This file describes the new features and functionality available in the current release of Serena Dimensions RM.
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Part 1: What's New?
Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.1?
Part 3: Special Notes
Part 1: What's New? |
Dimensions RM 12.1 is a major release of RM. It includes enhancements and defect fixes that focus on the following areas:
Refreshed RM Browser Interface: The first of a series of planned user interface improvements focused on improving the usability of the product including a new view aiding the discovery of documents, reports etc.
Significant Performance improvements when working with documents with large numbers of requirements and chapters and make documents much quicker to work with. These performance improvements leverage on-going work that was started in
Enhanced Change Proposal support in documents.
RM Browser and RM Web Services now use Tomcat: This brings RM inline with the other Serena products while providing the platform to allow RM to further evolve.
RM Web Services now multithreaded: A significant change allowing multiple calls to be made in parallel.
Support for the WIRIS formula editor plugin (see the Readme for details).
Added browser support - Chrome, Internet Explorer 10, newer Firefox (see for the complete list of supported browser versions.
Added Windows 8 Client support.
Key Defect Fixes:
Added support to local installed RM clients for using 2-way SSL connections when using SSO.
Selected enhancements and defect fixes to support repositioning of requirements in a document and adding requirements to a document.
Closed over 100 customer raised defects (see the link in the next section for the complete list of fixes).
Part 2: What's Fixed in 12.1? |
Consult the following query in the Serena Support knowledgebase for detailed information on what issues have been fixed in Dimensions RM 12.1:
Part 3: Special Notes |
IMPORTANT! As of RM 12.1, RM includes and uses Tomcat as its web server, so a third-party web server is no longer required. However, if you wish to avail yourself of the features of a third-party web server, you may implement redirection, in which case both the third-party web server and RM's Tomcat will run. You cannot use a third-party web server in place of RM's Tomcat.
The documentation still contains many references to Apache and IIS, some of which may be useful if you have chosen to run a third-party web server with redirection in addition to RM's Tomcat. However, most of these references have not yet been revised to reflect the presence of Tomcat and the optional nature of having a third-party web server.
As of RM 11.2.2, RM revokes the 'Delete Baseline' privilege for all users/groups that have not been granted this privileges explicitly.
End Release Notes