5.10 Installation/Upgrading

5.11 Server Issues

5.12 Other Defects Fixed or Enhancements Made

6.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM

6.1 Enhancement to Synchronize Wizard

6.2 Requirement Titles now Displayed in Desktop and Web Client

6.3 Performance Enhancements in the Desktop Client

7.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM

7.1 Desktop Client

7.2 Web Client

7.3 Integrations

7.4 Dimensions Build

7.5 Other Defects Fixed

8.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements


To Top

1.0 Startup Documents

The following startup documents are available from the Serena Support Website:

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2.0 What's New in Dimensions CM 10.1.3

2.1 Client Enhancements

New Client Reporting Tool

There is new client reporting functionality that replaces and augments the query features available in the desktop client and web client in previous releases. These functions also supersede the Command Center reporting features as the main reporting tool in Dimensions CM.

See the Serena Dimensions CM User's Guide for further details.

Support for Refactoring

There is now the following support for refactoring changes (rename, move, or removal of items or folders within a project):

You can also view the history of refactoring changes related to a request in a new tab in the Request History dialogs. This is available in the desktop client, web client, and Eclipse integration.

Enhancements to Synchronize Wizard

The summary page of the Synchronize wizard has been improved to make it easier to identify what actions will take place when the user clicks the Synchronize button. Actions that may not be what the user intended are noted with descriptions of their potential consequences.

Windows Vista Support

Windows Vista is supported on the following clients and IDEs:

2.2 Integrations

Support for Optimistic Locking in Visual Studio

The Visual Studio integration now has an optimistic checkout mode, where new item revisions are created when checking in rather than when checking out.

Other IDE Enhancements

There have been the following enhancements to the Dimensions CM IDE integrations:

CM/RM Integration

The following enhancements have been made to the Dimensions CM/RM integration:




for example:


The following commands have been enhanced to handle this new format:


This has also resulted in changes to the desktop and web client to include additional requirement specification fields (principally in the Find dialog box).

2.3 Migrations

Starting with Dimensions CM 10.1.3, you can migrate your CVS repository to Dimensions CM. Using the Dimensions Migration console, you can map your directories, tags, and branches to Dimensions CM projects, baselines, and attributes. You can also optionally migrate your user information from CVS to Dimensions. For detailed information, please see the Serena Dimensions CM Migration Guide for CVS.

Performance and stability has been significantly improved for the Dimensions Migration Console.

2.4 Web Services API and ALF Events

With the Serena Dimensions CM Web services API (Application Programming Interface) and Dimensions CM ALF (Application Lifecycle Framework) events you can access Dimensions CM features for Use with Serena Business Mashups and Web applications. See the Web Services API Developer's Guide for further details. Detailed HTML documentation for the Dimensions CM ALF events is available for download, as a zip or tar file, from the Serena Support Web site from the same area as the rest of the Dimensions CM documentation.

The following Web services are available:

Dimensions CM generates ALF events on the following actions:

2.5 Schedule Jobs

The schedule jobs functionality allows Dimensions CM users to schedule the execution of any CM command or set of commands. Moreover, this scheduling can be programmed to repeat, executing specified commands at preset intervals. Each schedule job can contain a list of commands.

The following CLI commands have been introduced to manage schedule jobs:

A new privilege, Manage Schedule Jobs, has been added to the Administration privileges to control the access to other user’s schedule jobs.

The scheduling functionality is highly configurable, and can be completely disabled should you wish to reduce server load. For further details, see the Serena Dimensions CM Administrator's Guide.

2.6 Scheduling of Deployment

The desktop and web clients provide the ability to schedule the deployment of items, requests, or baselines. The Deploy dialog boxes now include calendar controls to enable you to enter scheduling information to create a schedule job for the deployment. The commands for managing scheduled jobs can also be used to manage scheduled deployments.

2.7 Dimensions Build

The following Enhancements have been made in Dimensions Build:

2.8 Dimensions for z/OS

The following enhancements have been made to Dimensions for z/OS:

2.9 Dimensions Server Enhancements

The following server enhancements have been made:

2.10 Other Enhancements

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3.0 What's Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.3

3.1 Administration Console

3.2 Baseline Management

3.3 Build

3.4 Change Management

3.5 Connection Pooling

3.6 DBA

3.7 Desktop Client

3.8 IDE Integrations

3.9 Installation

3.10 Integrations

3.11 Merge

3.12 Networking

3.13 Release Management

3.14 Replicator

3.15 Version Management

3.16 Web Client

3.17 z/OS Support

3.18 Other Defects Fixed

To Top

4.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM 10.1.2

4.1 General Usability Enhancements

CM Rules Selectable by Project

There is now the option to choose how CM Rules take effect for a specific project. The default option for new projects of a particular type can be set in the Administration Console | Object Type Definitions | CM Rules section. This option can also be set for a specific project in the web client and desktop client. This means that you can choose one of the following options for a project:

Merging Items on Check In in the Desktop Client

Dimensions CM can now be configured to determine whether an item has any leaf revisions that need to be merged, and prompt the user with a number of options when they are checking in or updating an item in the desktop client and Dimensions CM has detected a conflict. The user will have a choice of actions to take, including to merge the work file with the version in the repository (invoking the file merge tool) or to check their file in as the tip revision. For full details, see the Dimensions CM User's Guide.

The option to perform this check can be set on the Dimensions CM server using the parameter (DM_DISABLE_BRANCH_CHECKINS) in the dm.cfg file. Setting this option will force all users to merge their changes with the tip revision in the repository. If this has not been set for the server, users of the desktop client can also choose to set this option in the Preferences dialog.

Default Design Part

A Dimensions CM user can now set a default design part for a project. This is used as the default owning design part for new items, requests, design parts, and baselines that are created by that user when working in the context of that project. This is available in:

Enhancements to Desktop Client

The following enhancements have been made to the desktop client:

See the Dimensions CM User's Guide for full details.

Enhancements to Synchronize Wizard

See the Dimensions CM User's Guide for full details.

Printing Requests

There is now an option in the desktop client and web client to easily print a request including its expanded browse template.

Purging Library Cache Areas

The new PLCA command enables you to remove all files from a library cache area. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.

SCWS Command /USERS qualifier

The SCWS command now accepts a /USERS= qualifier. Using this option requires the privilege ADMIN_USERMAN

This new qualifier will accept both user and group ids. For example, to change the project settings for all users defined in the group "uk_users":

scws repx:repx4 /users=(uk_users) -

/dir="d:\temp\user4" /USER_BRANCH="4" -



This example will expand the group "uk_users" into its constituent user ids and iterate through those user ids updating the project settings for each in turn.

Note that if, at a later date, a new user is added to the group "uk_users", this new user will not inherit the project settings defined above. You would need to issue a specific SCWS command for the new user to update their project settings accordingly. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.

Enhancements to SET Command

There is a new option available for the SET command:


Sets or displays the end-of-line handling mode for the current connection that will be used when getting text files over the current connection. 

For example:

Also, all Dimensions commands that result in files being gotten from item libraries (DOWNLOAD, ECDI, EI, FBI, FCDI, FI, FWI, REL) have been enhanced with a /EOL qualifier that takes one of the following values - WINDOWS, UNIX, DEFAULT, UNCHANGED - and allows the user to specify the end-of-line mode for the duration of the command only.

Note that these changes are not yet documented in the Command-Line Reference.

4.2 General Performance Improvements

WAN Performance Improvements

There have been a number of performance enhancements when using Dimensions CM over a WAN (Wide Area Network):

Upload and Download Commands

The performance when using the Upload and Download commands has been improved by only querying the privileges Download Files from Project, Upload Files into Project and Download Files from Baseline once in a transaction.

Mainframe Performance Improvement

General mainframe performance has been improved through the addition of a metadata server and the caching of commonly used DD names. For further details, see the Dimensions for z/OS User’s and Administrator's Guide.

4.3 Authentication

OS Password Change in Dimensions CM Clients

In addition to Windows servers, users can now also change their password from Dimensions CM Clients for UNIX servers, provided that LDAP is enabled on the server.

Support for PAM

For Solaris servers, Dimensions CM now provides support for user authentication via a Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM):

Authentication is via username and password only. This connection method is available from all supported Dimensions CM Clients to a supported Solaris server.

For further details, see the Administrator's Guide.

Credential Sets

Prior to this release, each Dimensions CM work or deployment area required a set of credentials (operating-system user-id and password) stored against it to be used for any operations performed against that area. When a password expired or changed with respect to a given user-id, the user had to search out the areas using that set of credentials and update them appropriately.

To facilitate managing credential sets, user-id and password information is now available as a separately managed object which can maintained centrally and assigned out as needed.

The following commands are available to manage credential sets:

For further details, see the Administrator's Guide.

Using dmcli to connect to remote UNIX Dimensions CM servers without specifying a password

Dimensions CM now allows dmcli to use rhosts(5) authentication when connecting to a remote server. Because this method of authentication is considered too insecure for use in most environments, the feature must be explicitly enabled by specifying:


in the dm.cfg file on the server. Furthermore, the client environment must have the same variable defined, either as an environment variable or in the dm.cfg file. 

