System Security

These roles define the functions users can perform with the Serena Release Automation server (also referred to as system security). Available permissions are:

Table 63. Server Permissions

Permission Description
Security Manage security configuration; users without this permission cannot access or change the security functions.
Manage Plug-ins Grants users the ability to install new plug-ins.
Create Subresources Ability to create subresources.
Create\Manage Resource Roles Create and delete resource roles.
Create Components Create components.
Create Applications Create applications.
Create Component Templates Create component templates.
Manage Licenses Add and remove licenses.

To add users to system security roles:

  1. Display the System Security tab Settings > Security > Security).

    All defined roles are displayed.

  2. Use the Add Role Member action for a specific role, then select the user.

    All users are available. As shipped, Serena Release Automation provides Configuration Manager and System Administrator roles; the latter has all configured permissions granted. By default, System Administrator role has a single group—Admin Group (with user admin), and the Configuration Manager role also has a single group—Configuration Group (with user config).