Serena® Dimensions® CM 10.1.1 Release Notes

This file contains information about new features in Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.1 and 10.1.0. It also contains important information about defects corrected in these versions of Dimensions CM. See the relevant sections below.

This release includes all the fixes that were present in 10.1.0, and in patch 1 ( release), patch 2 ( release), and patch 3 ( release) to Serena Dimensions CM 10.1.0.

To view defects corrected in previous releases, visit the Serena Support Web site at

For late-breaking information, see the accompanying Readme HTML document.

Table of Contents

1.0 Startup Documents

2.0 What's New in Dimensions CM 10.1.1 Compared with 10.1.0?

2.1 Enhancements to Merging of Item Revisions 

2.2 Deploying Baselines

2.3 Requirement Baselines Now Visible in the Web and Desktop Client

2.4 Option to Copy Files on Deployment

2.5 Query Builder Enhancements

2.6 Owning Design Part Field in Synchronize Wizard and Explorer Plug-in

2.7 New Platforms and Integrations 

2.8 Enhancements to VM Migration

2.9 TeamTrack Integration

2.10 Visual Studio Integration

2.11 Eclipse Integration

2.12 Enhancements to E-mail Templates

2.13 Enhancements to dmemail command

2.14 New Build Template Variables

2.15 Enhancements to Baseline Commands

2.16 Item Libraries

2.17 Dimensions Build Enhancements

2.18 Miscellaneous Desktop Client Enhancements

2.19 Miscellaneous Web Client Enhancements

2.20 Other Enhancements to Deployment

3.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM 10.1 Compared with Previous Releases?

3.1 Product Name Changes and New Terminology

3.2 What's New for the Developer

3.3 What's New for the Administrator

3.4 Serena Command Center

3.5 Dimensions Build

3.6 PVCS Version Manager Migration Tools

3.7 Qlarius Sample Database

4.0 What's Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.1

4.1 Administration Console

4.2 General Client Issues

4.3 Desktop Client

4.4 Web Client

4.5 General Server Issues

4.6 Integrations

4.7 Dimensions Build

4.8 Dimensions for z/OS

4.9 Installation and Upgrading

4.10 Version Manager Integration

4.11 Synchronize Wizard

4.12 Other Defects Fixed

5.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.0

5.1 Administration Console

5.2 Desktop Client

5.3 General Client Issues

5.4 Installation and Licensing

5.5 Integrations

5.6 Merge


5.8 PVCS Version Manager Migration

5.9 Replicator

5.10 Web Client

5.11 Other Defects Fixed

6.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements


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1.0 Startup Documents

The following startup documents are available from the product DVD:

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2.0 What's New in Dimensions CM 10.1.1 Compared with 10.1.0?

2.1 Enhancements to Merging of Item Revisions 

The Merge Item Revisions functions have been enhanced in the desktop client to enable local work files to be included in the merge, and to be selected as the ancestor or target for the merge.

Both the web client and desktop client now enable an existing item revision to be selected as the target for the merge. This allows conflicting revisions of a file to be logically merged without invoking the PVCS Merge tool, and without creating a new revision. This updates the pedigree of the item to mark an existing revision as being the result of the merge without changing its contents.

2.2 Deploying Baselines

You can now select any baseline for deployment. You could previously only deploy baselines that were attached as sub-projects to your current project. In the web client, the Deploy option is available for a selected baseline from the Baselines tab. In the desktop client, the Deploy option is generally available from the pull-down or popup menu for a selected baseline in the catalog.

2.3 Requirement Baselines Now Visible in the Web and Desktop Client

It is now possible to select requirements from baselines as well as collections in the My Current Project view. Expanding the Requirements node shows requirement baselines as well as collections. These are distinguished by having a different icon from a collection. Selecting the baseline displays the requirements belonging to that baseline.

2.4 Option to Copy Files on Deployment

There is now the option to have item files copied to the new deployment area when they are deployed. This can be set for a specific project. The Options tab of the New Project and Edit Project dialog box now has a Deployment Areas option. When set to "Copy files on deploy", item files are copied to the new deployment area when they are deployed to a new stage but they are not removed from their current area. If this is set to "Move files on deploy", item files are removed from their current deployment area when they are deployed to a new area. There is also an additional option, "Copy files on deployment", that can be set for a project type in the Administration Console. Selecting this checkbox results in new projects of that type defaulting to "Copy files on deploy".