Please note the following constraints:

4.4 Build and Make

Dimensions Build

The following features have been added to Dimensions Build version 10.1.2. For further details, see the Dimensions CM Build Tools User's Guide.

The following build options have been added to the Build Request, Build Item, Build Baseline, and Build Project panels:

For further details, see the Dimensions for z/OS User's and Administrator's Guide.

Dimensions CM Make

Dimensions CM Make now provides the ability to generate an XML bill-of-materials suitable for use with Dimensions Builder. In this mode, the Dimensions CM database is not accessed directly by Make - Builder is responsible for populating the build area before the build and collecting build outputs once the build is complete.

To use this feature, specify the --xml-bom[=bom-file-name] option on the command line for dm_make, dm_nmake or adg. If no bom-file-name is specified, the default is bom.xml.

4.5 Integrations

New Third-Party Integrations 

The following integrations are now supported:

Selection Wizards Added to Visual Studio

There are Selection wizards now available in the Visual Studio integration to enable you to select objects in certain situations. These are available for Items, Requests, Baselines, and Design Parts. For details, see the Dimensions CM for Visual Studio User's Guide.

Historical Transitions Support in TeamTrack Integration

There is now support for historical transitions in the TeamTrack Dimensions integration. When multiple transitions have occurred between runs of the synchronization, the history of the intermediate transitions is applied in Dimensions CM.

4.6 Supported Platforms 

The Dimensions CM 10.1.2 Agent for Red Hat Linux ES 4.0 on 32-bit platforms can also be installed on following newly supported 64-bit platform (Agent installation only): 


4.7 Guide for Optimizing WAN Development

A new user guide is being added to the documentation set. It is called Dimensions CM Optimizing WAN Development and is available from the Serena Support Web site. This guide contains recommendations and suggestions for optimizing the use and performance of Dimensions CM over a Wide Area Network.

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5.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.2

5.1 Administration Console

5.2 General Client Issues

5.3 Desktop Client

5.4 Web Client

5.5 Integrations

5.6 Dimensions Build

5.7 Dimensions for z/OS

5.8 Synchronize Wizard

5.9 Privileges and Roles

5.10 Installation/Upgrading

5.11 Server Issues

5.12 Other Defects Fixed or Enhancements Made

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6.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM

6.1 Enhancement to Synchronize Wizard

The Options fields for request and design part in the Synchronize Wizard now have a browse button to enable you to select the required object. Clicking the browse button displays a selection wizard. The first page enables you to enter selection criteria for the request or design part. The second page displays the matching list, from which you can select a request or design part with which to populate the field.

6.2 Requirement Titles now Displayed in Desktop and Web Client

The Dimension CM desktop and web clients now display the "Title" attribute for Dimensions RM Requirements.

Note: If using Dimensions RM requirements, all Dimensions Clients and Servers must be updated with this patch.

6.3 Performance Enhancements in the Desktop Client

There have been a number of performance enhancements when using the desktop client over a WAN (Wide Area Network).

To Top

7.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM

7.1 Desktop Client

7.2 Web Client

7.3 Integrations

7.4 Dimensions Build

7.5 Other Defects Fixed

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8.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements

Copyright © 1988-2008 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Serena. Any reproduction of such software product user documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification.

This document contains proprietary and confidential information, and no reproduction or dissemination of any information contained herein is allowed without the express permission of Serena Software.
The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Serena. Serena assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.


Serena, TeamTrack, StarTool, PVCS, Collage, Comparex, Dimensions, RTM, Change Governance, and ChangeMan are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, Dimensions, Professional, Version Manager, Builder, Meritage, Command Center, Composer, Reviewer, Mariner, and Mover are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc.
All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

U.S. Government Rights
Any Software product acquired by Licensee under this Agreement for or on behalf of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities is "commercial software" as defined by the FAR. Use, duplication, and disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in the license under which the Software was acquired. The manufacturer is Serena Software, Inc., 1900 Seaport Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Redwood City, California 94063-5587.

This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (

This product includes software developed by Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon University (

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

CONTAINS IBM(R) 32-bit Runtime Environment for AIX(TM), Java(TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 Modules

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2002. All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper 

Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Expat maintainers. 

Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation.

Portions of this Software are derived from IBM Corporation Sample Programs. Copyright © IBM Corp., 2002, 2006. All rights reserved.

Optional Oracle components embedded in Dimensions are also subject to the following Copyright Notices:

Copyright © 2003-2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.


Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

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End of Release Notes