SSL Mutual Key-based Authentication

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology enables clients and servers to communicate securely by encrypting all communications. Data are encrypted before being sent and decrypted by the recipient—communications cannot be deciphered or modified by third-parties.

SSL technology can be used in several modes. In unauthenticated mode, communication is encrypted/decrypted but users do not have to authenticate or verify their credentials. By default Serena Release Automation uses this mode for its JMS-based server/agent communication. By default, JMS-based communication uses port 7918.

SSL unauthenticated mode can also be used for HTTP communication. You can implement this mode for HTTP during server/agent installation, or activate it afterward. See SSL Configuration.

In mutual authentication mode, communications are encrypted as usual, but users are also required to authenticate themselves by providing digital certificates. A digital certificate is a cryptographically signed document intended to assure others as to the identity of the certificate's owner. Serena Release Automation certificates are self-signed.

When mutual authentication mode is active, Serena Release Automation uses it for JMS-based server/agent communication. In this mode, the Serena Release Automation server provides a digital certificate to each agent, and each agent provides one to the server. This mode can be implemented during server/agent installation, or activated afterward. See SSL Configuration for information about activating this mode and exchanging certificates between the server and agents.

Unauthenticated mode for HTTP and mutual authentication mode for JMS are optional; you can implement one without implementing the other, or implement both.