Serena® Dimensions® CM 10.1.3 Release Notes
This file contains information about new features in Serena Dimensions CM
10.1.3. It also contains information about the defects corrected (against their
Serena internal defect numbers) for this release. See the relevant sections below.
This release includes all the fixes that were present in the and 10.1.2
patch releases to Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.1.
See the Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.1 Readme and Release Notes for information
about the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 release.
To view defects corrected in previous releases, visit the Serena Support Web site at
For late-breaking information, see the accompanying Readme HTML document.
Table of Contents
To Top
1.0 Startup Documents
The following startup documents are available from the Serena
Support Website:
- Upgrading to Dimensions CM 10.1.3
- Introduction to Serena Dimensions CM
- Serena Dimensions CM Installation Guide
- Serena Dimensions Installation Quick Start Guide
- Roadmap file
Return to Contents
2.0 What's New in Dimensions CM 10.1.3
2.1 Client Enhancements
New Client Reporting Tool
There is new client reporting functionality that replaces and augments the query features available in the desktop client and web client in previous releases. These functions also supersede the Command Center reporting features as the main reporting tool in Dimensions CM.
- There are now graphical and tabular client reports as well as straightforward listing client reports. You can also dynamically drill down into the data underlying a column chart, pie chart or distribution table.
- As well as reports with a fixed query underlying them, you can also use contextual information from the client, such as the current user or current project, in a report's filtering criteria. You can also have a filtering criterion based on a parameter entered by the user at the time the report is run.
- Report results can be exported and the reports themselves can be made public so that other users can run them. Users can also add the public or private reports that they find most useful to a favorites list for easy access to them.
- Web client reports are supported for baselines, items, requests, and
- Desktop client reports are also supported for the above, and additionally for customers, design parts, and secondary requests.
See the Serena Dimensions CM User's Guide for further details.
Support for Refactoring
There is now the following support for refactoring changes (rename, move, or removal of items or folders within a project):
- Refactoring changes can be tracked using a request. You can now record all refactoring changes against a request. The CLI commands AIWS, CWSD, DWSD, MWSD,
RIWS, and SWF now accept a request list as an optional parameter. Dialog boxes in the web client and desktop client that involve refactoring operations now have an additional field for the user to supply request IDs to track these changes.
- The requirement to specify a request when making refactoring changes can be enforced on a per project basis.
- The CRB (Create Revised Baseline) command has been enhanced to support refactoring changes.
This means that when requests that have been used to track refactoring
changes are included in the list of update requests, those
refactoring changes will be applied to the baseline.
- If you do not wish the CRB command to apply refactoring changes, you can
set a parameter in the DM.CFG file, "DM_USE_OLD_CRB
true", that will restore the pre 10.1.3 behavior. This means that the CRB command will only process item revisions related in response to the update
requests, and not apply any refactoring changes tracked by those requests.
- The CRB, DPB, DPI, and DPR commands now have a report file parameter,
enabling you to generate a report of the resulting updates without actually
performing them.
- Refactoring changes can be deployed using:
Deployment of a request or baseline containing refactoring changes will result in the associated deployment areas being updated to be consistent with
those changes.
- The project merge tool has been enhanced to show refactoring changes and identify any resulting conflicts. It is able to distinguish between real item changes and changes resulting from moves or changes in a parent folder.
You can also view the history of refactoring changes related to a request in a new tab in the Request History dialogs. This is available in the desktop client, web client, and Eclipse integration.
Enhancements to Synchronize Wizard
The summary page of the Synchronize wizard has been improved to make it easier to identify what actions will take place when the user clicks the Synchronize button. Actions that may not be what the user intended are noted with descriptions of their potential consequences.
Windows Vista Support
Windows Vista is supported on the following clients and IDEs:
- Desktop client
- Web client
- Windows Explorer plug-in
- Synchronize wizard
- Visual Studio 2005
- Visual Studio 2008
- Eclipse 3.3
Support for Optimistic Locking in Visual Studio
The Visual Studio integration now has an optimistic checkout mode, where new item revisions are created when checking in rather than when checking out.
Other IDE Enhancements
There have been the following enhancements to the Dimensions CM IDE integrations:
- SCC and the Rich Eclipse integrations now obey CM Rules based on the state of the item.
- The Eclipse integration now displays structure change history for a request.
- The Eclipse integration now allows comment reuse.
- There is now a silent installer for the Eclipse integration.
CM/RM Integration
The following enhancements have been made to the Dimensions CM/RM integration:
- For a requirement in a Dimensions CM or RM baseline, a request is now related to a specific version of that requirement, and that version cannot be changed.
- To enable versioning of RM requirements in CM, the CM requirement specification has been enhanced from
its 10.1.2 form
for example:
The following commands have been enhanced to handle this new format:
This has also resulted in changes to the desktop and web client to include additional requirement specification fields (principally in the Find dialog box).
2.3 Migrations
Starting with Dimensions CM 10.1.3, you can migrate your CVS repository to Dimensions CM. Using the Dimensions Migration console, you can map your directories, tags, and branches to Dimensions CM projects, baselines, and attributes. You can
also optionally migrate your user information from CVS to Dimensions. For detailed information, please see the Serena Dimensions CM Migration Guide for CVS.
Performance and stability has been significantly improved for the Dimensions Migration Console.
2.4 Web Services API and ALF Events
With the Serena Dimensions CM Web services API (Application Programming Interface) and Dimensions CM ALF (Application Lifecycle Framework)
events you can access Dimensions CM features for Use with Serena Business
Mashups and Web applications. See the Web Services API Developer's Guide for further details. Detailed HTML documentation for the Dimensions CM ALF events is available for download, as a zip or tar file, from the Serena Support Web site from the same area as the rest of the Dimensions CM documentation.
The following Web services are available:
- Create Request
- Get Request Details
- Action Request
- Deploy Request
- Delegate Request
- Update Request
- Delegate Request for Replication
- Create Project
- Create Design Part.
Dimensions CM generates ALF events on the following actions:
- Item check out
- Item undo check out
- Item check in
- Create item
- Action Request.
Schedule Jobs
The schedule jobs functionality allows Dimensions CM users to schedule the execution of any
CM command or set of commands. Moreover, this scheduling can be programmed to repeat, executing specified commands at preset intervals. Each schedule job can contain a list of
The following CLI commands have been introduced to manage schedule jobs:
- CSJ - Create Schedule Job
- ESJ - Edit Schedule Job
- DSJ - Delete Schedule Job
- LSJ - List Schedule Jobs
- RCSJ - Relate Command to Schedule Job
- UCSJ - Unrelate Command from Schedule Job
- RSJ - Run Schedule Job
- CNSJ - Cancel Schedule Job
- VLSJ – View Log of Schedule Job
A new privilege, Manage Schedule Jobs, has been added to the Administration privileges to control the access to other user’s schedule jobs.
The scheduling functionality is highly configurable, and can be completely disabled should you
wish to reduce server load. For further details, see the Serena Dimensions CM Administrator's Guide.
2.6 Scheduling of Deployment
The desktop and web clients provide the ability to schedule the deployment of items, requests, or baselines. The Deploy dialog boxes now include calendar controls to enable you to enter scheduling information to create a schedule job for the deployment. The commands for managing scheduled jobs can also be used to manage scheduled deployments.
2.7 Dimensions Build
The following Enhancements have been made in Dimensions Build:
- There have been performance improvements for build messaging between the build server and build
- There have been improvements to prevent rebuilds occurring as items are promoted though the global stage lifecycle by keeping metadata about the previous build with the item as it is promoted.
- Client sessions are freed sooner after launching a build and the progress of pre-build tasks can be viewed in the standard build progress log. Asynchronous build launch capabilities are now provided in order to free up client sessions sooner. More of the pre-build processes (file transfer, clean script execution, pbem launch, etc) will now be executed after the build log URL has been generated and returned to the client session.
- The build search path passed in the Build Request Definition (BRD) has been modified to only contain disk areas on the current build machine based on logical node.
- Support has been added to spread out load balancing across multiple build servers. The primary build server will optionally use a round-robin method for assigning a build server to handle the current build request. Please note that this is for the build server that handles messaging and interaction with the Dimensions Server. It does not apply to the build agent where a remote build is actually being executed.
2.8 Dimensions for z/OS
The following enhancements have been made to Dimensions for z/OS:
- You can execute clean-up scripts on the mainframe and view the output log from the build progress log.
- The footprint functionality has been extended in this release to provide the ability to footprint target items from a build. This is done by generating a tag on the load module that corresponds to a footprint document in the Dimensions repository. This new XML document contains dependency information for all of the items produced during the build job.
- The z/OS install logic has been changed to no longer use ADRDSSU. This removes some restrictions on how the naming of the target data sets is done so that installations where there is a common hlq is easier. Also, the use of the DMSYS user ID is no longer critical.
- Starting messages for the z/OS listener can now be issued on an exceptions-only basis. Also, there are more checks at start up to ensure that the environment is correct. These include checking that the region size is adequate and that the local time variable for Dimensions is set consistently with the system time.
- The z/OS listener now supports dumping to SYSMDUMP data sets, rather than CEEDUMPS. This improves the quality of dumps received by Serena Support, and reduces system overheads when dumping.
2.9 Dimensions Server Enhancements
The following server enhancements have been made:
- Login certificates issued by REXEC are now cleaned-up after use.
- Placeholder items can now be used in deployment areas. This is especially useful for capturing build item dependencies without physically collecting all files used in the build.
- Area filters now allow the filtering of items by design part.
2.10 Other Enhancements
- You can now delete project folders recursively in the desktop client and
web client. You can also optionally remove the items in those folders from
the project when
deleting those folders.
- Custom tools in the desktop client can now be placed anywhere on the pulldown
or popup menus by using the Menus/Toolbar tab of the Customize dialog box.
- The CLI interface has been extended to support reporting of merge conflicts via the LWC
(List Project Conflicts) command.
- The CLI interface has been enhanced to accept the default request identifier of $DEFAULT for all request-based
commands where the default request is the missing parameter. A default request refers to the user's preferred working request that they define.
- The following published views have been added:
- pcms_workset_structure_history: This view provides details on structure changes that have occurred against a Dimensions
CM project.
- pcms_workset_branches - project version branch names
This view lists the valid version branch names for a project.
Return to Contents
3.0 What's Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.3
3.1 Administration Console
- 50201 It was possible to create a single-state lifecycle with an off-normal state/transition.
- 51196 Dimension was not checking to ensure that CM rules were not being enabled on a single state lifecycle.
- 51287 The Role Assignments window was not refreshing its data correctly when the product had been changed.
- 51310 A user without a role on the lifecycle for a request was prevented from saving it as held (draft) without entering all required attributes.
- 51314 The Administration Console was displaying the validation group name when it should have displayed the valid set name.
- 51319 Some optional fields were marked as mandatory there were inconsistencies in some text displays.
- 51361 When copying users with role assignments for projects, a message was incorrectly displayed "The Product_id for the Work Set and the product_id for the design-part must be the same".
- 55698 The auto-population of attribute values using a multi-column valid
set, was not correctly limiting the values in the remaining attributes when a default value was specified for the first attribute.
- 55770 The lifecycle "used by" display in Object Type Definitions was only showing usage within the current product instead of
across products.
- 55783 A Javascript error "Unexpected operands" was occurring when creating attributes for requests.
- 73279 When defining lifecycles, the pending option was not grayed out for a single state lifecycle.
- 73554 It was not possible to set CM rules for a request state had an accent in its name.
- 51175 The Administration Console has been enhanced so that it checks that an attribute name is not an Oracle reserved word.
- 77328 Creating users via the Administration Console on Linux was causing the window to hang.
- 81400 Dimensions was not checking for existing role assignments before allowing a design part to be deleted.
- 82592 With $GENERIC selected as the current product, role assignments viewed on another product could not be edited properly.
- 82819 The Edit Data Format dialog box in the Administration Console was not behaving correctly.
- 83083 It was possible to create new relationship names called "Information" and "Dependent", thus duplicating those already in the database.
- 84269 When updating an attribute rule for a design part from the Administration Console, the edit button did not allow any update to the existing rule. An error message was displayed "Error: Invalid attribute: Attribute name must be specified".
- 85232 The list of all Baselines using a template contained duplicate baseline entries.
- 85301 The Auto Complete function in the web client and Administration Console login page was not working correctly.
- 87383 An error "cannot find correct selection value" message was occurring when editing a design part attribute.
- 88699 Deleting a MM block attribute in one product resulted in the ungrouping its SM attributes it in other products.
- 89105 An error was occurring when trying to delete a backward transition from a state when there were requests at that state.
- 89886 There was a problem when adding a report file to a report definition.
- 90249 When creating an item or request template with the template revision set to "-" no error message was displayed, the template was inserted in the database the template list would not subsequently display the templates.
- 90339 When creating a new product based on an existing one, delegated role assignments were being copied to the new product.
- 94289 It was not possible to action requests with a leadership role after CM Rules had been disabled.
- 96582 There was a problem exporting/importing request templates when using SQL Server.