2.5 Query Builder Enhancements

The Query Builder dialogs in the Web client and desktop client have been enhanced so that a Null comparison can be made based on whether or not an attribute has been filled in. Search criteria can be added specifying an attribute value of "Is Null" or "Is not Null".

The Query Builder feature in the web client has also been enhanced to include search criteria that were previously only available in the desktop client.

2.6 Owning Design Part Field in Synchronize Wizard and Explorer Plug-in

You can now override the owning design part for new items when using the Windows Explorer Plug-in and the Synchronize Wizard. By default, the owning design part for a new item is determined from the upload rules but it can now be overridden at various levels. It can be set in the "Set as Working Location" dialog box for the root folder of a working location in the Windows Explorer. It can also be set in the Properties tab for an individual file. 

The Synchronize Wizard will use any such settings that have been made in the working location and also allow the user to enter an owning design part at the root, folder, or file level when performing a synchronization.

2.7 New Platforms and Integrations 

The following server platforms are now supported: 

The following integrations are now supported:

The following browsers are now supported for the Dimensions CM Administration Console and Web client:

2.8 Enhancements to VM Migration

The following enhancements have been added to the Version Manager Migration Console:

2.9 TeamTrack Integration

Synchronizing the Action Description field

You can now synchronize the Action Description to and from Dimensions, but not to the same field in TeamTrack. 

For example:

TeamTrack to Dimensions: You can map a TeamTrack Journal or Memo field to the Dimensions Action Description field. The name of the Dimensions attribute that you need to map is ’--> ACTION_DESCRIPTION’. This mapping takes the text from TeamTrack and adds a new Dimensions Action Description with that text. The following comment is then written back to the mapped TeamTrack field:

***Serena Connect for TT Synchronized***

Dimensions to TeamTrack: You can map a TeamTrack Memo field to the Dimensions Action Description field. The name of the Dimensions attribute that you need to map is ’<-- ACTION_DESCRIPTION’. This mapping takes all the action descriptions from the Dimensions request that were not entered by the user running Dimensions CM Connect for TeamTrack (that is, not action descriptions that originated in TeamTrack), and replaces the text in the TeamTrack field with the new text

Mapping a TeamTrack single selection field to a Dimensions project

You can now map a TeamTrack single selection field to a Dimensions project (use the Dimensions attribute DIMENSIONS_PROJECT). If the field is set in TeamTrack, the Dimensions request will be related to the given project. If the field is unset, the Dimensions request will be unrelated from any project. If a Dimensions request is related to a project, the value will be set on that TeamTrack field. To map a TeamTrack project to a Dimensions project, set the default value for the TeamTrack single selection field that is mapped to the Dimensions project to the appropriate value.

File attachments, notes, and URLs are now synchronized in both directions

File attachments, notes, and URLs are now synchronized in both directions, though you can only create notes and URLs in TeamTrack. Notes are named TTNotexxxx.txt where xxxx is the internal note ID in TeamTrack. This ensures that notes with the same title can be synchronized.

Mapping the Elapsed Time field and/or Time of Day field to a character or number attribute

You can now map the Elapsed Time field and/or Time of Day field to a character or number attribute. The mapping takes the display value of the TeamTrack field and tries to set it on the Dimensions attribute. In the other direction (Dimensions to TeamTrack), to ensure that the TeamTrack field can accept that value, check that the value in Dimensions is entered in the correct format. If it is not, the synchronization of that field will fail. For date fields the TeamTrack value is read as the display value (Dimensions CM Connect for TeamTrack takes the time zone setting of the user running the integration in TeamTrack). This is the value that is entered into Dimensions. To avoid confusion, the time zone setting of the user running Dimensions CM Connect for TeamTrack should be the same as the setting on the Dimensions server.

2.10 Visual Studio Integration

The Dimensions rich integration to Visual Studio has been enhanced to include the following:

2.11 Eclipse Integration

The Dimensions rich integration to Eclipse now allows you to store multiple Eclipse projects within a common Dimensions CM project.

2.12 Enhancements to E-mail Templates

E-mail templates have been enhanced to support a number of new variable and format changes. These new variables are detailed below:

2.13 Enhancements to dmemail command

The parameters that can be entered in the dmemail configuration file can now also be specified in the command line. In this case they will take precedence over those options in the configuration file.

The treatment of temporary files has changed. They are no longer accumulated for sending later. They are now created, used, and then deleted for each email. During a long run of dmemail, only a handlful of temporary files should exist.

