helloWorld: Adding an Environment to the Application

Before an application can run, it must have at least one environment created for it. An environment defines the agents used by the application, among other things.

  1. Display the Create New Environment dialog Home > Applications > helloWorld_application > Create New Environment.

    Create New Environment

    Create New Environment

  2. Use the Create New Environment dialog to define the environment:

  3. Next, add an agent that will execute the application's process steps. Display the Add a Resource dialog Applications > helloWorld_application > Environments > Environment: name > Component Mappings > Add a Resource.

    Select any of the agents that were created when Serena Release Automation was installed.

    While our example uses only a single resource, deployments can use many resources and resource groups. Resource groups provide a way to combine resources, which can be useful when multiple deployments use overlapping resources. See Resources for information about resource groups.

    Component Mappings

    Component Mappings