- 77294 The text report for role assignments by design part was showing the roles for the product that was selected on the status bar instead of the product selected in the main
- 78271 After creating several design parts, switching between the General and Attribute tabs was
resulting in a
"NullPointerException" error.
- 78292 Creating a second Lifecycle state for a single-state lifecycle and then deleting it
resulted in the first state becoming off-normal.
- 79401 There was a problem deleting or editing an item type to item type relationship name after one of the item types had been deleted.
- 79697 In the Role Assignments tab of Role Definitions the base database name was displayed in the heading instead of the product.
- 80737 When adding a new lifecycle image, selecting the "Default image?" check box did not result in the image becoming the new default.
- 106012 The Properties option was not displayed in the Edit Lifecycle dialog box.
- 106413 Phase information was not displayed in the initial lifecycle screen.
- 106672 An attribute rule could not be defined as both optional and required
- 108170 Manually installing the native components broke the link to the merge tool
- 109422 Actioning a project only showed the $ALL role, even if there were different roles set up against different attributes on that transition.
- 111071 In the Edit Area dialog box it was not possible to edit the network node if the area was used by a build configuration.
- 111529 If you selected the Keep Open option in the New Transition dialog box, underscores in lifecycle state names were replaced with
- 111606 It was not possible to delete workset_manager roles after a project was deleted.
- 112647 Updates to assigned Users/Groups & Area Owners were not preserved if the work area was in use.
- 114892 On Red Hat Linux ES4, when adding a new attribute in the Assign Attribute dialog box, it was not possible to scroll down the Name list.
- 115548 The Display Order was set to 'null' when editing Change Document attributes.
- 124632 Swedish characters in the User IDs field were not displayed correctly in the Edit Group dialog box.
- 124641 It was not possible to rename a User ID and then modify a Group in the Edit User dialog box.
- 129135 If you created a Deployment area with a filter, the filter was removed when you opened the area in the Edit Area dialog box.
- 138834 The FORMAT attribute is no longer used to filter deployment areas.
3.2 Baseline Management
- 55288 When a baseline type had a single state lifecycle Dimensions was allowing any user to create a baseline.
- 55344 Actioning items in a baseline was failing with an error when the revision portion of the item specification was more that 10 characters.
- 55453 The dmcli REL command to UNIX was always causing the
/NOEXPAND option to be written to the release file.
- 55569 The history of requests used to remove items from revised baselines was not being stored in some previous releases.
- 83064 The DBL command did not remove a baseline that contained trailing spaces in the name.
- 83912 Creating a revised baseline resulted in an empty project directory being removed if it was at the bottom of the directory structure.
- 127041 The CRB command only created directories that contained baselined files and ignored empty directories.
- 138066 When a file was removed from a baselined project, and a new baseline was then created, it was not possible to deploy the original baseline to the next stage.
- 139556 The CBL /BASELINE command does not traverse if the top level request does not qualify.
- 139735 Library cache areas should be updated when getting a baseline. All items in the baseline should be copied to the library cache.
- 142207 Issues may arise when you attempt to add baselines as subprojects when baselines you previously added as subprojects have since been deleted.
- 109769 An SQL error was displayed when trying to create a baseline using a baseline template with the setting LIFECYCLE STATE to *BUILT.
3.3 Build
- 134024 When you use the Import Wizard to load a build script into a build configuration, the script is not found if you attempt to import it from within the Dimensions repository. The build script is found when it is loaded from the file system.
- 138909 The following error appears even though builds appear to complete successfully:
"Current build progress for build job <number>: FAILURE".
- 141416 Dimensions Build does not recognize sources and build targets at different deployment stages.
- 141427 "In Dimensions Build, builds fail with the following error:
"Current build progress for build job 0: FAILURE ".
3.4 Change Management
- 55233 There was a problem where request emails were not being displayed in the correct format when there was more than one pending user.
- 55277 The BC command when using /filename and /attachments parameters was saving the attachment in the user file instead of the expanded request.
- 55408 There was missing information in request templates under certain circumstances.
- 55500 If a request template contained 'xt%' as the last characters, browsing the request from the desktop client resulted in a message saying that the session has expired.
- 55523 PDIFF was not recreating the correct update date for a request.
- 55879 It was possible for a user to be able to update all attributes for a request when they should not have had the role to update them.
- 72390 An error message was being displayed when changing relationships for a request if there were no pending users for the previous transition.
- 73814 Special characters in the names of file attachments were causing an error when browsing requests.
- 74530 Time stamps for Requests were inconsistent because the UPDATE_DATE and ACTION_DATE values for a
request are stored in a different way.
- 71405 Adding a new folder was appending a "/" causing checking out/in the fail.
- 77151 The RICD command was not working with the /filename parameter.
- 84379 The fields "TITLE" and "DESCRIPTION" were displaying the same information in the secondary request view.
- 92417 If you had the variable %secondary_user% in a template on the same line as others, e.g. %primary_user% and %leader_user%, only the first of multiple users was being substituted.
- 104465 The date/time stamp for request attachments was in UTC and not the local time.
- 111699 The notification e-mail sent to the originator when a CR reaches its final state was missing the 'To'
- 112475 In the UC command you could not append data to multi-value attributes.
- 116245 The MI command created a new item revision with no related request, even though CM Rules were switched on.
- 113525 Korean characters were corrupted when used in a build.
- 133474 Errors collecting the outputs from builds have now been fixed.
- 142458 Renaming a directory did not rename it in a development stage deployment area.
- 122503 If a user had multiple roles or was in more than one group, DM notification was sending an e-mail multiple times to that user rather than once.
- 124055 When priming a request from a related request in a project that is not the current project, you can now specify that owning project is that project and not the current project.
- 130726 Mail notifications where sent when pending
requests were related to items, even though this event was not enabled.
- 123378 You could action a request even if you were not the originator and did not have the corresponding privilege.
- 124230 If you unrelated a request from an item, rerelated the same request in-response-to, checked out the item, and then
checked it back in again, the relationship to the request was lost.
- 124283 It was possible to check items in and out in the ANALYSIS phase.
- 125241 You could not append multi-value attributes for requests using the '+=' notation.
- 126793 It was not possible to remove all roles.
- 126905 The memory consumed by dmemail grew indefinitely.
- 127377 CM rules were not working as expected (users were able to Relate Items as Affected before the Analysis Phase and the Frozen Phase).
- 127626 IRT relationships did not work correctly when CM Rules were disabled.
- 129815 Actioning back a request from the final state was not possible even if the user had the correct role on the relevant transition.
- 131520 Running the PEND command on all projects at once returns an error.
- 131758 One user cannot delegate to another user when both users belong to roles assigned to the same lifecycle transition.
- 131852 The following error appears when actioning a request::COUNT field incorrect or syntax error.
- 131912 Priming a request corrupts special characters in the detailed description.
- 132640 Special characters are not displayed correctly in request templates when included in action descriptions.
- 132937 You can no longer use the FORMAT attribute to filter the content of deployment areas.
- 132944 Users without the appropriate role are able to create requests when the Create requires Role option is enabled for the request type.
- 133240 A privilege is needed to control the editing of action descriptions.
- 133625 The following error appears when relating a request to multiple design parts:
"You do not have the 'Create' (REQUEST_CREATE) privilege to perform this operation".
- 133741 It should be possible to add in-response-to relationships from new projects to new items.
- 134012 "The NEXT_STATUS variable generates an error such as the following when you run
"DMEMAIL: 16TP1029E Incorrect variable NEXT_STATUS reference in template expansion - Bad
- 134638 It is possible to update attributes that should not be updateable, using the UC command.
- 135178 It is possible to prime a request at the design part level even without a role in the design part.
- 135237 The following syntax error occurs when browsing a request if a multi-value attributed has been mapped to the request
"Browse Request - TEM0004891ESUBSTITUTE: Syntax error in line 205 of substitution command
E:\Temp\pt9c88.tmpTEM0004885E PCMS_SUBS_CMD: Substition
- 135270 Metadata in the root work directory on UNIX systems is not updated correctly.
- 136557 The following error appears when attempting to action a request to the next state, even if you belong to a role that is assigned to the
do not have the 'Action to Next State' (REQUEST_ACTION_NEXTSTATE) privilege to perform this
- 136582 There is no separate privilege for updating request titles and descriptions.
- 139640 In the desktop client, you can override mandatory attributes when checking in simply by ignoring the
Attributes tab on the Check in dialog box.
- 140129 It is possible to check an item out without associating a request even when CM rules are enabled.
- 141584 When CM rules are disabled for a project, merging two revisions of the same item fails with the following error:
"Error: The new Item is required to be IN RESPONSE TO"
- 140689 Users with the ability to create a change request can action a held request into any lifecycle state.
143495 The following error occurs when a user with the "Action to Next
State" privilege for requests in their inbox attempts to action a request from an off-normal state back to the normal lifecycle path:
"Action Request - 1386-Error: You do not have the 'Action to Next State' (REQUEST_ACTION_NEXTSTATE) privilege to perform this operation"
3.5 Connection Pooling
- 73577 Connection pooling statistics were displaying incorrect hostnames for desktop client sessions.
- 114952 If you selected the "Is Sensitive" flag on attributes, LDAP passwords were not accepted.
- 129503 Some messages in the Event Viewer are now flagged as information and not errors.
- 131989 The event viewer on the Dimensions server displays the following error:
"no -param specified, using aults".
3.6 DBA
- 51293 It was possible to delete roles even when they were still being used in a
- 55154 When a user was deleted in the Administration Console, role assignments and delegations for that user were also being deleted.
- 71640 Creating a new base database using the CRDB command and a product export file (from EXPM command)
resulted in no top-level $GENERIC design part being created.
- 90510 Running CPAS on a UNIX machine required the listener to be restarted or refreshpoolconfig to be run before the change was active.
- 93992 There was an error "ORA-02291: integrity constraint CPLREL_ATTRIBUTE" occurring in some databases when a product was being created from another product that had relationships defined between data formats and request types.
- 106675 It was not possible to run the INSV command against a base database with a non-default password.
- 110225 A new basedb based on a product also copied the object attributes from all other products resulting in many obsolete attributes in the target product that could not be deleted.
- 110903 Creating a new basedb with the CRDB command, and choosing a user other than dmsys to be toolman, rendered the basedb useless as the user was not part of the ADMIN group and was unable to modify the process model.
- 113773 An error was occurring because the table pcms_sys.admsys_certificates was filling up. The RSTAT processing has been changed to clear down this table containing certificates issued by the REXEC command.
- 113091 The desktop client on Vista crashed when the Browse button was clicked in the Change Working Location dialog box.
- 127298 When customizing views, selecting a request in the secondary catalog requests view caused an error.
- 142463 Incorrect item types were being deployed to deployment areas.
- 129263 It was not possible to create a new product with privileges granted to specific users.
- 137679 Users are not deleted from mail events when they are deleted from Dimensions.
- 142885 Hints in SQL queries negatively affect performance.
3.7 Desktop Client
- 51195 Automatic login was not working on Windows 2000.
- 51298 When saving a design part structure display showing the descriptions as a file, the IDs and not the descriptions were shown in the file.
- 55222 In the Action Baseline Items dialog, the window displaying the items to be actioned could not be scrolled when there
were more than 30 items.
- 55436 The Item view was not being refreshed to show that the item was checked out when the user had removed the revision and branch from the Check Out dialogue box.
- 55460 When a user was logged in as Change Manager, and they subsequently logged off and logged in as another user, the draft (pending) request list was still showing the Change Manager's draft requests.
- 55483 Revision dropdown missing from Item Catalogue display.
- 55483 The drop down revision selection list was missing from the item catalog display after the user had selected the expand all revisions icon, and then deselected it.
- 55840 The named branch drop down list in the Find Item dialog box was not being populated with a list of valid branches.
- 55907 A memory error was occurring in the Project Merge Tool under certain circumstances.
- 71521 When viewing the items in a baseline, and selecting a design part, items not belonging to the current product were shown a blank lines.
- 72592 When there were multiple versions of an item checked out, the project merge tool was not always using the latest version in project comparisons.
- 75667 Saving a project structure as HTML was not escaping apostrophe characters, resulting in a blank display.
- 77491 Merging items that had been exported to another project was resulting in an incorrect version for the new item revision.
- 77579 The display width setting for the first attribute in a block attribute was being ignored in the desktop client.
- 81177 There was a problem where editing the name of a design part in the design part tree and pressing return resulted in the previous contents of the clipboard replacing the name.
- 51139 The Find dialog was not retrieving held (draft) requests when that option was selected.
- 51204 Pre-populated fields in the Create New item dialog box was overriding the mandatory attribute check.
- 55129 Editing an item without a new revision number was failing only when the file was checked in, resulting in the changes being lost.
- 55317 It is now possible to delegate an object that is not in your pending list, provided you have the necessary role.
- 55548 During a remote Windows Client upgrade, the configuration settings were not being copied correctly in the registry.
- 55741 An error was occurring when installing the desktop client into a directory structure containing spaces.
- 71987 There is now the ability to recursively delete project folders containing items.
- 72689 There is now the ability to search via FULL_USER_NAME (instead of USER_NAME) in the Edit>Find search function for a request or item in the Find dialog.
