This document contains important information about the 10.1.1 release of Serena Dimensions CM that is not included in the manuals or online help. For information about defects fixed in this release, see the accompanying Release Notes.
The Dimensions CM software packages (including the server and client components) for AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Red Hat, SuSE, and Windows are supplied on a single DVD.
The Dimensions CM software for z/OS is also supplied on this DVD. For details on installing Dimensions for z/OS, see the Dimensions for z/OS User's and Administrator's Guide. This guide is available in PDF format (dmcm_for_zos.pdf) in the following directory on the DVD:
Dimensions CM Server components include:
Windows server components additionally include:
UNIX client components include:
Windows client components include:
Dimensions CM for z/OS client components include:
You can download Serena ChangeMan Builder (Openmake) from the Serena Support Web site. This product includes separate documentation and a Readme.
The server components of this Dimensions CM release are supported on the platform and database combinations listed below.
Platform | Version | Database |
Microsoft Windows |
Sun SPARC Solaris |
Red Hat |
SuSE |
IBM z/OS |
n/a |
* Replicator is not supported
Ensure that you have the latest compatible C++ runtime libraries for the Dimensions CM executables to run correctly.
C++ Runtime Library patch for Solaris 9
111711-11 32-Bit Shared library patch for C++
111712-11 64-Bit Shared library patch for C++
C++ Runtime Library patch for HPUX 11.11
PHSS_33263 1.0 HP aC++ -AA runtime libraries (aCC A.03.65)
C++ Runtime Library patch for AIX 5.2
Fileset xlC.aix50.rte:
The C++ runtime libraries that are installed with Solaris 10, HPUX 11.23, AIX 5.3, RedHat Linux ES 4.0, and SuSE SLES 9 satisfy the C++ runtime requirements for Dimensions 10.1.1.
Optional: Applies if you want to provide access to the Dimensions CM web client or the Administration Console.
The list of supported Web servers includes:
Supported Web application containers:
Optional: Applies if you want to use LDAP for user authentication.
The list of supported directory servers includes:
The client components of this Dimensions CM release are supported on the platforms listed below. To use the web-based clients, you must also have a supported Web browser and Java virtual machine.
Note: You cannot use a Dimensions CM 10.1.1 client with a pre-10.1.1 server, or use a pre-10.1.1 client with a 10.1.1 server.
Platform | Version | Web browser | Java virtual machine |
Microsoft Windows |
Sun SPARC Solaris |
Red Hat |
SuSE |
IBM z/OS |
| n/a | n/a |
Vendor |
Application | Integration Method |
Adobe Systems |
Borland |
Mercury Interactive |
Microsoft |
Remedy |
Serena |
Sybase |
TeleLogic |
General installation activities for Windows and UNIX are described in the Installation Guide. This guide is available in PDF format (dmcm_installation.pdf) in the following directory on the DVD:
The section below only contains operating system or database specific information essential for installations.
The most common prerequisites for successfully installing the Oracle runtime are included here and in the Installation Guide. For comprehensive details, consult the Oracle installation guides for Oracle located at:
The user account used to perform the installation of Dimensions CM into an IBM DB2 instance on Windows must have the System Administrative Authority (SYSADM). By default, System Administrative (SYSADM) authority is granted to any valid DB2 user account that belongs to the Administrators group on the machine where the account is defined. If the account is a local account, then it must belong to the local Administrators group. If the account is a domain account, then it must belong to the Administrators group at the domain controller. For more information, refer to the IBM DB2 Installation guide.