The following parameters have been added:

2.14 New Build Template Variables

There are two new Build template variables:


This enables you to change the address of the build server that is defined in the BRD file, typically the server from where the build is launched, and specify the address of an alternative build server.

Usage scenario: When you launch a build from a virtual machine, and are building on a remote node, the address of the build server in the BRD file on the remote node may be the physical machine hosting the virtual machine, and not the actual virtual machine. You can use DMALTSERVER to change the address to that of the virtual machine.

Must be in the following format:

http://<IP address of the machine hosting the build server>:<Tomcat port number>/bws/services/monitor

Example: http://<dimensions-dev>:<8080>/bws/services/monitor


To transfers sources automatically to work areas, set the variable DMXFERSOURCE to YES. By default Dimensions, does not transfer sources to work areas.

2.15 Enhancements to Baseline Commands

2.16 Item Libraries

Item Libraries can now be hosted on Network Attached Storage (NAS) using UNC paths.

2.17 Dimensions Build Enhancements

WebSphere 6.0 Support

WebSphere Application Server 6.0 support has been added.

Improved Dimensions 9 upgrade for Build Support

The upgrade from Dimensions 9 now upgrades all build projects to convert them into configurations in Dimensions Build.

Enhancements to Impacted Targets & Build Dialogs

The Impacted Targets dialog box, and the Targets field in the Run Build dialog boxes, have been enhanced to display detailed build dependency information. 

Template Variables

Additional template variables have been added to assist build template writers.

Display Enhancements

The Build Progress display has been improved to show pending messages from the Build Agent which are waiting to be processed.

Logging Enhancements

General enhancements have been made for better logging and saving of dependency information from each build execution.

2.18 Miscellaneous Desktop Client Enhancements

The desktop client now uses Download for multiple get operations, significantly improving performance.
(ENH103807: DMROLLOUT: Desktop Client needs to have same WAN performance as Eclipse)

The Pedigree display now shows which item revisions are checked out
(ENH110840 When users had files checked out the Pedigree display did not show them any differently) 

The desktop client can now compare files on a remote node
(ENH107600 Unable to compare files from web client or desktop client with remote nodes)

2.19 Miscellaneous Web Client Enhancements

The web client now uses Download for multiple get operations significantly improving performance.
(ENH105786 Performance difference between using Get from Web Client and Download via dmcli)

The web client login page can now be accessed via a link from another page
(ENH103405 Request for the web tools login page be accessed from a link on another web page) 

The web client can now compare files on a remote node
(ENH107600 Unable to compare files from web client or desktop client with remote nodes)

2.20 Other Enhancements to Deployment

When creating a new project, the stage of all items can optionally be reset to the initial stage.
(ENH109636 When creating a new project need an option to reset stage to initial stage) 

Deployment now delivers files in a single download command and runs scripts only once, significantly improving performance.
(ENH109691 Deployment is very slow since it runs scripts once per file) 

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3.0 What Was New in Dimensions CM 10.1 Compared with Previous Releases?

3.1 Product Name Changes and New Terminology

Beginning with Dimensions CM 10.1, product name changes took place and terminology changes were also introduced. The following table details the product rebranding:

Current product name Legacy product name
Serena Command Center* n/a
Serena Dimensions**
Serena Dimensions Build* n/a
Serena Dimensions CM Serena ChangeMan Dimensions
Serena Dimensions RM Serena RTM
Serena Mover Serena ChangeMan Mover
Serena PVCS Version Manager Serena ChangeMan Version Manager

* New product
** Encompasses all Dimensions components

The above product name changes have also led to changes in the Dimensions documentation set. Refer to the Introduction to Dimensions CM manual for a comprehensive list of the Dimensions documentation set.

The following table details the terminology changes:

Current terminology Legacy terminology
custom list/request list user list*
custom list/request list custom list**
deployment area build area
deployment stage build stage
inbox pending list
library cache area*** n/a
privilege*** n/a
project workset
project working area workset root directory
request change document
user interface profile*** n/a
work area*** n/a

* Desktop client
** Web client and Visual Studio .NET Add In
*** New term. See the User's Guide and Process Modeling User's Guide for details of these new terms.

The latest Dimensions 10.1 documentation reflects the new terms, so if you are using a new Dimensions 10.1 component with a component from an earlier release of Dimensions (for example, the Migration Console in conjunction with Dimensions 9.1), you must bear in mind the terminology changes when working with the older components.

NOTE: Certain specialized features will continue to use legacy terminology, but the new terminology will be used when describing these features in the documentation. These features comprise:

3.2 What's New for the Developer

For the developer, this release offers productivity and usability improvements in the following key areas.