- 80487 In previous releases it had no longer been possible to use drag and drop on the Relate / Unrelate Menu for requests.
- 83841 The Find function did not retrieve any results when searching for a specific relationship for an item.
- 85620 The command-line function UUA <USERID> /PASSWORD_SAVE did not enable the user to choose 'enable automatic login' in the desktop client.
- 87593 In the New Project dialog box, the dropdown list for baselines limited the baseline name to 30 characters.
- 88130 The Custom-Tool Variable $(NodeDmRoot) was being returned as a null string.
- 88316 Creating an item from file in c:\ was adding a backslash, " \", to the workset filename.
- 89007 Scrolling back through a design part view resulted in the selection of a previous revision of an item reverting to the latest version.
- 89651 Error handling has been improved for a scenario where items are being related to a primed request.
- 89921 Adding a 'Validation Error Message' to a valid set was not working in the desktop client.
- 90555 The "Is Suspended " option on the Find Design Part dialog box (Options tab) was finding suspended design parts when the option had not been selected.
- 90630 There was an error exporting an item to a project if the project name contained a bracket.
- 90724 "Using the keyboard to navigate attributes that were part of a validation group, resulted in an error:
"Validation Failed: <value> is not a valid value for attribute <attribute>"" because the client was attempting
to auto-populate the remaining attributes in the group."
- 92797 The desktop client was crashing with a memory error when selecting the Technical Lead or Project Manager fields from the baseline catalog.
- 93734 Some related child requests were being displayed as blank lines in the related request window under certain circumstances.
- 93927 Some displays in the desktop client were showing the user ID when Full User Name had been selected in the Preferences dialog box.
- 94747 In the Delegation dialog box with multiple requests selected, there was no scroll bar on the Roles tab.
- 96891 The Remote Node Login dialog box was not saving the password, even though the "Save settings for all nodes" option was checked.
- 96955 In dialogs opened from the cross-project node the curser was remaining in timer mode on some platforms.
- 98633 The Create Project dialog box there was no scrollbar for the list of baselines.
- 99036 The Find Item dialog box was displaying incorrect numbers in title bar.
- 100121 The design part specification was displayed instead of the description.
- 101341 Copying a large section of text from the Console window caused the client to crash.
- 101629 In the Create Change Document dialog box, using the Tab key to move between UI controls was not working properly.
- 102599 After a project was created from a baseline, incorrect folder names were used for the Fetch command.
- 102961 There was an error when trying to add an item to a project where the project id contained brackets.
- 104259 Requirement properties were not displayed.
- 105025 Fetching all the files from a baseline that was opened from a design part failed to fetch the items that were not in the current project.
- 105055 "The attribute Owner did not show the user who last updated or actioned the item, but instead displayed $ORIGINATOR.
- 105240 When doing a Find and Replace in the Find in File dialog box, the correct list of affected files was displayed, but an error was shown in the console.
- 106120 Problems deleting case sensitive login profiles with the same name have now been fixed.
- 106237 Problems allowing PCS to be updated with invalid characters have now been fixed.
- 106335 You can now resize the following dialog boxes: Find Baseline, Find Customer, Find Design Part, Find Item, and Find Release.
- 106648 The client crashed when hiding and removing views.
- 106660 The Related Item pane did not show the latest revision.
- 107893 Adding a file prefixed the project filename with a slash.
- 108019 Leaving the Pedigree dialog box open until the client timed out caused a resource leak.
- 109688 There were discrepancies between the behavior of the query browser in the desktop and web clients.
- 110001 On Windows 2000 some of the desktop client buttons were not displayed correctly.
- 110002 The pedigree display was corrupted and displayed two instances of the same revision.
- 112118 In a baseline query you could not select a project.
- 113111 When using parentheses ( ) in attributes during an action, the summary displayed the @ escape character in front of the parentheses characters.
- 113996 Moving the mouse wheel when adding attributes for new objects changed the selected role and deleted
attribute data.
- 114018 Attributes in customized views are now listed in alphabetical order.
- 114943 Comparing baselines, where the Ancestor object type was set to Baseline and the Derivative object type was set to File Based, displayed false differences.
- 122786 Automatic get did not work on items that had an auto-generated ID.
- 123022 Problems with filters in multi valued attributes have now been fixed.
- 123578 Using Find In Files to scan for a large number of items caused a memory error.
- 123701 Some field were not displayed correctly in Request Query results.
- 123877 Long strings in multi value attributes caused a crash.
- 124280 No error message was displayed when executing AUR on an existing role.
- 124482 You could not edit attributes when a request was in the Off Normal state.
- 124709 It was not possible to open a project after it was renamed without logging off and logging back in again.
- 124995 Request descriptions were overwritten with the last edited comments.
- 125326 On Windows 2000, the Show list on the Privileges tab of the Show Users Roles and Privileges dialog box only displayed one item at a time and it was very difficult to scroll up and down the list.
- 125677 Requests not related to the current project were displayed in the Design Part Structure.
- 125696 The wrong project was displayed when switching projects.
- 125849 It was not possible to log into Dimensions on some machines running the Korean version of Windows XP SP2.
- 125861 .cmd files could not be browsed.
- 126097 The user profile "Request - Show users, roles and privileges" was not working correctly.
- 126858 A warning appeared when you tried to update the item specification in the Rename Item dialog.
- 126896 It was not possible to browse for an output filename when running a report.
- 127005 The /logfile option on the dmcli command line was not working on SuSE Linux.
- 127358 Design part attribute updates rules were not working correctly.
- 127492 Dragging an item from Windows Explorer onto the New Item dialog box did not populate all the fields.
- 127547 The NOT operator in Query Builder was not available after saving the query.
- 127771 In the Project properties dialog box the Originator field was blank.
- 127898 It was not possible to export items to a project whose named included special characters.
- 128008 When a request relationship type existed in a product, it was also available in other products even if it did not exist there. It was possible to create the relationship with the relationship type, but not to unrelate it.
- 128341 From a baseline view, a checked out item revision was only displayed in the Global project, and not in the project view.
- 128966 There were problems copying design part specifications from the desktop client to the Synchronize wizard.
- 129185 Selecting the Latest Revision checkbox on the General tab of the Find Items dialog was not updating the list in the Find Now tab.
- 129522 Selecting parts and items in $Generic was slow.
- 129523 Comparing baselines caused a crash if one of the baselines had items with the same file name.
- 129625 The Replace functionality on the Delegate to Other Users page of the Action Delegate wizard was not working correctly.
- 129652 There should be a Save As button for saving output from the desktop client.
- 129652 When saving the output from the console, you can now choose the file name and location instead of overwriting the originally saved file.
- 129793 An empty baseline filter caused the client to crash.
- 130077 The desktop client crashes when you click the Filter button.
- 130093 You cannot sort columns in the desktop client when you open a new window.
- 130217 The Action dialog box does not retain its size when you open it repeatedly.
- 130461 If you enter a filename on the Advanced tab while creating a virtual item in the desktop client, the item type changes to DAT and the format to
- 130524 You cannot get files in the desktop client if the working directory does not end in a backslash.
- 131382 You cannot modify an item when there are mandatory attributes on the first transition as $ORIGINATOR.
- 132908 The Add button is grayed out when you attempt to relate an item to a project in the desktop client.
- 132928 When you open multiple floating windows in the desktop client, you can only move the first window.
- 133109 When windows are minimized in the desktop client, you cannot move any windows.
- 133460 Deploying requests has a crash that causes another application server to start.
- 133545 The default editor setting in Dimensions 10.1.2 should not override the Windows editor setting.
- 133679 Dragging and dropping folders within projects creates additional folders with a space in the name, and all files are copied to this folder.
- 133712 From the desktop client, you cannot expand the Primary, Request, Item, and Design part sub-fields while customizing views.
- 133767 It must be possible to create a new design part and then relate an item to that design part, all from within the desktop client.
- 133872 Special German characters (for example ö ä ü ß) were not shown in the correct way in the desktop client request template when included in the action description.
- 143734 When the items sub window of the requests inbox was sorted by a column other than full filename you could no longer reliably select lists of items for input into an operation using Shift+select or
- 134313 With the PRIV command, you cannot specify a group with a name longer than 25 characters.
- 135430 When displaying merged or revised baselines in the desktop client, you cannot see the related originating baselines.
- 135809 After upgrading to Dimensions CM 10.1.2, the results of a Get command are different if you get the same files repeatedly but to different work areas.
- 136412 When an error appears when running command-line tools from the Tools menu in the desktop client, the error messages do not appear.
- 137198 You cannot compare revisions of an item with a percentage character (%) in its name.
- 137438 When you create a new item against a request, the request ID is not automatically added to the Create Item dialog box.
- 138319 The desktop client crashes when you browse to select a local project root directory.
- 138344 After a build configuration is checked out, impacted items are no longer built.
- 137440 Custom tools should be available from pop-up menus.
- 138906 You cannot drag and drop change documents from the Run build for item dialog box in the desktop client.
- 139625 While a user is displaying privileges for an item, no other users can action or delegate that item.
- 140358 From the desktop client, you cannot rename directories with the letters "c" or
- 141082 An empty dialog box appears when you get multiple items.
- 141522 With Dimensions CM 10.1.2, the desktop client hangs when you attempt to delete a project folder.
3.8 IDE Integrations
- 56071 The $ALL role option was not present when editing request attributes after installing .NET 2003.
- 74127 In .NET, when actioning a request from the Issues window, the display did not refresh to show the updated
- 77968 The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Plug-in was unable to handle multi value attributes.
- 78499 The Visual Studio .NET Plug-in was not working properly with Dimensions 8.
- 81161 The displayed state of requests was not being refreshed correctly in Visual Studio.
- 75435 TestDirector was not correctly recreating the design part relationships for a request.
- 99865 When synchronizing a large Eclipse project with a moved file, an "intermediate state" (red double-arrow) was appearing before termination.
- 106207 Eclipse crashed when attempting to perform an action on a file where the filename contained '%' followed by 's' or 'S'.
- 106415 Accented characters did not display in the Eclipse Rich Plug-in.
- 111191 If a Test Director server was installed on an operating system with a non-English locale, updated issues would not be
synchronized and the sync time fields in TD would show "Invalid Date Ti".
- 123525 In the Eclipse plug-in, when searching for an item using the Find dialog box, the Item Type list was empty.
- 123805 In Eclipse, when creating a new project based on an existing project, some fields were empty or
re-initialized in the New Project dialog box.
- 124414 The integration with Doors did not work when the AutoDeclare option was enabled by default.
- 124987 The integration with Quality Center 9 was extremely slow.
- 127048 Problems with file deletion in the Eclipse Plug-in have now been fixed.
- 127483 In Eclipse, when reconnecting to Dimensions, the icon displaying the status of the connection was grey instead of green.
- 128023 Eclipse check-in errors were too generic.
- 128270 The Sync Projects option was not working correctly.
- 128744 CM Rules were not working as expected in Eclipse.
- 129453 It was not possible to add an Eclipse project to Dimension control when autogenerate id was enabled for the item-project type in the Administration Console.
- 133761 Visual Studio 2008 should be supported.
- 136011 The following error occurs when creating requests with multi-value attributes:
- 140344 In the Eclipse integration you cannot display requests related to a project.
- 142159 You cannot add UTF-16 format files to source control from Visual Studio 2003 with Dimensions CM 10.1.2.
- 51474 When specifying the preferred editor on the preferences frame in DOORS, it
was not possible to save the value unless the user was a DOORS database administrator.
- 123193 In the Eclipse plug, the Action Next State field displayed the incorrect state.
- 136399 Adding a Visual Studio project with many small files to Dimensions can take a very long time, and Visual Studio is locked during this time.
- 138983 Several errors appear when adding a project to Dimensions CM from the Eclipse integration, such as:
NCL4500350E Input data corruption detected when decompressing RPC data
COR4501106E Error: Unable to read RPC response message.
COR4501100E Error: Failed to prefetch multiple files from remote node - a network I/O error occurred.
COR4501097E Error: Failed to prefetch multiple files into the UPLOAD file cache. "
- 139453 "An error occurs when you open projects from source control in Visual Basic 6, when the following
parameters have been added to the dm.cfg file:
- 142352 In Visual Studio 2005 the branch name may appear incorrectly when multiple users working on different branches attempt to check in and merge revisions of the same file.
- 142711 Priming in Visual Studio
did not populate the 'Base Request on' field.
3.9 Installation
- 55393 The license request card included in the Dimensions kit contained an incorrect command for obtaining the memory configuration.
- 55474 Following an installation, the dfs directory under $DM_ROOT was owned by root when it should have been owned by
- 79136 There was an error for a Dimensions Upgrade on HPUX "The properties file <> does not exist or is not writable.".
- 55451 The UNIX installation was failing if you entered a different password for
- 55476 During the creation of an Oracle instance, the rollback segments were not being created in the database.
- 55457 During an upgrade the install script was not checking for null values before changing a column to "Not Null".
- 77528 After upgrading on a Solaris server, no emails were being sent because of a permissions failure.