Ensure that you have met all the pre-installation requirements detailed in the documentation found at the following URLs:
Ensure that you have met all the pre-installation requirements detailed in the documentation found at the following URLs:
The minimum kernel parameter values recommended by Oracle to run Oracle 9i and 10g with a single database instance on Linux can be set using the orarun*.rpm package referred to in the above Novell documents. You can download this package from:
Ensure that your kernel is configured correctly to run an Oracle database instance. For example:
set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=3072
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=600
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=3072
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=6452
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=3072
set semsys:seminfo_semmap=3074
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256
For more details, refer to the following URL:
Check the following SQL server pre-installation requirements:
Certain Dimensions CM for UNIX installation activities rely on the UNIX uncompress utility and this must be present on the UNIX machine. Most UNIX machines will have this installed as standard, and its presence can be checked with commands such as:
$ which uncompress
$ uncompress -h
If your UNIX machine does not have uncompress installed, your system administrator will need to install it before you can proceed with the installation of Dimensions CM for UNIX.
Oracle runtime instances are installed and configured differently on Windows versus UNIX. If you plan to install Dimensions CM on one type of operating system (e.g., Windows) and install a remote Oracle instance on a different operating system (e.g., Solaris), there are some manual steps that you must run before installing. This affects installations between Windows and UNIX only.
For Dimensions CM on Windows and Oracle instance on UNIX:
For Dimensions CM on UNIX and Oracle instance on Windows:
create user pcms_sys identified by pcms_sys default tablespace PCMS_DATA temporary tablespace PCMS_TEMP;
grant connect, resource, create view to pcms_sys;
If you are using your own development Oracle or an Oracle 9.x previously provided by Serena, Dimensions CM 10.1.1 on Solaris provides Dim10Oracle9i.dbt and Dim10Oracle10g.dbt template files for creating Oracle Databases via the create_ora_inst script. These template files are provided in the /db_preinstall/oracle/unix directory on the release DVD, and contain updates to the tablespaces that are created as part of a fresh Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g instance installation.
If you intend to create a new Oracle 9i or 10g instance, ensure that you update your Oracle installation with the appropriate template file. This file needs to be placed in:
The create_ora_inst script will now verify the presence of this template file before allowing the creation of the Oracle instance to proceed.
On Windows, if the password for the PCMS_SYS user has been set in previous installations to any value apart from the default ("PCMS_SYS"), this must be reset to the default prior to attempting an upgrade installation. Upgrade installations do not allow you to specify a different password for the PCMS_SYS user; if the password does not match the default of "PCMS_SYS," the upgrade installation will fail.
If you are installing a Dimensions CM server with the Version Manager Migration Tool option, you must already have .NET Framework version 1.1 installed on the same machine. If you upgrade the .NET Framework to version 2.0 or later prior to installing the Dimensions CM server, do not uninstall version 1.1.
When upgrading to Dimensions 10, if you are upgrading to Oracle 10g, you must continue to use the same character set encoding in Oracle 10g that you use in your current Oracle 9i system. Otherwise, data corruption may result if you have high-order ASCII characters in your Oracle 9i database.
If you performed a Dimensions CM 10.1.0.x to 10.1.1 upgrade, the Dimensions CM 10.1.0.x 'dfs' directory files are automatically backed up to the 'backup.pre1011/cm/dfs' directory of the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 installation.
If you are upgrading from Dimensions 10.1.0 to Dimensions 10.1.1 and you are using e-mail subscriptions, first manually run the utility dmemail on your Dimensions 10.1.0 system to ensure that any pending e-mails have been processed. The default e-mail templates have changed in Dimensions 10.1.1 and new e-mail variables have been added that are not backwards compatible with previous e-mail data. Failure to perform this step may result in some Dimensions 10.1.0 e-mails not being sent.
If you are upgrading to Dimensions CM 10.1.1 from Dimensions CM 8.0.x or Dimensions CM 9.1.x, and you use Dimensions CM build areas in conjunction with Serena ChangeMan Builder, you will need to delete and recreate Dimensions CM metadata in every deployment area defined in the database used by the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 server installation. Do the following:
Upgrade to Dimensions CM 10.1.1 on the main Dimensions server network node and on each network node hosting a deployment area. See the instructions in the Installation Guide.
