Serena® Dimensions® CM

Dimensions for z/OS 10.1.2 Readme

For full installation instructions refer to the chapter Installing Dimensions for z/OS in the Dimensions for z/OS User's and Administrator's Guide (dmcm_for_zos.pdf). You can download the latest version of this document, which includes revised installation instructions for the 10.1.2 release, from the Download Documentation section of the Serena Support web site:

For important information about the 10.1.2 release of Dimensions for z/OS that is not included in the manuals or online help please see the main Dimensions CM Readme.

The JCL file in the directory where this readme is located, at the root of the Dimensions for z/OS installation on your Windows machine, is held as readable character data. The other file in the directory should be transferred in binary at all times.

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End of Readme