- 76293 "An Installation failure ""Error: Unable to validate the user PCMS_SYS exists
Installation terminated with failure"" was occurring when the user was installing Dimensions into their own oracle."
- 85134 If the tool manager group was named something other than dmtool, the install script stopped saying that the group dmtool could not be found.
- 114894 Support has been added for Dimensions Client Components on Windows
- 126548 On a Solaris machine with multiple installation of Dimensions 10.1.1 it was only possible to patch or upgrade the first installation.
- 129561 API examples on Solaris 64 did not work because multi-byte libraries were not installed during the client installation.
- 131163 After installing to UNIX, $DM_ROOT/dfs/registry.dat is owned by root when it should be owned by the Dimensions administrative user.
- 132185 The HP-UX PA-RISC64 and Solaris 64 bit Agent do not support delta libraries.
- 132635 Installing the CM 10.1.2 client on Windows does not remove the 10.1.1 program group.
- 131752 The 10.1.2 installer on Linux gives a Java exception in console mode when changing the Dimensions root.
- 139262 The Agent and Server should be prevented from being installed to the same machine.
- 133680 Non-silent upgrade to Dimensions 10.1.2 fails on 10.1.1 installations that were silently installed.
- 138881 The 10.1.2 patch installer for the Windows Agents failed with the following error:
"The wizard was interrupted before Serena Dimensions CM Agents 10.1.2 could be completely installed."
- 144034 An error was occurring after an installation of 10.1.2 "cmshellext10m.dll failed to register".
- 144565 The Web Tools Start menu entry was missing the hostname in the URL after installation.
3.10 Integrations
- 132276 The incorrect client.api file is delivered with Dimensions CM 10.1.2, resulting in errors when running API examples that the
pm_stringsize.h and build.h files are missing.
- 132503 PCMS_FAIL is returned when overwriting a file during a deployment using the FI command.
3.11 Merge
- 55562 The Project Merge tool was initially showing folders that contained differences in unexpanded form, and not indicating. that there were differences.
- 109915 Incorrect differences were displayed if items had the same filename.
- 129980 The Merge Tool was including an ancestor that should not have been part of the merge.
- 135656 Merging tip conflicts fails when checking out to a remote node.
- 132280 The following error appears when you try to merge a file that has changed locally:
"MDHCLN0005298E: Error: if item spec not supplied, a base
work file is expected"
- 135707 When adding files that already exist in Dimensions to a new project, they are not added to the new project but rather added as new revisions to the existing versions of the items.
- 131556 Dimensions should allow you to propagate specific file changes from one project to another.
3.12 Networking
- 55740 A user was incorrectly denied access to the host when fetching an item.
- 51345 There was an error connecting
an SSL object.
- 55390 It was impossible to set up network objects for new network nodes because the node was not appearing in the drop down list. It was therefore impossible to setup server/client connections.
- 55513 When the user specified a distinct port number for sqld in the
license file, the port was not released when shutting down Dimensions.
- 91822 Disconnecting a client session did not release the dmappsrv process or the license until a getpoolstats command was run on the server.
- 127166 It was not possible to create mixed case network object names.
- 139589 It should be possible to customize the names of metadata files in work areas, for example to add underscores to them.
- 132200 After upgrading to Dimensions CM 10.1.2, LDAP authentication does not work.
- 139359 The certificate is invalid when the server and the agent are using different port numbers.
- 142342 Dimensions 10.1.2 consumes a great deal of memory.
- 133196 It should be possible to set deployment and area privileges for a user without requiring it to be a local user as well the agent owner.
3.13 Release Management
- 55507 When a release was made containing a single file the file path string was duplicated within the actual path location.
- 55647 The command REL created another directory under /tmp at root level.
- 114047 When creating a release the PCS file was generated incorrectly.
- 136516 You cannot create a release from the command-line interface without including a
/FILENAME parameter.
- 137275 "The following error occurs when creating new releases:
"2384-Error: The specified item is not in the project $GENERIC:$GLOBAL".
3.14 Replicator
- 51390 An error message was incorrectly occurring in PDIFF: "Fail to replicate item" because a temporary directory remained after a previous unsuccessful replication.
- 55852 When the same baseline was replicated twice, the error message was not correct.
- 80917 Replicating a merged baseline resulted in a failure under certain circumstances.
- 72221 Replicator was not replicating requests in the secondary catalog.
- 88475 An enhancement has been made to Replicator so that you are able to replicate files/revisions from one subordinate to the Master and then from the Master to a second subordinate.
- 99663 Replication did not take into account the DM_PRESERVE_WSDIRCASE N variable, and
was creating two folders on the subsite for different cases.
- 110806 The replication of a baseline to a branch that was not in the subordinate failed, but did not produce a
message for those items that had not been included in replication.
- 126647 Uploading the same items to two different sites created items with same IDs.
- 142221 The -sc option in Replicator returns the following error:
Error: Option -sc cannot be used with baseline or project
3.15 Version Management
- 55336 It was impossible to change an existing multi-state cycle to single-state because an error was occurring.
- 55933 Comments were not automatically being generated when an item was being checked in and they had not been entered.
- 72783 An error "Mandatory attributes have not been assigned" was occurring when checking out an item when the attribute had only been made mandatory for the last revision.
- 76743 The SCWS command was not accepting the default branch.
- 80218 A user who only held a guest role, which did not appear in any lifecycle, was able to create item usage relationships to design parts.
- 80380 The AIWS command was putting items in the wrong folder under certain circumstances.
- 86980 Running a MIT on an item where the item types had different item library locations resulted in attempts to access the item to fail. It was necessary to log out and in again first.
- 87297 There was an error occurring when the user tried to remove an item from a project that did not have a build stage associated with it.
- 87903 The email notification link in the web client referenced HTTP and did not allow the user to configure it to use HTTPS.
- 90784 Valid relationships were not being completely copied to an item type when a new product was being created based on an existing product.
- 91526 An Item was being created in Dimensions even though the item library was not accessible, resulting in an error.
- 93225 The Find in Files or GREP command when using the /CHANGE_DOC_ID parameter only returned items related as "affected" and not "in response to" the request.
- 95912 There was a situation where the dmemail process not running on Windows after the Dimensions Listener had been started.
- 123200 New User email notifications had no content.
- 131522 With Dimensions CM 10.1.2, dmappsrvm.exe crashes when getting files expanded from an MBCS database.
- 133868 Item libraries using accented characters could no longer be accessed after upgrading to 10.1.2.
- 137862 Removing a directory deleted non-Dimensions content from a deployment area.
- 138336 It should be possible to modify items with no CM rules enabled.
- 137402 With the Version Manager migration, an error occurs when migrating into a product with a name that is longer than 9 characters in length.
3.16 Web Client
- 51217 It was possible for a user without the required role to browse a request in the web client.
- 51221 There was a problem where sometimes the web client "main" window would hang displaying the message "loading".
- 51250 When creating a request, the detailed results display was appearing twice.
- 51259 When an attribute was created with a space in the name, the error message returned did not list space as one of the special characters that could not be used.
- 51280 The save to file option was only saving the latest revisions in a project display, not all revisions.
- 51333 There was a problem where an attribute belonging to a valid set did not auto-populate under certain circumstances.
- 51338 An error message "BNPP- java.lang.nullpointerexception" was returned when creating an new item for an item type that existed in $GENERIC but not in the product being uploaded into.
- 55656 The option "check in only changed revisions" was not the automatic default in the web client.
- 55689 Trying to add an item to an MVS platform without specifying a member was causing the machine to freeze.
- 55774 The web client was producing a message for a field in a valid set before the value had been entered.
- 55859 Changing filters when not on the first page of a display in the content window produced incorrect results.
- 55937 Creating a new request with attachments was resulting in the request not being created even though no error message was displayed.
- 54915 When the branch was changed in the Check Out dialog box, the revision value was not being correctly changed to the next revision on the new branch.
- 55176 The web client was not always displaying the latest revision of an item when Latest Revisions
was selected in the filter in the content window.
- 55217 In the Open Request dialog when displaying related items, clicking Save resulted in the General tab being
- 55223 Requests in the Requests tab were not displaying correctly when the product contained a hyphen in its ID.
- 55243 An item format named "*" did not display correctly in the drop down list when adding an item.
- 55247 When adding a new row in a block attribute, the cursor was not moving to the first column in the new row.
- 55250 There was a problem when entering an attribute with a valid set while the valid set was being changed in the Administration Console.
- 55272 Queries were failing to match values correctly beyond the first row in a block attribute.
- 55284 Attributes that had the "Display in Edit Attributes" option set to
"No" were being displayed in the web client query dialogs.
- 55582 The web client was showing all users in the Roles and Capability tab with a selected role as primary, when some of the users were secondary.
- 55604 When relating items to a request, the message "Success - Operation Completed" was displayed, even though there were errors.
- 55650 Filters in the web client that did not specify a product were not continuing to work when the user changed products.
- 55687 When a file was checked in from a UNIX node, and the option "Leave as read only" was specified, the file permissions were not set correctly.
- 55701 In the Relationships tab for requests, the title was not displaying correctly when design parts had been
- 55711 When a user did not have a valid license, the resulting error message was not correct.
- 55733 When performing a get copy for a single item, the filename field was not being updated correctly.
- 55768 Releases with IDs containing a '-' character resulted in errors when
forwarded to customers.
- 55777 Request queries were not working when the design part contained a "+" character.
- 55861 The baseline ID that had been entered was being ignored when browsing for baselines to relate to a request.
- 55891 When relating a design part to a request in the last lifecycle state, no error message was displayed
to inform the user
that this could not be done.
- 69063 When adding an item in the web client, the item was being placed in a subfolder based on the file's relative location to the project root folder instead of being added to the selected folder.
- 71091 There was a problem creating a release in the web client on an AIX platform.
- 72162 The "Save" and "Save/Action" buttons were not functioning from all of the tabs in the Open Request dialog box.
- 74494 The web client did not auto-populate values for a valid set in a multi-column attribute block when the first attribute was entered.
- 75815 Displaying the Relationships tab for a request with a large number of items was resulting in a 404 error.
- 78282 In the Manage Releases dialog box for baselines, the filter option only showed either All Releases or All Customers.
There was not a New Release and New Customer field to allow you to create new filters.
- 78311 When using Mozilla, changing the default project resulted in the DIRS and PARTS tabs disappearing from the left of the Items tab.
- 78919 When creating a baseline, selecting a design part with a space in the name resulted in an error "Multiple design parts have been entered".
- 80257 An attribute with a "?" in the name was resulting in the request query function not working, and a runtime error
occurring when editing the attribute.
- 80918 Creating a new query was failing if a request type description had a new-line character in it.
- 80811 Running a user-defined report from the web client and specifying an output folder with a space, ends up creating two folders with the same name.
- 81953 performing Check In or Undo Check Out on the web client with the option selected to delete the
workfile, was not delete the workfile on a unix node.
- 85860 Doing a recursive get of an empty project (containing no items) would hang, displaying the Results window containing the message "Pre-processing Selected Files list..".
- 90641 It was not possible to add Items in the web client when the item type name contained characters #, ~ or &.
- 91752 Filters with double-quote marks in their names did not work, and could not be edited or deleted.
- 92246 When baseline ID had a "#" in its name, the web client would hang when trying to display the list of the items.
- 94855 There was a problem checking out an item with a square bracket in the name when selecting the working location.
- 95078 There was a mandatory attribute error displayed when editing attributes only, and not actioning the request to the next state.
- 98429 When attempting to save or print the details in a content widow where filtering had been applied, all items were output instead of just the filtered items.
- 98793 There was sometimes a problem where attempting to close a result message window was causing Internet Explorer to hang.
- 101941 When viewing the items in a deployment area, the revision column was empty.
- 102199 (Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer 6) It was not possible to preview requests with RTF templates.
- 102604 When creating a request and relating it to a baseline, the Filter option was not working.
- 105587 There were no parameters specified for the user report CONTROL PLAN.
- 106345 When trying to action multiple requests, pressing the <ENTER> key caused an HTTP 500 error.
- 106354 It took a long time to open a project when it's default had been set
to display all revisions.
- 106355 When opening a Request List with a mixed case ID, which was created in the desktop client, you could see the contents but could not remove requests from it.
- 108312 If a Dimensions RM installation was broken, or uninstalled incorrectly, clicking the Requirements option caused an HTTP 500 error.
- 108487 The default Project option 'Trunk or Branch' was not working correctly.
- 110224 The Parts and Items view was missing from user interface profiles.
- 110529 Creating an item filter using an invalid date format caused an error.
- 111168 The options that determine the behavior of the web client when checking in unchanged files has been changed to be consistent with the desktop client.
- 112109 Tooltips for attributes values were not working in Firefox.
- 112540 When priming a request you could not edit the title and detailed description.
- 111307 Under some circumstances the Detailed Description field for a request was blank.
- 112363 The information in the message that is displayed when you try to access a remote work area has been improved.
- 114836 There was no Clean Script option when building a project.
- 116336 In the Create Request dialog box, the Description field is now called Detailed Description.
- 140125 The red exclamation mark next to mandatory attribute fields for requests was not changing to a green tick after a field was populated.
- 141884 Directory items could not be added.