Log into the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 server, and determine the list of Dimensions CM projects that have deployment areas assigned to them.
For every Dimensions CM project that has deployment areas assigned to it, you must execute an AUDIT command against each deployment stage in use.
For example, to create metadata in all deployment areas of project "PAYROLL:ACME 1.0", execute the following Dimensions CM commands:
AUDIT "PAYROLL:ACME 1.0" /STAGE="UNIT TEST" /FIX /USER_FILENAME="acme1.0_ut_metadata.log"
AUDIT "PAYROLL:ACME 1.0" /STAGE="RELEASE" /FIX /USER_FILENAME="acme1.0_rel_metadata.log"
Repeat the above commands for each Dimensions CM project that has deployment areas assigned to it.
This information applies to the Serena Dimensions CM for XDE-Eclipse 2.x 10.1.1 only. It does not apply to the new rich integration with Eclipse 3.0/3.2. To install the plug-in with Dimensions CM 10.1.1 do the following:
The integration will be installed into the Dimensions CM 10.1.1 integrations directory and the selected WebSphere Studio/Eclipse installations will be updated to refer to the new integration. On restarting WebSphere Studio/Eclipse, you will be prompted with a dialog that the workbench layout could not be restored. This can safely be ignored. You will then be prompted that you have updates. Open the update manager and install the update. When you restart the workbench, the integration will now be present.
See also the Dimensions for Eclipse User’s Guide and the Integrated Products Guide.
You must upgrade existing Dimensions 9.x projects in Eclipse before you can start using them with the new Rich Integration for Eclipse 3.0/3.2. For detailed instructions, please consult the Serena Support Web site.
The Dimensions Windows installer will fail before loading the first window in the install wizard if there is no C: drive on the machine. To work round this problem use the subst command to create a virtual C: drive.
Some Dimensions CM installation-specific information is retained in the registry for reuse in subsequent installations. If you have removed all Dimensions CM products from your system, you may also remove this registry information. To do so, backup your Windows registry, run regedit, and remove the following key and its contents:
The UNIX installer sometimes displays certain letters in passwords. Typically, only one letter is visible. This is a known InstallShield issue. This only affects the on-screen display of passwords during installation. Passwords will not be stored in clear text as a result of the installation.
The Serena Oracle runtime installer invokes the Oracle Universal Installer which does not run if passed a UNC path. Invoke the installer from a mapped drive instead.
The banners displayed for IDE integrations that have not been updated for this release will still display a Dimensions CM version of 10.1.0. Only the following updated IDE integrations will display a Dimensions CM version of 10.1.1:
You cannot start the installation of Dimensions CM for Windows from the HTML front end using Mozilla Firefox. You must manually launch the installation from the DVD by running the file dimensions\setup.exe. After you have completed your installation you can use Mozilla Firefox to run the web client and the Administration Console.
If you install Dimensions without a schema on UNIX, before starting the listener edit the scripts and dmprofile and specify the location of the Oracle database. Additionally, edit the file $DM_ROOT/dfs/listener.dat and change the line:
-dsn intermediate@dim10 to:
-dsn <base_database>@<dsn>, for example:
-dsn qlarius_cm@dim10
Then, run dmpasswd and register the Dimensions base database details:
$DM_ROOT/prog/dmpasswd <base_database>@<dsn> -add –pwd <base_database_pwd, for example:
$DM_ROOT/prog/dmpasswd qlarius_cm@dim10 –add –pwd qlarius_cm
When you install Dimensions CM on SuSE SLES 9 the installer gives you a choice of Oracle or Oracle Oracle is not supported on SuSE SLES 9 therefore do not select this option.
If the Rich Eclipse upgrade plug-in is enabled, opening a connection to a DB2 server will raise an error and no content will be displayed in the Upgrade node in the Serena Explorer view. Therefore, it is not be possible to upgrade or convert existing Dimensions 9.x SCC Eclipse projects.
