WebFOCUS connects with the data sources via data adapters. The Serena Dashboard installer configures these data adapters for you, however you must log into the WebFOCUS Web Console and verify that the correct connection information for SBM, Dimensions CM, and Quality Center (depending which you will draw data from) is correctly defined.
From a browser, enter the following URL to get to the IBI WebFOCUS server:
Select Adapter and, under Configured, select the type of database, such as Oracle.
Double-click the adapter configuration you want to edit, such as SBM.
Update the connection details as needed for each data source:
Connection Name: Do not modify the connection names.
TNS name The TNS for the ODBC data source. This must be in the following format:
SBM: <server>:<port>/sbm
For example: stl-dvm-orcla:1521/sbm
Dimensions CM: <server>:<port>/system
Quality Center: <server>:<port>/system
Security: Explicit
User: The user entered for the ODBC data source
Password: The password
Click Test to test the connection.
Click Configure to save the configuration.
Repeat these steps for the Developer Studio server.