- 113661 Query builder was blank when using Internet Explorer 6 with Sun Java 1.4.2 or 1.5.0 on Windows XP.
- 114145 A release could not be deleted if its name contained a dash.
- 114151 Fetching a file in a sub-directory in a baseline caused the client to
- 114453 No error message was displayed when trying to update an item that no longer exists.
- 115216 An error was displayed when running a query where the date was set to 'is null'.
- 115216 Running a query with the Requested Date attribute set to 'is null' caused an HTTP 500 error.
- 116466 When creating or updating a project it was not possible to perform multiple checkouts.
- 122399 Some of the buttons in the Query Builder were not visible when trying to overwrite an existing query.
- 123514 There was a problem updating multi value attributes in validation groups.
- 123557 The description of deployment areas was not displayed.
- 125015 When editing an object's attributes, block attribute values were deleted after switching tabs.
- 127917 If you selected the Delta Release option in the New Release dialog box, tried to create the release, but an error message
was then displayed, the Release Template ID list was no longer displayed.
- 128789 Performing a cross product prime operation did not copy mapped attribute values.
- 131377 Sensitive attribute values are not updated when you click Save & Action from the Open Request dialog box in the Web client.
- 132077 The following error appears when unrelating parent projects in the Web client: Error: No namespace found for project.
- 132472 Files are not deleted when you choose to delete work files when undoing checkout.
- 132570 Revision and change type are not displayed when browsing deployment areas in the Web client.
- 133404 From the Web client, you can add invalid data to a date attribute when creating a new query for requests.
- 134316 Modified relationship names are not displayed in the Web client.
- 134786 When you upload items for which no upload rule is defined, the default design part is not applied.
- 134974 From the Web client, when you create a request and relate it to a design part with () in the name, the escape character appears in the request name before the ().
- 138052 In the Web client, item records are split over two lines on the Relationships tab.
- 139143 In the Web client, an error occurs when you attempt to remove an item from a project from the Relationship dialog box.
- 139450 In the Web client, if you try to update several items that are checked out with different revision numbers, the revision number for each item is set to the same value.
- 135427 When creating requests it should be possible to configure the setting for the owning project.
- 131968 The report builder does not save AND / OR operators correctly.
- 138218 There are XSS vulnerabilities in Dimensions.
- 139113 URLs in notification emails do not work correctly if the database name includes an underscore ( _ ) character.
- 141368 The calendar control does not allow you to set the year.
- 142046 When you insert a row into an MVA in the Web client, the row is appended after saving.
- 143040 In the Web client, you can no longer action a related request from the parent / child
- 134122 It should be possible to recursively delete a workset directory structure.
- 137034 The native components should be pushed to clients without requiring administrative rights on the client systems.
- 140541 A warning should appear when multiple users attempt to update an item attribute at the same time.
3.17 z/OS Support
- 86371 "When ""Require User Comment"" was checked on an item type in the Administration Console, and an item of that type was E(dited) in the ISPF client with or without user comments, the Edit process continued and saved the item back, then producing the error message
"2235-Error: A user comment is mandatory".
- 92805 When creating a new item via the ISPF Client, the content of field "Revision Description" was being mapped to "Item Description" and "Comment" was being mapped to "Revision Description".
- 131855 It should be possible to determine how to use the z/OS footprint to find the Dimensions load.
- 134769 An error occurs during data streaming for a COBOL source file, resulting in a
core dump.
- 135504 The z/OS Agent has a memory leak that increases every time the UI command is run.
- 136705 z/OS 1.9 should be supported.
- 139027 A fatal error occurs when deploying or loading with MVS.
- 135507 Builds succeed even when some files are missing from the build area.
- 136510 The temporary files that Dimensions generates during builds are not removed after the builds are completed.
- 141425 Dimensions does not create all item to item relationships correctly when uploading placeholder items.
- 131911 It should be possible to automatically delete tpl*.sh files generated by the REXEC command.
- 140424 The z/OS metadata server task has synchronization issues with the Dimensions Agent.
- 141423 The following Java error occurs:
3.18 Other Defects Fixed
- 55123 There were problems uploading files from directories containing umlauts.
- 55213 PDIFF returned an error "1019-DBIO: ORACLE Error " when the regional options of "French" were used with requests.
- 55270 The Attribute Update rules section in the Administration Console for requests was also showing
entries for item and baseline attributes when they had same attribute
- 55486 On Windows XP/2000, during migrations dmcli commands with a length greater than 512 characters were being truncated.
- 53457 dmpmcli - has been enhanced to allow manipulation of item upload rules
- 78539 You can now add upload rules using the dmpmcli command line.
- 55384 After an installation of the Serena Build tool the KB server service had not been created
- 51235 A baseline using a "Revision built from selected input" rule did not populate the baseline with the specified item revisions.
- 81634 When a lifecycle definition had more than 1 by pass link (link between 2 normal states) the RPCP command was failing.
- 81515 If a user enabled automatic login to use with dm_make, the automatic login did not always work in situations where the customer has defined attributes on the usernames.
- 87323 There was a problem when entering Korean characters in the New Workset Directory dialog box in the desktop client.
- 86657 A value for Display Height for an attribute of zero did not function as documented.
- 94766 When creating a request type with an ID longer than 10 characters using dmpcli, there was no error or warning message, and the request type was created, causing errors when referencing it later on.
- 97216 Resizing the window in the Synchronize
wizard window the right panel was going blank.
- 100195 The PCMS_REVISED_DATE attribute
was always null even if the file has been changed during a checkout/checkin operation.
- 133568 Calling the function PcmsQuery() to search for Requests when specifying a product and request type caused an Oracle error.
- 132371 You cannot use a backslash as a line continuation character with
- 134306 PDIFF imports requests without advancing the sequence number. This occurs when the request has a related child request that is not in the system already.
- 137510 PDIFF loading fails with a memory error.
- 105213 The delete privilege was enabled when the user was the originator of the object
- 106889 The Updateable and Mandatory columns in RPCP reports were reversed.
- 133059 When you synchronize using the Windows Explorer integration and are
notified that a new file in your local work area must be related in response to a request, that file is deleted.
- 135274 dmemail does not start automatically when dont_use_proxy is enabled.
- 126797 Problems with accentuated characters when using Dimensions agents have now been fixed
- 102655 When using a filter for a request list, the DBC request type name did not work
- 107144 The dynamic link library apilibr.dll could not be found.
- 55327 When the DMIMPORT.CFG file contained tabs/spaces after the user name, password, dbname and password the connection to the server was failing.
- 55323 The ITEMS_RELATED_TO_CHDOCS view did not contain correct relationship for some records.
- 55538 When performing an Upload command for of Unix files, incorrect error messages appeared when the files were not owned by the user.
- 87096 Upload rules defined for specific directories were not working.
- 88452 The UPLOAD command was not working for file names containing two dots.
- 79691 The published view "pcms_replicator_branches" was not being populated.
- 81344 The REVISED_DATE column has been added to published views PCMS_ITEM_DATA and
- 90398 The XML Migration Utility was defaulting design part variants to "AAAA" instead of "A".
- 91376 The XML Migration was failing to copy item revision to a Dimensions server on which the Item Libraries had been defined, if the SDP port was not the default.
- 107730 Running CRDB with /basedon failed to create Build
Administration information.
- 139981 Dimensions Build consumes a second license when opened from the Administration Console.
- 142777 The Dimensions to TeamTrack integration fails if the Dimensions product contains more than 1000 design parts.
- 135710 PDIFF fails when SENDER ID is removed from the POID.
- 138168 When loading items with PDIFF, the status of existing item revisions is not updated.
- 133723 Replicated baselines should use the same templates as the original baselines.
- 140704 Non branch revisions are replicated. Only named branch revisions should be replicated.
- 132080 In 10.1.2, the Download Filter Exclusions field is not functional.
- 133893 The following error appears when a user attempts to run a report on a product without a role on that product, but with the ""User holds any role on any product"" and ""Grant to all users"" privileges set on the report:
"1386-Error: You do not have the 'Run Reports' (PRODUCT_RUN_REPORT) privilege to perform this operation"
- 133916 Upload with PDIFF fails with an error that a file with the same name already exists.
- 142202 User report files are not transferred successfully when you create a new base database using EXPM or
To Top
4.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM 10.1.2
4.1 General Usability Enhancements
CM Rules Selectable by Project
There is now the option to choose how CM Rules take effect for a specific
project. The default option for new projects of a particular type can be set in the Administration Console
| Object Type Definitions | CM Rules section. This option can also be set
for a specific project in the web client and desktop client. This means that you
can choose one of the
following options for a project:
- Items in the project will obey the CM rules that are defined for their
specific item types.
- Items in the project will behave as if the CM rules for all the item types are
enabled, regardless of whether they are specifically enabled in the
Administration Console.
- Items in the project will behave as if the CM rules for all the item types are
disabled, regardless of whether they are specifically enabled in the
Administration Console.
Merging Items on Check In in the Desktop Client
Dimensions CM can now be configured to determine whether an item has any leaf revisions that need to be merged, and prompt the user
with a number of options when they are checking in or updating an item in the
desktop client and
Dimensions CM has detected a conflict. The user will have a choice of actions to
take, including to merge the
work file with the version in the repository (invoking the file merge tool) or to check
their file in as the tip revision. For
full details, see the Dimensions CM User's Guide.
The option to perform this check can be set on the Dimensions CM server using
in the dm.cfg file. Setting this option will force
all users to merge their changes with the tip revision in the repository.
If this has not been set for the server, users of the desktop client can also choose
to set this option in the Preferences dialog.
Default Design Part
A Dimensions CM user can now set a default design part for a project. This is used as the default owning design part for new
items, requests, design parts, and baselines that are created by that user when working in the context of that project.
This is available in:
- Desktop client
- Web client
- Synchronize Wizard
- Windows Explorer Integration
Enhancements to Desktop Client
The following enhancements have been made to the desktop client:
- Importing a Request into a Project: A new wizard is available in the desktop client enabling the user to select a Request (and optionally, its child requests) and import them into a Project. Dimensions CM will detect any item revisions that need to be merged and prompt the user for the action required.
- Resolving Merge Conflicts for a Project Folder: You can now perform Resolve Merge Conflicts for the items in a folder within a project and optionally, for all its subfolders. You can also perform Resolve Merge Conflicts for a Request.
- The Merge Item dialog box has been replaced with a more user-friendly wizard.
- You can now compare the contents of item files from the History dialog.
- An icon has been added to indicate where you can click the column heading to select all the rows in a grid display.
- You can open the Build Administration console from the Tools menu.
- The Find dialog for requests now enables you to specify projects to which the requests are related (or explicitly not related).
- There is a text field in the tool bar of grid displays that provides a quick way of filtering the list of objects to show only those that contain a specified string in a chosen column.
- The following dialog windows can now be resized:
- Resolve Merge Conflicts
- Merge Item Revisions
- Resolve Project Merge Conflicts
- Find Baseline, Customer, Design Part, Item and Release dialogs
See the Dimensions CM User's Guide for full details.
Enhancements to Synchronize Wizard
- It is now possible to select which items are synchronized according to
change type: additions, deletions, modifications, or moves and renames. You
can individually select which of these change types to include when
performing an upload, download, or synchronization.
- Two toolbar buttons have been added to the item changes tree, and are
selected by default:
Hide Unchanged. When this is selected, files that are calculated to be ‘unchanged’ are not shown in the display.
- Hide Ignored. When this is selected, files and folders that have a resolution of ‘Ignored’ are not shown in the display.
- A secondary sub-progress bar has been added to the synchronizing page to display the progress of the Dimensions
CM Download command when it is processing the bulk-fetching of items.
- There are now browse buttons to enable you to select the default design part and the working request.
See the Dimensions CM User's Guide for full details.
Printing Requests
There is now an option in the desktop client and web client to easily print a request including its expanded browse template.
Purging Library Cache Areas
The new PLCA command enables you to remove all files from a library cache area. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.
SCWS Command /USERS qualifier
The SCWS command now accepts a /USERS= qualifier.
Using this option requires the privilege ADMIN_USERMAN
This new qualifier will accept both user and group ids. For example, to change the project settings for all users defined in
the group "uk_users":
scws repx:repx4 /users=(uk_users) -
/dir="d:\temp\user4" /USER_BRANCH="4" -
This example will expand the group "uk_users" into its constituent user ids and iterate through
those user ids updating the project settings for each in turn.
Note that if, at a later date, a new user is added to the group "uk_users", this new user will not inherit the
project settings defined above. You would need to issue a specific SCWS command for the new user
to update their project settings accordingly. For details, see the Command-Line Reference.
Enhancements to SET Command
There is a new option available for the SET command:
Sets or displays the end-of-line handling mode for the current connection that will be used when getting text files over
the current connection.
For example:
- SET EOL WINDOWS ensures that gotten text files follow the Windows convention for line termination, i.e. each line is terminated with a CR/LF character pair, regardless of the client operating system.
- SET EOL UNIX ensures that gotten text files follow the UNIX convention for line termination, i.e. each line is terminated with a single LF character, regardless of the client operating system.