After installing Serena® Dimensions® CM 10.1.1, please ensure that you visit the Serena support Web site at to determine the latest patch updates for Dimensions CM 10.1.1, if any. This site requires first time users to register for a user name and password. Once logged into the support site, under the download tab you will find an option to download patches. Search the list of patches to see if there are any patches appropriate to Dimensions CM 10.1.1. If there are any such patches, it is recommended that you download them together with the associated patch readme and apply them. Each patch download includes the patch binary, an integral patch installer, and the associated patch readme that includes instructions for running the patch installer.
This release does not provide an automatic migration of US7ASCII (high ASCII) or DBCS to the UTF-8 character set. If you use US7ASCII or DBCS you should not use UTF-8 or data corruption will occur. For more details on character sets see the Installation Guide.
The desktop client default font does not support DBCS characters. Go to Tools | Preferences, select the Display Fonts tab and click Font to change it to a font that does support your local character set.
By default the Dimensions CM web client and Administration Console use the UTF-8 character encoding and can therefore store and display Unicode character data. However, if they are to be connected to legacy databases with character data encoded other than in the UTF-8 or Windows-1252 encodings, for example DBCS encoding, you should configure the web client and Administration Console with the encoding of the legacy databases:
Start Tomcat and allow it to expand the compressed WAR files so that the WEB-INF directories are created, and then stop Tomcat.
Edit web.xml in the directory<installation directory>\Common\tomcat\5.5\webapps\dimensions\WEB-INF.
Find the '<init-param>' element containing '<param-name>dm_encoding</param-name>'. Change the value of '<param-value>' to the Java encoding name for the encoding of the character data in your legacy database.
Note: If you omit the '<init-param>' element containing '<param-name>dm_encoding</param-name>' it will have a default value determined by the settings of the machine where Tomcat is running.
Repeat the above step for the web.xml file in the following directories:
<installation directory>\Common\tomcat\5.5\webapps\adminconsole\WEB-INF\
<installation directory>\Common\tomcat\5.5\webapps\dav\WEB-INF\
There are currently three data items in Dimensions that do not support DBCS characters: Branch name, Product name and Base Database name.
Desktop client is not currently a Unicode client, it operates in the locale codepage. This means, for instance, that a Japanese user cannot correctly view data entered by a Korean user and vice versa. The Dimensions server however does support Unicode, so the Japanese and Korean users can successfully use the same database, but they cannot view the others data with Desktop client (they can with the Web client).
When operating with a legacy (upgraded Dimensions 9.x) database it is important to ensure that your Oracle Client character setting matches that of your database. If this is not done, data corruption is likely to occur.
When you start SQL Server for a Dimensions CM server, SQL Server memory usage may continue to steadily increase and not decrease, even when activity on the server is low. This behavior alone does not indicate a memory leak. This behavior is due to MS/SQL only and is intended behavior of the SQL Server buffer pool. For more details, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 321363.
The client installation should include an examples folder with dmpmcli scripts in $DM_ROOT/AdminConsole. This folder is missing from the Solaris client installation. You can access this folder from the server installation instead.
Although both Dimensions CM and Dimensions RM support UTF-8, data entered by users in RM must be in the ASCII character set for RM to display the characters correctly. This is true for project and product names as well as for some other types of user-entered data.
This means that if you intend to use Dimensions RM to access data entered in a Dimensions CM database, you must enter that Dimensions CM data in ASCII format.
If you cannot create a work area assigned to a remote node located on a Windows XP machine, configure your firewall to allow bi-directional communications on the TCP/IP socket used by Dimensions (by default, 671).
If you are experiencing unsatisfactory performance with a large number of concurrent users with Dimensions CM or RM using an Oracle database, you may need to tune your Oracle database. If you are not experiencing performance issues, there should be no need to change your current settings.
