Creating an Application

Applications associate components with the agents that will manage them, and define processes to perform deployments.

The following table summarizes the steps performed to create applications.

Application Creation Steps table

Step Description
1. Create an application and identify its components. After defining the application, identify the components it will manage. Associating a component makes its processes and properties available to the application. An application can have any number of components associated with it.
2. Create an environment Define an environment and use it to map an agent to component(s). Mapping means assigning an agent to manage the component. Each component can be mapped to the same agent, a different one, or some combination. An application can have more than one environment defined for it.
3. Create an application process Use the process design editor to create a process. Application processes are created with the same editor used to create the component process, but uses a different toolkit of process steps. Previously defined component processes can be incorporated into the process.

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