- SET EOL DEFAULT restores the default Dimensions end-of-line handling mode, i.e. text files gotten to a Windows node will have each line terminated with a CR/LF pair, while text files gotten to a UNIX node will have each line terminated with a single LF character.
- SET EOL UNCHANGED ensures that text files are gotten as-is from the item library without any end-of-line processing at all.
- SET EOL SHOW displays the current end-of-line handling mode.
Also, all Dimensions commands that result in files being gotten from item libraries (DOWNLOAD, ECDI, EI, FBI, FCDI, FI, FWI, REL) have been enhanced with a
/EOL qualifier that takes one of the following values -
WINDOWS, UNIX, DEFAULT, UNCHANGED - and allows the user to specify the end-of-line mode for the duration of the command only.
Note that these changes are not yet documented in the Command-Line Reference.
4.2 General Performance Improvements
WAN Performance Improvements
There have been a number of performance enhancements when using Dimensions CM over a WAN (Wide Area Network):
- Library Cache processing has been improved. Transfers to the library cache are now deferred to a memory cache for downloads and then performed in bulk when a threshold
limit is reached or there are no more items to process.
- The performance of the Eclipse plugin when adding a project to Dimensions CM has been improved.
- The performance of the Eclipse plugin when displaying request attributes has been improved.
- Check in and check out performance has been improved.
- The Synchronize Wizard now uses the Upload and Download commands instead of multiple fetching and updating of files to improve performance.
Upload and Download Commands
The performance when using the Upload and Download commands has been improved
by only querying the privileges Download Files from Project, Upload
Files into Project and Download Files from Baseline once in a
Mainframe Performance Improvement
General mainframe performance has been improved through the addition of a metadata server and the caching of commonly used DD names. For further details, see the Dimensions for z/OS User’s and Administrator's
4.3 Authentication
OS Password Change in Dimensions CM Clients
In addition to Windows servers, users can now also change their password from Dimensions CM Clients for UNIX servers, provided that LDAP is enabled on the server.
Support for PAM
For Solaris servers, Dimensions CM now provides support for user authentication via a Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM):
- Connections from a client user interface where authentication is via PAM.
- Connections from a client user interface to a remote Dimensions CM node where authentication is via PAM.
- The creation and use of item libraries on a node where authentication is via PAM.
Authentication is via username and password only. This connection method is available from all supported Dimensions CM Clients to a supported Solaris server.
For further details, see the Administrator's Guide.
Credential Sets
Prior to this release, each Dimensions CM work or deployment area required a set of credentials (operating-system user-id and
password) stored against it to be used for any operations performed against that area. When a password
expired or changed with respect to a given user-id, the user had to search out the areas using that
set of credentials and update them appropriately.
To facilitate managing credential sets, user-id and password information is now
available as a separately managed object which can maintained centrally and
assigned out as needed.
The following commands are available to manage credential sets:
- CCS – Create Credential Set
- DCS – Delete Credential Set
- UCS – Update Credential Set
- LCS – List Credential Sets for Current User
For further details, see the Administrator's Guide.
Using dmcli to connect to remote UNIX Dimensions CM servers without specifying a password
Dimensions CM now allows dmcli to use rhosts(5) authentication when connecting to a remote server. Because this method of authentication is considered too insecure for use in most
environments, the feature must be explicitly enabled by specifying:
in the dm.cfg file on the server. Furthermore, the client environment must have the same variable defined, either as an
environment variable or in the dm.cfg file.
Please note the following constraints:
- Only UNIX servers are supported by this feature.
- The user must have an operating system account on the Dimensions CM server. LDAP authentication is not supported by this mechanism.
- The user name on the client system must match the user name on the Dimensions
CM server.
- The user must create a .rhosts file in their home directory on the server. This file must have mode 0600.
- This feature cannot be used with named connections. Instead, the -host option to dmcli must be used to specify the Dimensions
CM server.
4.4 Build and Make
Dimensions Build
The following features have been added to Dimensions Build version 10.1.2.
For further details, see the Dimensions CM Build Tools User's Guide.
- The Dimensions CM client build panels now have options to automatically download and, optionally, apply the current system date/time to files when performing work area builds.
- To simplify maintenance of mainframe build configurations, support for wildcards has been added.
- Source rules used in build configurations can now be scoped by item format/build type. This will provide a more granular selection of items with a common file extension and is especially useful in build configurations with
- The impacted targets/build targets list has been extended to include derived items discovered during the build. In the
past, only targets in the build configuration were displayed.
- The output collection logic has been extended to relate build targets to the same design part of the corresponding
source item in certain situations.
- For build configurations with wildcards, build steps can be ordered numerically to control what order build steps will get executed.
- Support for using SVA and MVA attributes as build options has been added.
- When you create a build area you can specify a credential set instead of a user ID. For details about credential sets see the
Dimensions CM Administrators Guide.
- The following build-related commands have been updated, or are new (for full detail see the Command-Line Reference):
- BLD: new qualifiers: /TYPE, /SRC_CHANGE_DOC_IDS, /SRC_FILES,
- BLDB: new qualifier: /[NO]TOUCH
- RABC (Relate Area to Build Configuration): new command that relates a build area to a build configuration.
- ECFG: (Extract (Check Out) Build Configuration): new command that checks out a build configuration to the current user ID.
- RCFG: (Return (Check In) Build Configuration): new command that checks-in all the changes to a build configuration.
- IMPORT: new command that imports a new build configuration to Dimensions from an XML file.
- EXPORT: new command that exports a build configuration to an XML file.
The following build options have been added to the Build Request, Build Item, Build Baseline, and Build Project panels:
- Download: If you have selected a work area as the target build area, you can transfer files to the area before the build is executed.
- Apply system time/date: If you have selected the download option (see above) you can apply the system date/time to each file being transferred.
For further details, see the Dimensions for z/OS User's and Administrator's
Dimensions CM Make
Dimensions CM Make now provides the ability to generate an XML bill-of-materials suitable for use with Dimensions Builder.
In this mode, the Dimensions CM database is not accessed directly by Make - Builder is responsible for populating the build area before the build and collecting build outputs once the build is complete.
To use this feature, specify the --xml-bom[=bom-file-name] option on the command line for dm_make, dm_nmake or adg. If no bom-file-name is specified, the default is
4.5 Integrations
New Third-Party Integrations
The following integrations are now supported:
- Remedy 7
- RAD 7
- CruiseControl .Net
Selection Wizards Added to Visual Studio
There are Selection wizards now available in the Visual Studio integration to enable you to select objects in certain situations. These are available for Items, Requests, Baselines, and Design Parts.
For details, see the Dimensions CM for Visual Studio User's Guide.
Historical Transitions Support in TeamTrack Integration
There is now support for historical transitions in the TeamTrack Dimensions integration.
When multiple transitions have occurred between runs of the synchronization, the
history of the intermediate transitions is applied in Dimensions CM.
4.6 Supported Platforms
The Dimensions CM 10.1.2 Agent for Red Hat Linux ES 4.0 on 32-bit platforms
can also be installed on following newly supported 64-bit platform (Agent
installation only):
- Red Hat Linux 4 AS (64-bit) on Intel (EMT 64)
- This is not supported for use with 64-bit Intel Itanium chip architecture.
- As this is a patch release to Dimensions CM 10.1.1.x, you will need to
install the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 Agent first.
4.7 Guide for Optimizing WAN Development
A new user guide is being added to the documentation set. It is called Dimensions
CM Optimizing WAN Development and is available from the
Serena Support Web site. This guide contains recommendations
and suggestions for optimizing the use and performance of Dimensions CM over a
Wide Area Network.
Return to Contents
5.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.2
5.1 Administration Console
73202: When exporting a request template, the browse dialog did not enable the user to save it in the required directory unless the file already existed.
74171: When editing an attribute update rule for a request, and using the Edit
button rather than the hyperlink, the
attribute name was not being displayed.
105847: The wording in tooltips and field prompts has been improved in the User
Interface Profile Assignments.
114468: You can now change the network node of a deployment area in the Administration Console after it has been associated with a build configuration.
123803: In the Mail Events function of the Administration Console, the
event name 'Item deleted from Project' had an incorrect description.
126828: It was not possible to changing an existing attribute update rule's "Required when actioned
to state" checkbox.
127630: Creating stage names which began with a common prefix in the Global Stage Lifecycle
caused problems in deployment.
110643: When the user had removed all the stages and transitions from the Global Stage Lifecycle it was not subsequently possible to add any.
5.2 General Client Issues
- 114100: The default setting for new project types is now set to Manual Deployment, which is the recommended method.
- 124113: Mandatory attribute values that were entered when creating an item were being ignored.
- 55208: The MIT command was producing an error "Item spec <item id> is already used" when auto-generating item IDs.
- 55228: The MIT command was failing when the library filename already existed for an item of the same type.
- 55312: It was possible to delete a design part that had roles assigned, and subsequently be unable to delete the role assignment.
- 55400: The MIT command was producing an error: "Cannot open file <path of the file> No such file …" under certain circumstances.
- 73984: The FIF command was not always finding files successfully when using the
/FILENAME parameter.
- 75886: The Project Merge tool was incorrectly showing a folder as being deleted when it existed in the derivative folder.
- 111059: After creating a merged baseline the resulting table contained duplicate item entries.
- 112179: There was a problem where a certain upload rule was not being found when adding an item.
- 113365: There was an error occurring when creating a delta release under certain circumstances.
- 114187: The full user name is now displayed when browsing requests.
- 116491: An error "KM-Dim9: Error: ORA-00001: Unique constraint (.CM_DBFILES_K1) violated" was occurring when two users were updating a request at the same time.
- 123005: When checking out an item where the file already existed as
read only, the file was not set to writeable when the item type option was set
to check out a file with the same revision number.
- 123794: Item header substitution was not working for user-defined attributes.
- 124410: It was possible to create an item with values that did not exist in the valid set for those attributes.
- 124984: You can now prime a new request from a closed request if the relationship between the requests is "Info".
- 71199: Dimensions CM now automatically checks whether any revision of an item already has an “in response to” relationship with the request that is about to be associated with a new revision of that item. If this is the case, it will automatically set the current revision to be "affected" and the new revision to be "in response
to" that request.
- 71599: Items that had been actioned to the last state in the lifecycle were still showing in the user's inbox.
- 72052: Dimensions CM was not handling group privileges on UNIX platforms correctly when getting items.
- 79231: The Upload command was uploading items onto the main branch in the project instead of
using the correct branch according to their pedigrees.
- 80502: The RPCP command was failing with parameters
/SECTION=all and /DETAIL if there are item lifecycles with state transitions from a state back to the same state.
- 111165/111166: There was a performance problem when populating an area.
- 113391: When performing a merge project or
MWS command with the /REPORT option, the message in the emailed report contained the text "PM_SHORT_NAME_TEXT" instead of "Dimensions CM"
- 114356: The DLGC (Delegate Request) command performed from dmcli was failing to execute.
- 115191: Creating a baseline with the CBL command resulted in mandatory attributes being ignored for the resulting baseline.
- 122749: There were performance and stability issues with the Project Merge tool
- 122834: Dimensions Upload and Merge functions were not supporting Windows case-insensitivity in folder names.
- 123005: If you checked out an item where the file already existed on disk as read only, the file was not set to writeable
if the option "Don't Force new Revision Number on Checkin" was set for the item type,
- 123123: Using the PCSSC command to get a specified filename was resulting in an an error.
- 125250: Creating a user with an apostrophe in the name was failing with an error saying that the quoted string was not properly terminated.
- 126795: There was a problem under certain conditions where getting a file using
substitution variables was resulting in an extra CR/LF character being appended to the end of the file.
- 126797: There was a problem when using a work area on a Dimensions CM agent where filenames containing accented characters were not being handled and displayed correctly.
- 127163: Uploading a modified file with the UPLOAD command was resulting in the file being ignored because the metadata had recorded that it was not the latest revision in the Project.
- 129069: The functions relating to renaming and removing items in a project have been changed so that they do not affect files in projects and deployment areas other than DEV.
- 129543: An error "Failed: triangle hook not installed" was occurring when getting an item from the Windows Explorer integration.
5.3 Desktop Client
51199: Column sorting was not working in the related items pane of the request content window.
51215: When selecting a request and selecting the Print menu option, the client was actually printing the Output Console instead.
51226:When Actioning multiple items of the same type, the pull down list in the Action dialog contained available states for other item types.
55166: There was a problem in the New Item dialog where the selection of a design part was not working on subsequent use of the dialog.
55447: After the user had selected the option to hide the console window, the client did not remember this when it was subsequently
55565: Using the Alt key to drag and drop an object in the Unrelated tab in the Relate dialog box was
not working.
70586: When clicking on the name in a design part tree, and then clicking in another place, it was possible to unintentionally change the part ID.
72173: The option to take roles from all affected design parts was not working for a
delegated user.
73765: In the Find Request dialog, sorting the list of related items caused the list to be corrupted.
96969: You can now sort the items in a project view that has been displayed
as a result of selecting "Open in New Window".
103936/112220: Setting the DMDB variable and then starting the desktop client by executing the pcwin executable resulted in the client
105356: You can now drag and drop a request from the pending request window onto the Build Item dialog box.