The following is a list of parameters that you may want to consider increasing when tuning Oracle to handle a higher number of concurrent users. The actual values for these settings will depend largely on your server setup and hardware. We recommend consulting your Oracle DBA before making any changes.
After you install Dimensions CM to a remote database on Windows using DB2, the listener service fails to start. To fix this problem, you must remove the Serena Dimensions Listener service and reinstall it with no dependency on the DB2 service.
The steps are as follows:
Run %DM_ROOT%\prog\dimensions_service -remove
Run the following command to reinstall the service with no dependencies:
%DM_ROOT%\prog\dimensions_service -install Dimensions "" "<DM_ROOT>\\prog\\dmlsnr.exe" ""<DM_ROOT>\\dfs\\stop_dimensions.exe" "Serena_Dimensions_Listener_Service" "Serena Dimensions Listener Service"
For example:
%DM_ROOT%\prog\dimensions_service -install Dimensions "" "C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Dimensions 10.1\\CM\\prog\\dmlsnr.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Dimensions 10.1\\CM\\dfs\\stop_dimensions.exe" "Serena_Dimensions_Listener_Service" "Serena Dimensions Listener Service"
Note that the "" is what passes the empty dependency list. Normally this command looks like this (for Oracle):
%DM_ROOT%\prog\dimensions_service -install Dimensions "OracleServiceDIM10" "C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Dimensions 10.1\\CM\\prog\\dmlsnr.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\Dimensions 10.1\\CM\\dfs\\stop_dimensions.exe" "Serena_Dimensions_Listener_Service" "Serena Dimensions Listener Service"
If you have purchased licenses for Dimensions, you must apply your license keys before you restart the system. If you do not, the Serena License Manager may crash when you reboot your system after installing Dimensions.
If a request for an issue (request) from a subordinate site is refused by the site that currently owns it, you will find that the request logged against that issue (request) has not automatically been cancelled as it should be. You will need to cancel the request manually using REQC or the desktop client.
The example RUR reports provided in the sample process models and databases are for Oracle and UNIX only. These reports will not work on Windows or any other RDBMS unless you modify them appropriately.
To run the example reports:
Define a variable called PCMS_REPORTDB in your DMPROFILE and DMLOGIN that is set to the report database against which you wish to run these reports.
Restart the Dimensions CM Listener to pick up these environment changes.
For example, for the base database Qlarius, define the following variable in your DMPROFILE:
PCMS_REPORTDB=qlarius_rept/qlarius_rept; \
and define the following variable in your DMLOGIN:
setenv PCMS_REPORTDB qlarius_rept/qlarius_rept
This modification is only necessary if you wish to run the example reports provided by Serena. To write your own reports, Serena recommends that you have the database against which you wish to run the reports passed in as a parameter to that report.
Builds launched from Dimensions clients may fail if there are a large number of files to be transferred to the build area. Other factors such as network speed, latency, and server workload may also slow down the transfer. To work around this problem, increase the Dimensions connection timeout period in $DM_ROOT/dfs/listener.dat to a value greater than the time Dimensions takes to transfer the files. The parameter that you need to change is –connect_timeout.
If you use the -e option while configuring an issue (request) configuration, Replicator returns the following incorrect error message: "This option is not valid for item replication." The error message should say "issue replication" instead.
When running the CC command against DB2, you might receive an "Invalid output" error. This results from not having the DB2 server configured according to DB2 specifications.
To avoid the error, add the following line to the dm.cfg file, and then restart the Dimensions server:
Over a high-latency connection to a Dimensions CM server on Windows Server 2003, logging in from the desktop client may sometimes fail and immediately prompt you to try again to log in. To fix this problem, set the following value in the dm.cfg file on the Dimensions CM server:
Restart the Dimensions CM Listener after you make these changes.
IMPORTANT! Make sure that none of the configuration symbols are duplicated in the dm.cfg file.