Dimensions 10.1 replaces "worksets" with a more powerful capability called "projects". Projects are fully supported Dimensions objects with customizable lifecycles, user-definable attributes, and granular security options supported by the new Dimensions privileges model.

Requests Related to Projects

Requests (change documents) can now be related to projects. This enables you to easily determine which requests you should be working on for a specific project.

Optimistic Locking

Optimistic locking, also called "pragmatic locking" or "merge on check in", is now supported. Optimistic locking enables you to check a file in without first having checked it out. The file metadata stored in your work area is used to ensure that the correct version is updated.

Synchronize Wizard

The Synchronize Wizard compares a set of folders and files located in a work area with the item revisions in a Dimensions CM project and determines the changes that have occurred between them. It provides a graphical display containing icons and text descriptions. Based on this comparison, the Synchronize Wizard can make updates to the work area and the Dimensions CM project as necessary.

Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 Rich Integrations

Dimensions integrates the request management functionality of Dimensions CM directly into the Visual Studio environment. This allows you to simplify and automate the identification, management, and processing of change requests while working within Microsoft Visual Studio.

Eclipse Rich Integration

Dimensions integrates the request and version management functionality of Dimensions CM directly into the Eclipse environment. The new integration simplifies and automates the identification, management, and processing of requests within the Eclipse design environment. It also includes improved source control functionality, including support for optimistic locking and project baseline creation. The integration is supported on Eclipse 3.0 and 3.1.

Windows Explorer Integration

Dimensions provides an integration with Microsoft Windows Explorer that allows you to:

New Features in the Client Tools

Key enhancements in the desktop client and web client include:

New Java API

The dmclient Java API provides full, programmatic access to the features of Dimensions CM. The API allows you to create and manipulate versioning, change management, and process modeling data while under the control of the permissions of Dimensions CM and the change management rules framework. The API is compatible with JDK 1.4.2 and later and all Dimensions CM supported platforms.

Dimensions Command-Line Help

When working at the Dimensions command line, you can invoke text-based help for any Dimensions command. The help returns the full name and complete syntax of the command. To invoke help for a command, type: help <command-name>

Area Management

This release introduces the concept of areas. A project can typically have areas associated with it to which Dimensions CM will automatically copy versions of item files when you perform certain operations. There are three types of area:

Native Unicode

As businesses become increasingly subject to the global economy, participants and contributors to the application lifecycle may span multiple geographies, languages, and locations. Native Unicode supports local character-set input and maintains consistency and integrity across the CM repository, regardless of location.

"Air-Gap" Replication

In Dimensions 10.1, Replicator can now be configured to support "Air-Gap" replication, which is replication between Dimensions servers that are not connected via the network. This is particularly applicable to multi-level security environments or when direct network access across sites is not permitted.

In this scenario, the replication process consists of 3 phases:

  1. Replicator copies data from Dimensions to a physical media. The transferred files are secured using timestamps and a comprehensive audit trail.

  2. Data from the physical media may then be transported to a subordinate site and loaded.

  3. Logs generated on the loading phase are then synchronized with the master to ensure a complete audit trail, including timestamps and any changes.

Air-Gap replication is the recommended solution for customers currently using TBO/TBI.

3.3 What's New for the Administrator

For this administrator, this release offers the following key improvements and features.


Improvements to the installation include:

Privileges and Groups

This release introduces the concepts of privileges and groups. A privilege is either a particular operation that can be performed on a class of object, or an administrative function. You can assign privileges to specific users, groups, or roles, or apply them generally to any user or under particular rules.

Examples of privileges include:

A group is a set of users to which you can assign a privilege, which assigns that privilege to all the users that belong to that group. Groups provide a manageable way of granting and denying privileges to large numbers of users.

Increase in User-Defined Attributes

With an Oracle database, you can now define up to 996 user-defined attributes.

User Interface Profiles

You can set up user interface profiles that determine which functions are accessible in the client tools, and assign them to particular users or groups. For example, you could set up a profile to display functions related to change control or version control only. UI profiles do not necessarily relate to privileges.


You can subscribe users or groups to certain events (for example, an item or request arrives in a user's inbox, or an item is added or removed from a project) so that the users will receive an e-mail notification when the event occurs. You can also specify that multiple notifications are to be consolidated into an e-mail digest to reduce the number of e-mail messages sent.