105382: In the Item Query dialog box, long item type names were hiding the adjacent check box.
106232: The Find dialog for a request was displaying all the revisions of an item, instead of only the related revision.
106405: A default working branch that was set for a project in the web client was not being
displayed in the desktop client.
106459: There were some issues with the displaying of tabs and windows in the desktop client.
106677: Requests that had been related to a project after they were created were not being displayed in the
Request catalog for the current project.
106848: The Merge Item Revisions list box now has a horizontal scrolling bar.
107790: The Print button for printing requests was printing the contents of the console window.
108076: The Delegate Request dialog now allows you to sort the users by User
Full Name.
108220: There was an error occurring when creating a duplicate request attachment and then attempting to delete it.
109160: An error occurred checking out an item when the user name contained an apostrophe.
109279: The desktop client was failing under certain conditions when the
Customers node was expanded in the Manage Relationships dialog.
109296: The desktop client was displaying the project in the wrong place after using the
Project Merge tool.
109348: An error was occurring when creating a request after having typed a first letter to find a value in a valid
109688: Queries created in the web client were sometimes not displaying correctly in the desktop client.
109753: Renaming a project folder to a name containing brackets was resulting in an error.
110428: When the the desktop client Preferences were set to display the
user name, the Privileges tab of the Show Users and Roles dialog did not reflect this in the drop-down list.
110678: While creating a baseline, dragging and dropping a request into the request text field did not result in the request being related.
110679: A public query created in a desktop client session was not initially being displayed in another client session; the client had to be closed and reopened.
110701: There was a problem trying to create a user profile that excluded the display of customers.
111175: Capturing build outputs from a build job from the Desktop Client to a Dimensions z/OS node, resulted in the derived target Items being created at the top level design part.
111289: Dragging and dropping items onto a project folder twice in succession was resulting in an error.
111764: In the Related Items view of requests scoped by baseline, the Status field was not being refreshed correctly after an item was actioned.
112083: It was possible to select Project Flags for more than one project, when the operation is only effective for one project.
112537: The Find in Files function was failing to find a specified project folder when it had upper-case characters in its name.
112614: The Find function was failing to find items with a specified stage ID when it was a new stage that had been added to the database.
112645: The list of user interface profiles contained duplicate entries when profiles
had been assigned both to the user and to a group to which the user belonged.
112651: Context-sensitive help topics were not being displayed when using IE 7.0.
112711: When getting a file specifying a target filename containing ".metadata" in the path,
a failure was occurring.
112782: The desktop client was terminating when displaying the pedigree for an item
when a new revision of that item was being simultaneously checked in.
112792: The order in which document windows were displayed was not being preserved correctly
after one of the windows was closed.
112847: The owning design part was not being displayed in the Relate/Unrelate dialog for an item.
113019: Switching user profiles was causing the desktop client to crash in some circumstances when the user had a number of profiles assigned.
113237: The Compare Item dialog was always selecting the previous revision to compare with the selected one regardless of which revisions had been selected by the user.
113808: In the Customize Views dialog for projects, the user-defined attributes were not available for the primary view.
113831: An error was occurring when right-clicking a request in the request catalog under certain conditions.
113878: It was not possible to cut and paste text containing line breaks into a character type attribute.
113882: After performing a request query and saving the list, the request inbox display was subsequently corrupted.
114081: The files and folders in a deployment area are now sorted when displayed in the desktop client.
114185: Selecting the navigation pane as floating and selecting Folders and Items was causing the project to reset to $GLOBAL.
114320: The results tab of the Create Query dialog can now be resized vertically and at the corners.
114507: The Delegate Request dialog was not displaying all the existing role assignments when the request was related to multiple design parts.
114685: There was a performance problem when getting the items in a baseline.
114828: The "Start build after deployment" check box was not enabled when deploying a request related to a project that had a build configuration.
114956: In the Query Builder for requests, if a request type had more than 10 characters in it's name it covered the adjacent request type selection box.
115328: A UI profile that had options selected in the My Current Project view was not displaying that view at
115621: It was possible for a user to action an item from its initial state to the next state although no one held a role on the second state.
116018: The performance when removing items from projects has been improved.
123054: The incorrect server version was being displayed when clicking on the server icon in the
About dialog box.
123164: Attempting to relate a request to a project using drag and drop was resulting in an error.
123305: After opening an item in its own window, using PF5 was corrupting the item names in the Folders and Items view.
123315: Performing a multi-item get when one of the files in the folder had the same name as the item file, did not
result in a warning message saying that Dimensions had not overwritten the file.
123980: After changing an item's type the change did not take effect until the client was restarted.
124096: When a request had "Affected" and "In-response-to" revisions of the same item, the related items view was showing the earlier
"Affected ones" when the view was unexpanded (to show only latest revisions).
124288: Attempting to move, rename, or delete a project directory for a second time
in the same session was resulting in an error.
127555: There was an error when displaying the Properties dialog box for a release when the Description attribute had been selected for display in the Customize Views dialog.
77965: When using custom tools, the
$(Part) and $SpecUid(Part) arguments were not returning an empty string if the design part view
had not been opened with a design part selected.
99700: In the Project Merge tool, with the fields
"Created" and "Revised" displayed, right-clicking on a line where there was no difference was causing a memory error.
106292: When changing the item type for multiple items, it was necessary to log out and log in again for the new lifecycle to apply to the items
106826: The desktop client was terminating when a large number of windows were opened.
107027: Changing the name of a toolbar icon in the Preferences menu was causing the desktop client to automatically log the user out.
109492: The default colors for
Context and View Header are now based on the Windows Active Title Bar colors
109507: In the Customize Menus/Toolbar dialog, there were two entries for Item in the popup menu list.
109661: Standard Windows Ctl shortcut keys were not working in the Find in Files dialog.
109850: Creating a filter name containing a comma in the Find dialogs resulted in two filters being created, and an error
occurred when trying to run either of them.
111567: The Print option in the context menu
for a request was printing the contents of the console instead of the request. The popup menu Print option now prints the request.
111573: The Query Builder for requests was not finding any requests when related baselines were specified in the query.
112107: When exporting a request as a CSV file, quotes in a text field were not escaped correctly.
114033: Using a filter that contained wildcard selections
that resulted in no items being found was causing the desktop client to terminate.
114271: Changing a project ID resulted in an error when the user subsequently attempted to browse one of its items.
114507: If a change request was related to two or more design parts and had a user role assigned at only one of those design parts, the Users and Roles tab of the Delegate dialog and the Delegate to Other Users page in the Action wizard
both showed that role as having no users to delegate.
114890: In the Customize Views dialog for Items, System Defined attributes contained two entries for "Full Filename".
114960: When renaming a project folder, copying and pasting the text did not work.
115015: Block attributes were displaying in the wrong order within the desktop client compared with how they had been entered in the Administration Console.
115493: There were problems logging in to the desktop client after the session had expired. Under certain circumstances, the login attempt would fail with a Microsoft memory error.
115566: The catalog in the "My Current Project" tree was not being displayed in certain circumstances when the UI profile set in the Administration Console should have allowed the user access.
115670: Users could not browse items using Textpad by setting this as the default editor for a specific item format in the Preferences dialog Editors tab. It would only work if set as the editor for all relevant Item formats.
123674: When a baseline was attached to a project as a sub-project of that project, performing a get on an item within that baseline did not include the folder offset in the the 'Copy Item To' folder.
124093: Baselines with a user-defined attribute of date format were being sorted in alphanumeric
order In the baseline display.
124982: Performing a delegation with more than 5 delegation users selected failed with an error displaying a corrupted username.
127568: The Inbox for requests in the
"My Current Project" folder was displaying some request that were not actually pending for the user.
127773: When selecting a project from the
cross-project catalog, and attempting to sort the related items, the message
"the view has been created from some or all of the content...." was displayed and the sort was not performed.
127990: The Inbox for requests in the
"My Current Project" folder was displaying some requests that did not belong to the current project.
128828: Attempting to configure the desktop client to work with the Diffmerge tool from Telelogic did not result in the parameters being passed correctly.
128865: There was a problem under certain conditions where updating item attributes was causing the desktop client to fail.
128969: The Merge Item Revisions dialog window was too small to display long item specifications, and could not be resized.
129440: There were performance problems when
selecting on a request to display its related objects.
Web Client
- 55045: There has been an improvement to the error message that occurrs when you attempt to merge files without having installed the native code
- 55399: There were problems with the description field when priming a request under certain circumstances.
- 55720: The Upload Items dialog in the web client was not working when using
<server>::/<dir> notation to reference files on a remote node.
- 79922: You can now define a filter for releases in the Manage Releases dialog.
- 83293: There was a failure creating a request with a relationship type of
"Info" under certain circumstances.
- 88731: When adding a block attribute for a request that exceeded the maximum length, an error message was not always displayed, even though the request had not actually been created.
- 102653: The web client was creating initial revision numbers of 1 instead of 1.0 for standard level numbering.
- 104066: The web client was not creating the metadata for the working location root folder
after getting an item.
- 109859: The form controls for read-only attributes were difficult to identify (on IE) and difficult to read (on Firefox). Changes to the stylesheet have now made the text and background color more
- 110242: Web client was enforcing mandatory attribute values on the Open Request dialog in some circumstances when they were not mandatory.
- 111230/115207: Valid sets with a single row did not auto-populate as expected in web client.
- 113494: If the user's password contained a '%' character, and the login page was submitted by pressing the Enter key (rather than the Log in form-button) then the web client failed to log in and showed an error message.
- 114373: When selecting a request in the Build Project dialog, running the build was failing because the request contained quotes.
- 114825: When priming a request with multi-valued attributes that contained some empty values, the empty rows were being corrupted in the new request.
- 115318: The Add Item dialog was showing incorrect text for users with their browser set to the Italian locale.
- 115446: Clicking the Save button in the Open Item dialog was causing a design part usage relationship to
- 115712: An error "There are no targets to build for this build configuration."
could incorrectly occur when attempting to build a baseline in the web client.
- 116051: In the Update Item dialog, an attribute was displaying the value of the previous
revision under some circumstances, when it should have displayed as
blank because the “Stored per revision, default as specified” option had been set.
- 122389 You can now select multiple values in the Query-Builder.
- 122970: The Item Revision History dialog now additionally displays the current status of each revision.
- 123066: The title and detailed description of a request were not marked with a red exclamation mark even though the attributes had been defined as mandatory.
- 126867: The web client was always showing the Revision Generation setting of a project as Optional regardless of how it had actually been set.
- 125495: A UI profile that specified just "All Requests" with the associated
Inbox, and having the Catalog option deselected, was resulting in the web client for that user displaying the Catalog.
- 128978: After customizing the displayed columns in the web client
using Mozilla 1.7, the main display could be corrupted until you refreshed the page.
5.5 Integrations
- 86517: The interface between Remedy HelpDesk and Dimensions was not closing Dimensions requests when the corresponding incidents in Remedy were closed.
- 93605: The VM migration was not producing a descriptive error message when there was a product name that was too long.
- 98588: It is now possible to specify an owning design part when adding a file using the Eclipse integration.
- 99180: In the New Request wizard in the VS .Net integration, the Next button was
disabled but no message was displayed when a mandatory attribute was
- 112152: There was a problem when checking out an item from RAD and subsequently checking it in from the desktop client. The checked out
Status did not refresh on returning to RAD.
- 112469: When importing a project into Eclipse after upgrading to Dimensions 10 an error was occurring when attempting to synchronize.
- 114678: The Dimensions TeamTrack Synchronizer now synchronizes historical events from
- 116248: The list of products in Visual Studio was not sorted in order.
- 123548: There was a problem where requests in Dimensions CM were being actioned through multiple state transitions when
an issue had only been actioned to the next state.
- 125235: The VM to Dimensions migration was failing under certain conditions without producing an error message.
- 122586: In Dimensions Connect for TeamTrack
the "Delegate_$Originator" role was not being mapped to TeamTrack
- 123550: Changes made in Dimensions CM were not always being transferred to TeamTrack at the time the synchronization was run because of a delay in the event timestamps being written into the database.
- 126578: Synchronizing files with "ñ" or "Ñ" in the filenames was corrupting the filenames and resulting in an error.
- 126880: A null pointer exception was occurring when reconnecting to Dimensions CM after modifying a checked out file in the Eclipse integration.
- 127143: There were performance problems with the Eclipse integration under some conditions.
- 127600: Performing a Synchronize in Eclipse with override and commit was not
overwriting changes made by another user.
- 128890: The TeamTrack to Dimensions
synchronization was failing because it was attempting to create TeamTrack issues with missing mandatory fields from Dimensions CM requests.
- 130029: When successively adding a number of projects via Visual Studio 2005 an error "DBIO: Too many open cursors ..." was occurring.
5.6 Dimensions Build
- 113727: Secondary targets were not having their design part relationships created correctly.
- 116307: The PBEM process was not running a process in a work area with the correct permissions for the user's group.
- 122946: There is now an option in the Build Baseline command to apply the system date and time to files that are downloaded to a build area.