To use library cache areas with the Visual Studio .NET SCC integration, you must set the following configuration property in the dm.cfg file:
On Linux platforms, the dmemail utility is unable to send mail notifications with high ascii characters (for example an umlaut) in the subject.
If the NLS_LANG variable is set to a locale that Oracle does not support, the Dimensions CM listener may not start and returns an error about invalid options for ALTER SESSION. If this occurs, you must disable the NLS setting. To do this, uncomment the following parameter in the dm.cfg file:
If the default password for the PCMS_SYS user has been changed from the default, you must include the /PASSWORD flag when running the CRDB command from the Dimensions Database Administration (DMDBA) utility. If you do not, the command will fail, and the PCMS_SYS account is locked so that you cannot run the CRDB command.
The use of delta libraries is not supported on the following platforms:
On AIX 64-bit systems set the per process data segment size limit in the login shell script for root using the parameter “ulimit –d unlimited”. Do the same for any other users who will log in to the Dimensions server to run commands. To check the current setting run the command “ulimit –d”. If the result is not “unlimited” you need to set the limit.
When used with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, the desktop client does not display the specific context-sensitive topic when you click a Help button. It displays the main help page and the table of contents.
Currently, the GREP command with search and replace options is not supported when used against SQL Server. If you need to perform ASCII search and replace functionality against Dimensions CM items, check out the item manually and use an appropriate file editor.
When you enter =x in the Command field, the ISPF client hangs. To exit the session, you must enter the Attention key.
To enable proper display of the desktop client help in Internet Explorer on Windows XP with Service Pack 2, make the following adjustment to your security settings:
In Internet Explorer, select Internet Options from the Tools menu.
Select the Advanced tab.
Scroll down to the section labeled Security.
Select the Allow active content to run in files on My Computer check box.
Note: The instructions above do not apply to the web client or the Administration Console.
You cannot perform browse or synchronize operations with an area hosted on MVS.
Synchronizer does not recognize that a Dimensions directory item has been created from a folder in a work area. No warning messages are issued.
Using the Synchronizer to synchronize a work area having a project folder offset does not function correctly.
Using Serena Mover, you are only able to deploy a project that is set as your default project. Additionally, you are only able to deploy a baseline that contains items from the default project. Otherwise the deploy fails with an error.
Error and warning messages in the Version Manager Migration Console are linked to online help topics, when available. Some error messages may return a browser error stating that the linked page could not be found; in this case, open the online help and search for more information on the error.
The Version Manager migration validation step will report errors when both of the following conditions occur:
When these conditions are met, the validation reports errors that archives are "not found in pdiff output."
The migration console may display the following error message when you migrate revisions from Version Manager that are on a branch:
8/25/2006 2:38:13 PM Audit Error CHESSRULES JAVA (C:\\Program Files\\Serena\\vm\\common\\SampleDB\\archives\\chess\\client\\ Tip rev .. Mismatch
This message appears because the current revision in Dimensions is on a branch, but the latest revision in Version Manager is not.
The getSrc.cmd portion of a migration may take a long time. Currently there is no progress indicator to help you monitor the status of this portion of migration.
When importing revisions from Version Manager that include long change descriptions with spaces in them, related requests are not created.
When migrating files from Version Manager with change descriptions that exceed the maximum number of characters that Dimensions CM allows by default, the migration fails.
To solve this issue, click the Advanced button from the Dimensions Destination screen, set the Change Doc Type for Long Data to CR and set Change Doc Lifecycle for Long Data to LC_CR.
You can not migrate a Version Manager Project Database with DBCS characters in its names; to workaround this problem, simply rename the project database.
Dimensions RM allows multiple requirements (of different classes) to share common PUID numbers. As a result, when you relate requirements to requests in Dimensions CM, you may not be able to distinguish between multiple requirements. If you choose an ID that is assigned to multiple requirements, the relationship will be established with the requirement that has the lowest UID.