OS Password Change in Dimensions CM Clients

On Windows, it is now possible for users to change their OS password from within the Dimensions CM clients. Frequently users connect to a Dimensions Server on UNIX where the authentication is processed, but those users don't have the knowledge or access to log into the UNIX system to update passwords. By making this capability available within the clients, users can perform their own password management without calling on their system administrators.

3.4 Serena Command Center

Serena Command Center 1.1 provides the executive and development manager with the ability to visualize the current state of projects within their portfolio. As a central point of interaction, the Command Center provides graphical reporting on key project indicators with the ability to drill into details, enabling better monitoring and visibility of the project state as well as analysis of root cause.

In its first release, the product provides insight into the portfolio of projects, including related baseline, build, and requirements information. The tool provides for role-based information security with the ability to filter and tailor its reports on an individual basis.

Key points:

3.5 Dimensions Build

The new Dimensions Build component, a standard part of Dimensions CM, extends the capabilities introduced in the integration of ChangeMan Builder with Dimensions. Dimensions Build adds these benefits:

Supported platforms are identical to the platforms supported by the Administration Console.

If you are an existing user of ChangeMan Builder, the integration with Dimensions Build enables you to import Openmake targets into Dimensions Build, manage your build configurations, and compile your targets using the Openmake engine. For details, see the Dimensions Build User's and Administrator's Guide.

NOTE: Builds are synchronous and you must wait for the builds to complete before the desktop client can display feedback.

3.6 PVCS Version Manager Migration Tools

This release provides extended migration tools that allow you to easily upgrade from PVCS Version Manager to Dimensions CM. You can migrate all or part of your Version Manager project structure to specific Dimensions design parts, projects, and item types. You can also migrate Version Manager labels and promotion groups to Dimensions multi-valued attributes, projects, and baselines.

3.7 Qlarius Sample Database

This release introduces the Qlarius sample database. Qlarius provides a rich overview of the application development lifecycle, from requirement definition to product release. Qlarius demonstrates integration to Dimensions RM, supplies sample development projects in Eclipse and Visual Studio, and supports a number of sample reports in Command Center.

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4.0 What's Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.1

4.1 Administration Console

4.2 General Client Issues

4.3 Desktop Client

4.4 Web Client

4.5 General Server Issues

4.6 Integrations

4.7 Dimensions Build

4.8 Dimensions for z/OS

4.9 Installation and Upgrading

4.10 Version Manager Integration

4.11 Synchronize Wizard

4.12 Other Defects Fixed

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5.0 What Was Fixed in Dimensions CM 10.1.0

5.1 Administration Console

5.2 Desktop Client

5.3 General Client Issues

5.4 Installation and Licensing

5.5 Integrations

5.6 Merge


5.8 PVCS Version Manager Migration

5.9 Replicator

5.10 Web Client

5.11 Other Defects Fixed

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6.0 Copyrights, Trademarks, and Acknowledgements

Copyright © 1988-2007 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Serena. Any reproduction of such software product user documentation, regardless of whether the documentation is reproduced in whole or in part, must be accompanied by this copyright statement in its entirety, without modification.

This document contains proprietary and confidential information, and no reproduction or dissemination of any information contained herein is allowed without the express permission of Serena Software.
The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Serena. Serena assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.


Serena, TeamTrack, StarTool, PVCS, Collage, Comparex, Dimensions, RTM, Change Governance, and ChangeMan are registered trademarks of Serena Software, Inc. The Serena logo, Dimensions, Professional, Version Manager, Builder, Meritage, Command Center, Composer, Reviewer, Mariner, and Mover are trademarks of Serena Software, Inc.
All other products or company names are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

U.S. Government Rights
Any Software product acquired by Licensee under this Agreement for or on behalf of the U.S. Government, its agencies and instrumentalities is "commercial software" as defined by the FAR. Use, duplication, and disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in the license under which the Software was acquired. The manufacturer is Serena Software, Inc., 2755 Campus Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403.

This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation (

This product includes software developed by Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon University (

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (

CONTAINS IBM(R) 32-bit Runtime Environment for AIX(TM), Java(TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 Modules

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2002. All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper 

Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Expat maintainers. 

Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation.

Portions of this Software are derived from IBM Corporation Sample Programs. Copyright © IBM Corp., 2002, 2006. All rights reserved.

Optional Oracle components embedded in Dimensions are also subject to the following Copyright Notices:

Copyright © 2003-2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.


Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication, and disclosure of the programs, including documentation, shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

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End of Release Notes