- 123930: When executing a build on a remote AIX system, the job was failing to find the build logs.
- 112697: When performing a build with one or more items to build (for which targets have been defined), the Targets tab always shows all targets as selected. A warning dialog is now displayed to inform the user to view the Targets tab and select the required targets.
- 122509: When running a build via
the desktop client in 10.1.1, the user needed to select both the Target and Options tabs to ensure that the target and options were set up correctly in the resulting BLD command.
- 128069: The area scan functionality on the Dimensions CM server was causing incorrect target preservation.
- 128503: The Build Baseline function with the parameter
DMXFERSOURCE=YES was not transferring the sources.
- 130932: A build configuration on a HP-UX remote node build location was performing very slowly.
- 107068: Dimensions Build was not creating a target when the name of the file differed in case from the target definition.
- 107252: Attempting to access the help topic for Build Manager - Scheduler was resulting in a Http status 404 error.
5.7 Dimensions for z/OS
- 109120: z/OS templating now supports temporary data sets.
- 115616: When starting the ISPF client an error: "CEE3204S The system detected a protection exception" was occurring in certain circumstances.
- 122610: A communications error was occurring when issuing a CC command to the Dimensions
z/OS Batch Interface program.
5.8 Synchronize Wizard
- 106366/107061: The hover text in the Synchronize Wizard file display was not being refreshed correctly under certain conditions.
- 112191: An exception was occurring in the Synchronize Wizard when accessing an item
that had previously been edited in the desktop client.
- 102533: Closing the Synchronize
wiizard when the synchronization was still processing resulted in the desktop client subsequently failing or being unstable.
- 123541: When maximizing the Dimensions Synchronize Wizard window the Resolutions/Options/Details pane
became grayed out.
- 126848: An error: "Caught a DmException with a code of: MDHASM6901204E" was sometimes occurring when using the browse button in the Synchronize Wizard.
- 126829: When performing a synchronization for a work area on a UNIX platform, the design part for new items was not being set correctly according to the upload rules.
5.9 Privileges and Roles
- 105214: The Action to any state privilege is, by default,
only enabled for the Admin group
- 106227: The relevant users were not able to browse items when the rule "User holds any role on the design part owning the object"
was set for that privilege.
- 109189: There was a problem whereby a delegation candidate for an item, who was able to check the item out, was not subsequently able to check the item back in.
- 114092: The "Assign Request to Project" privilege is no longer being used and has been removed.
- 116473: It was possible to action an item to the next state without requiring a role, and the item was not in anyone's
- 123590: The "Override Process Checks" privilege is no longer enabled by default for the "User is the originator of the object" rule.
- 123806: A user with the WORKSET-MANAGER role did not have the privilege to export an item from one project to another.
- 123977: Role allocations were not being correctly updated when a user had been deleted and then recreated.
- 124952: Users were able to create project directories when creating items without having the
necessary privilege.
- 126433: It was possible for a user to action an item to a certain state because the item was in their inbox,
even though they did not have a role on that transition.
- 127145: Exporting an item revision from one project to another in Dimensions 10.1.1 required the Workset/Project Manager role on the exporting project rather than the receiving project.
- 127701: The roles of Workset Manager/Project Manager were not allowing the appropriate operations for creating, deleting, and renaming project folders
- 128024: The privilege rules OBJ_PEND and ORIGINATOR_OBJ were not working correctly for a user attempting to build from a baseline they had created.
5.10 Installation/Upgrading
- 123202: The DMMAKE installation on the server was overwriting the make_sql_uk.msb with an older version, causing an "Add To Workspace" operation from the Serena Explorer in Eclipse to fail.
- 73988: The dm_shutdown command was not always stopping dimensions processes.
- 113698: After installing the native components on a UNIX system, the diff tool was not working on the web client.
- 113771: After installing on a Windows 2000 platform, the desktop client was failing under certain circumstances.
- 108324: In the patch installer, a silent install was not placing the files correctly on a client system.
- 114200: The patch installation for the listener only on Solaris
failed to copy all the required files, without reporting any error, resulting in errors after starting the listener.
- 125417: The Dimensions CM agent installer for the patch was not correctly copying the files on certain UNIX agent platforms.
5.11 Server Issues
- 76120: The refreshpoolconfig command was not working when there were several dimensions servers running on the same
UNIX machine.
- 101348: The Listener on HPUX platforms did not work unless the tracing was switched on.
- 112660: There were problems creating item directories on a Windows machine after using the Windows version of the UNIX "tar" utility. This was because of a missing file
cygintl-8.dll. The correct instructions are now contained in Updrading to Dimensions CM 10.1.2.
- 115253: There were problems when using delta libraries on a HP-UX 64 bit platform.
- 122716: There was a problem where dmappsrv was terminating when using the desktop client under certain conditions.
- 124638: There was a failure using the Java API when processing umlauts when connecting to a Oracle DB which used a character set different to AL32UTF8.
- 124701: The dmpool process was disconnecting when an item was being actioned in the web client in certain circumstances.
- 127546: It was not possible to use an item library on a remote node
where the directories were owned by a specified user.
- 128979: There were performance
problems when selecting certain projects in the Folders and Items view in the web and desktop clients
5.12 Other Defects Fixed or Enhancements Made
- 55577: An SQL error occurred when exporting a process model if a request relationship existed across products.
- 71574: The PEND command was failing without indicating the reason under certain circumstances.
- 74055: The regdeploy command was failing with an "invalid URL" message in some previous releases of Dimensions.
- 99409: When exporting a database and specifying products, the data formats and
MIME types were not being exported to the new database.
- 102523: dmpmcli was producing an error when querying baseline templates.
- 106800: There were some situations where a deployment area was not being populated correctly.
- 107333: Pending users have now been added to the text for request e-mail notification messages.
- 110028: The e-mail template for delegated item notifications now allows system-defined attributes.
- 112595: The wrong project file path was being used when uploading items from a UNIX work area.
- 114884: Passing parameters using localized characters with the REXEC command was resulting in incorrect values.
- 115669: Adding new item from a remote AIX agent node was giving a permissions error even though the user had the required permission.
- 115789: There was a failure to check out and overwrite an item on a remote AIX node.
- 116321: Directory items were not being created and fetched correctly on Solaris platforms.
- 116472: The CMP command, when used to compare two baselines, was producing incorrect results.
- 116479: The CMP command to compare baselines has been enhanced to function more usefully.
- 123367: Running a dm_make containing an undefined variable was causing a core dump.
- 123471: When viewing RM Requirements in CM clients, some blank lines and corrupted data were being displayed.
- 125674: Multiple Get operations to a library cache area were not populating the area.
- 125980: The TeamTrack to Dimensions integration was not working when TeamTrack database was using a US7ASCII character set.
- 127134: When an HP-UX system was set up to use shadow password files, Dimensions was failing to authenticate any users.
- 127256: DMAPPSRV was intermittently hanging during baseline deployment on a remote node.
- 127561: There was a problem on Suse Linux platforms where Dmappsrv processes were not being closed down after logging
out of the client.
- 122518: The performance has been enhanced when creating a baseline using a template that
selects items by their specific status using an SQL Server.
- 115287:The function PCMS_FULL_QUERY was returning a "DB ReadStart Failed" error on a HPUX platform.
- 122778: Using dmpmcli to replicate attributes between different products was resulting in an exception.
- 55446: The %PIRIF% and
%PIRIT% parameters for displaying parent and child items in item templates were not working.
- 82164: The pcmsmail function was not sending emails to all the specified users when the
-t parameter was used.
- 99316: The Java API does not currently support the UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD commands, which is now documented.
- 124016: Deploying a baseline was sometimes failing with an error.
- 126135: A baseline using a template specifying items at the Unit
Tested state was also including items at other states.
- 131082: The pdiff
dump file created for a request with an attachment incorrectly set the value of
.DATE to be the same as .USER, thus preventing the request being loaded via PDIFF because
of the date format being incorrect.
Return to Contents
6.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM
6.1 Enhancement to Synchronize Wizard
The Options fields for request and design part in the Synchronize Wizard now
have a browse button to enable you to select the required object. Clicking the
browse button displays a selection wizard. The first page enables you to enter
selection criteria for the request or design part. The second page displays the
matching list, from which you can select a request or design part with which to
populate the field.
6.2 Requirement Titles now Displayed in Desktop and Web Client
The Dimension CM desktop and web clients now display the "Title" attribute for Dimensions RM Requirements.
Note: If using Dimensions RM requirements, all Dimensions Clients and Servers must be updated with this patch.
6.3 Performance Enhancements in the Desktop Client
There have been a number of performance enhancements when using the
desktop client over a WAN (Wide Area Network).
- Faster Delegation of Items and Requests in the desktop client and VS .Net when running over a WAN.
- Faster display of the parts and directory displays when running the
desktop client over a WAN.
- 112746: Performance improved when displaying a large number of attributes in the desktop client.
- 112749: Performance improved when scrolling large lists of requests.
To Top
7.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM
7.1 Desktop Client
- 112747: There was a problem entering multi-column block attributes in the desktop client under certain conditions.
- 112750: The pedigree display was being unnecessarily refreshed when changing focus from and to the desktop client.
- 112851: Attempting to relate a request by dragging it onto a design part
resulted in a "part does not exist" error.
- 113530: If multiple items were opened in an Items window, using f5 to refresh caused an incorrect filename to appear for the items in that window.
- 113848: There was an error in the desktop client when items had the same library filename which differed only by case.
- 114096: When using a non-English Windows OS with Dimensions, a recursive get would result in each file being fetched individually instead of using the new downloaded method.
7.2 Web Client
- 112618: The web client was unable to display lists of requirements if there were too many requests in a collection.
- 113001: The baseline selector interface between Dimensions CM and Mover did not work the first time it was invoked.
7.3 Integrations
- 111697: When a project name contained Korean characters in Eclipse 3.2, the name became corrupted in Dimensions CM after a synchronization.
- 112106: Checking in via the Eclipse integration was failing and causing corruption when a file or folder name contained Korean characters.
- 112342: On Korean Windows Platforms, the Eclipse Show History dialog was only displaying the current revision of an item and not previous revisions.
- 111925: Visual Studio would hang if a warning dialog was not immediately closed from Dimensions in the Visual Studio interface.
- 112600: There is better support for loss of Dimensions connection during synchronization.
7.4 Dimensions Build
- 111785: A Dimensions Build job was failing because of refused connections with a build having a large number of compiles and links.
- 111796: A Dimensions Build job taking more than one hour was being cancelled after the job completed.
- 111872: A Dimensions Build job was taking a long time to complete because the collection was processing slowly.
- 113310: The export of build configurations in the ChangeMan DS Migration did not contain design part information.
- 113525: Korean characters were being corrupted when used in build scripts.
7.5 Other Defects Fixed
- 112108: The Dimensions TeamTrack synchronization did not fail cleanly when there was an invalid connection.
- 111905: The performance of the Dimensions TeamTrack synchronization has been improved.
- 107837: After a VM migration to Dimensions CM, double-byte character comments were not being displayed in the History dialog.
- 112449: When attempting to action a request under certain conditions, users with a role on the correct design part were told they did not have the 'Action to Next State' privilege.
- 112835: A user belonging to the ADMIN group, but with no role on the product, was unable to view the detailed description for a
request belonging to that product.
- 110815: The dmpmcli function AttributeDefinition.getValidSet() was not working in Dimensions 10.1.0.
- 113122: If a Dimensions CM database had more than one product using the same library filename it was possible for the
latest tip revision to have invalid data.
- 114005: The Close button is now grayed out in the Synchronize Wizard
during the processing of the updates.
- There is a more accurate return code from the pcmsmail executable (specifically when failing to connect to the SMTP
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8.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements
Copyright © 1988-2008 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Serena. Any reproduction of such software product user documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification.
This document contains proprietary and confidential information, and no reproduction or dissemination of any information contained herein is allowed without the express permission of Serena Software.
The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Serena. Serena assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.
Serena, TeamTrack, StarTool, PVCS, Collage, Comparex, Dimensions, RTM, Change Governance, and ChangeMan are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, Dimensions, Professional, Version Manager, Builder, Meritage, Command Center, Composer, Reviewer, Mariner, and Mover are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc.
All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
U.S. Government Rights
Any Software product acquired by Licensee under this Agreement for or on behalf of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities is "commercial software" as defined by the FAR. Use, duplication, and disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in the license under which the Software was acquired. The manufacturer is Serena Software, Inc.,
1900 Seaport Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Redwood City, California 94063-5587.
This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation
This product includes software developed by Computing Services at Carnegie
Mellon University (
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in
the OpenSSL Toolkit (
CONTAINS IBM(R) 32-bit Runtime Environment for AIX(TM), Java(TM) 2 Technology
Edition, Version 1.4 Modules
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2002. All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and
Clark Cooper
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Expat maintainers.
Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
Portions of this Software are derived from IBM Corporation Sample Programs. Copyright © IBM Corp., 2002, 2006. All rights reserved.
Optional Oracle components embedded in Dimensions are also subject to the following Copyright Notices:
Copyright © 2003-2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.
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End of Release Notes