To ensure that you can distinguish between all requirements when relating them to requests in Dimensions CM, make sure that all requirements in Dimensions RM are created with unique PUIDs. You can do this by pre-pending a unique string to each class of requirement, using rmManage.
If the synchronization of an issue fails, it is not picked up again automatically because the text "Failed" is no longer written to the synch time attribute or field. The reason for this behavior is as follows: when an integration runs at frequent intervals at night, every time an issue fails to synchronize it cannot be fixed, resulting in multiple e-mails being sent. This can create hundreds of e-mails in a single night. To work around this limitation, add the text "Failed" to the synch time attribute or field in each issue that you want to be automatically picked up.
If you are using REXEC to connect to a tertiary node running HP-UX 11.23 on Itanium hardware, the operation will fail. This is a known bug with the operating system. To work round this problem add the following variable to the dm.cfg file on the Dimensions server:
If you change default projects in Dimensions, WebDAV clients connecting to the Dimensions WebDAV server might not show that project immediately, even after you disconnect and reconnect the WebDAV client. However, if your WebDAV session is allowed to timeout, the change will be seen. This is a technical limitation because WebDAV does not explicitly "logout" therefore new WebDAV connections reuse an existing user session if that session has not yet timed out.
If you have set up a Dimensions reporting restriction in a Mercury Quality Center link, changing the restriction causes previously synchronized defects and requests not to be picked up because the link name has changed. To work round this problem create a new link and leave the existing links intact for defects and requests that are already synchronized.
In Remedy ARS, the field mapping 'REMEDY_USER' does not appear on the 'Vendor Fields and Rules' drop down list in the DataMapping dialogue. The workaround is to type the mapping name manually into the Vendor Fields and Rules box.
If you are using web client to upload large files but have a very slow connection it may timeout. You may be able to alleviate this problem by increasing the value of the 'connectionTimeout' attribute in the 'Connector' element in <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/server.xml. For example, set the value to '60000'.
To turn off SCC server confirmation pop-up messages add the following line to the client dm.cfg file:
Warnings are still displayed in the console or output window.
Visual Studio will report "Unable to Retrieve Folder information from the server" when using file share Web projects. This is due to IIS not allowing periods "." at the start of filenames to restrict access which conflicts with the default Dimensions metadata directory name of '.metadata'.
The solution is to change the metadata directory used by Dimensions using the following client dm.cfg symbols. The following example uses _dmmeta as the metadata directory name. These should be applied to all clients where file share Web projects are controlled by Dimensions SCC.
This changes the metadata directories to _dmmeta (you can choose another name but it needs to match the initial part of the suffixes).
The implication is that the desktop client, command-line client (dmcli), and SCC will not recognize the original default name for metadata. A clean refetch of Visual Studio Solutions and any other Dimensions controlled files is required to regenerate the metadata in the new directories. A further implication is that web client will be unable to recognize the new metadata directories.
If you are integrating with Visual Basic 6 via SCC, to recognize files stored in sub-folders set the following variable in the Dimensions server configuration file, dm.cfg:
If you select the debug icon on the PowerBuilder toolbar or the context menu debug option, subsequent source control operations will cause PowerBuilder to crash. This appears to be common to a number of source control providers. To avoid this, do not perform source control operations in the debug mode or exit from this mode before attempting source control operations.
If the connection used by the Quality Center integration to Dimensions CM times out the integration will think that the connection is still active. Set the session timeout parameter as high as possible in the Dimensions CM listener.dat configuration file. For example, 86400 is 24 hours. Restart the Quality Center server before the session expires.
In the Administration Console, if you change the name of a stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, it is advisable to also select the Properties button and update the stage's description. If you do not do this, when you associate the stage with an area, and assign that area to a project in the desktop client, the stage will appear to have the original name
If the name of an attribute contains DBCS characters and the attribute is associated with a valid set, any values entered for the attribute in the web client will not be correctly saved.
If you are using Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 or Internet Explorer 7.0 on Windows XP SP2, the Pop-up Blocker may interfere with the operation of the web client and Administration Console if your Dimensions CM web tools server is in the Internet security zone. If this happens, add the Dimensions CM web tools server to the Pop-up Blocker Settings as an Allowed site. Alternatively, you could add the Dimensions CM web tools server to the Local Intranet or Trusted Sites security zones to prevent the Pop-up Blocker from stopping pop-ups produced by Dimensions CM web tools.
The Connection Pooling Statistics option in the Administration Console is not supported within a web application container running on a machine that is remote from the Dimensions CM server.
Build option groups are not versioned in a build configuration. If you delete a build option group, any build options in that group that are associated with a build configuration version lose their values in that version. This violates the integrity of the build configuration version.
When you are performing air-gap (offline) replication on a subordinate and you specify either the –dump or –load options, the replication configuration details are always loaded from the relevant replication RMF (replication metadata file). This means that all replication on the subordinate must refer to a valid air-gap directory structure. Failure to do so will result in an error message similar to that below.
Error: Failed to open the replication metadata file d:\offline\\OFFLINE_REP\\replication.rmf: (No such file or directory):
If you encounter this situation, restore the correct air-gap directory structure and continue your replication process using that structure.
There are two new Build template variables that are not documented in the Developers Reference:
Enables you to change the address of the build server that is defined in the BRD file, typically the server from where the build is launched, and specify the address of an alternative build server.
Usage scenario: When you launch a build from a virtual machine, and are building on a remote node, the address of the build server in the BRD file on the remote node may be the physical machine hosting the virtual machine, and not the actual virtual machine. You can use DMALTSERVER to change the address to that of the virtual machine.
Must be in the following format:
http://<IP address of the machine hosting the build server>:<Tomcat port number>/bws/services/monitor
Example: http://<dimensions-dev>:<8080>/bws/services/monitor
To transfers sources automatically to work areas, set the variable DMXFERSOURCE to YES. By default Dimensions, does not transfer sources to work areas.
On page 187 of the 10.1 edition there is an error in the example template. The correct example is:
)EXPAND %%s/*
say "//* Job Submitted on:" date()
exit 0
On page 188 of the 10.1 edition there is an error in the first example template. The correct example is:
Say ")SET MYVAR=" date()
Say "//* job submitted on" date()
//* %MYVAR.
On page 194 of the 10.1 edition of the Developer's Reference there is an error in the sample JCL of the MVS version of the template testing program. The correct JCL is as follows:
// PARM='-oo DD:O -b . -t -w -1 "&B" TESTTPL'
The qualifier COPY_ON_DEPLOY has been added to the DWS, SWS or UWA commands. This has not been included in the Command-Line Reference. It provides, for a project, the option to specify that item files are copied instead of moved to the new deployment area when they are deployed. If the qualifier COPY_ON_DEPLOY is specified, item files will be copied from their current deployment area to the new deployment area when they are deployed to a new stage, but they will not be removed from their current area. If this is qualifier is not specified, item files will be removed from their current deployment area when they are deployed to a new area.
If you are using WebSphere as the Web application container for Dimensions CM Web tools, you will need to set the value of DM_WEB_URL to reflect the port that it will be using in order for dmemail to set up the correct link to the items within notification emails.
To do this, you will need to edit the dm.cfg file to set the correct URL, for example:
This step is not mentioned in the Administrator's Guide in the section "Installing the Dimensions CM Web Tools into WebSphere AS 5.1.".
Page 42 of the Administrator's Guide specifies that the file superquery.war needs to be installed for performing Dimensions CM Web queries in the desktop client. This is no longer the case.
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CONTAINS IBM(R) 32-bit Runtime Environment for AIX(TM), Java(TM) 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4 Modules
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2002. All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd and Clark Cooper
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Expat maintainers.
Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
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End of Readme