Installing SERSERVC

To install SERSERVC perform the following steps.

SERSERVC Runtime Directory

  1. Create the SERSERVC runtime directory with a path name of the form


    where userid is your actual SERNET user ID. (In our examples, this is sernet.)

    1. Select ISPF option 3.17 to invoke the UNIX directory list utility.

    2. In the Pathname field of the z/OS Unix Directory List Utility panel, type the SERNET home directory path (for example, /u/sernet). Leave the Option==> prompt blank to request a display of directory contents and press Enter.

      The directory list for the SERNET home directory displays.

    3. In the Unix Directory List panel for the SERNET home directory, type the N (New) line command at the root level of the file hierarchy. The Filename for this level is listed as a single period (.) and the Type is "Directory" (Dir).

      For example:

        Menu  Utilities  View  Options  Help                                         


                                  z/OS UNIX Directory List          Row 1 to 5 of 51


       Pathname . : /u/sernet                                                            


       Command  Filename        Message          Type Permission Audit  Ext  Fmat     


      ___n____ .                                Dir  rwxrwxrwx  fff---               

       ________ ..                               Dir  --x--x--x  fff---               

       ________ codepage                         Dir  rwxrwxrwx  fff---               

       ________ dd                               Dir  rwxrwxrwx  fff---               

       ________                       File rwx------  fff--- --s- ----     


      Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

        F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F4=Expand  F5=Rfind   F7=Up      F8=Down     

        F9=Swap   F10=Left   F11=Right  F12=Cancel                                    

      Press Enter.

    4. When the Create New z/OS UNIX File window displays, create a new directory called serservc with permission level 755. Required field values are:

    For example:

    ISRUULNW                Create New z/OS UNIX File                        

    Command ===>


    Pathname . . . . /u/sernet/serservc                                   +  


    Permissions  . . 755  (Octal)                                            


    Link . . . . . .                                                      +  



    File Type  . . . 1  1. Directory             Set sticky bit              

                        2. Regular file          Copy...                     

                        3. FIFO                  Edit...                     

                        4. Symbolic Link                                     

                        5. External Link                                     

                        6. Hard Link   

    Press Enter and then exit the utility with PF3.



    NOTE  The creation of the UNIX directory /u/userid/serservc must be done by a user with the proper authority, such as a systems programmer. Some user IDs may not have access to ISPF 3.17.

    SERSERVC Runtime JCL

  2. Copy the sample runtime JCL module SERSERVC to your actual installation PROCLIB. Member SERSERVC resides in the CNTL library where you unloaded the ChangeMan ZMF SERCOMC installation libraries.

  3. Customize the runtime JCL for SERSERVC.

    The following model SERSERVC JCL segment is supplied for your reference when making these changes. The actual downloaded JCL may vary from this example.

    //SERSERVC PROC OUTC=H,                             * CLASS        

    //             PORT=6657,                           * PORT         

    //             PATH='/u/sernet/serservc', * PATH

    //             PROCLIB='USER.PROCLIB' * PROCLIB


    //*         JCL TO EXECUTE SERSERVC SDSF SERVER                   *


    //SERSERVC EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,                                      

    //         PARM='sh &PATH./serserv &PORT'



    //SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&OUTC                                        

    //SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=&OUTC                                        

    //STDOUT   DD  PATH='&PATH./stdout',

    //             PATHOPTS=(OWRONLY,OCREAT,OTRUNC),                   

    //             PATHMODE=SIRWXU                                     

    //STDERR   DD  PATH='&PATH./stderr',

    //             PATHOPTS=(OWRONLY,OCREAT,OTRUNC),                   

    //             PATHMODE=SIRWXU                                     

    //MSGLOG   DD  PATH='&PATH./msglog'

    //STDENV   DD  DUMMY                                               


    1. For the PORT parameter, change the sample port number to the actual IP port assigned for the exclusive use of the SERSERVC HTTP server.

    2. In the PATH parameter, replace the sample home directory, /u/sernet, with the actual Unix home directory you created for SERNET.



      CAUTION!  The home directory is the top-level directory for SERNET. Do not change the name of the serservc subdirectory in this path.

    3. For the PROCLIB parameter, replace the sample value USER.PROCLIB with the name of your actual installation PROCLIB.

    SERSERVI Install Job

  4. Customize the JCL for the SERSERVI install job. Member SERSERVI resides in the CNTL library where you unloaded the ChangeMan ZMF SERCOMC installation libraries.

    The following sample SERSERVI JCL segment is supplied for your reference when making these changes. The actual downloaded JCL may vary from this example.

    //jobcard  JOB ,'USS JOB',CLASS=A,

    //         NOTIFY=userid




    //HFSOUT   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/stdout',



    //HFSERR   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/stderr',



    //EMPTY    DD  *


    //NEWLOG   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/msglog',



    //NEWHDR   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/headers',



    //MSGARCH  DD  *

    ******** ******** SerServ *------------------ Archive Restart ---*


    //NEWSRV   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/serserv',



    //NEWTSK   DD  PATH='/u/sernet/serservc/sertask',










    . . .

    1. Copy the SERSERVI JCL sample to a work library for editing.

    2. Edit the job card as needed.

    3. In each occurrence of the PATH parameter that is supplied to various job steps in this job, change the sample home directory name, /u/sernet, to the actual name of the Unix home directory you defined for SERNET.



      CAUTION!  The home directory is the top-level directory for SERNET. Do not change the name of the serservc subdirectory or any lower-level directories or files in the PATH parameter value.

    4. For jobs SERSERV and SERTASK, change the dataset names in the sample DD statements to point to the CEXEC library where you unloaded the ChangeMan ZMF SERCOMC installation libraries.

    5. For the SERCMD job, change the dataset name in the sample DD statement to point to the CLIST library where you unloaded the ChangeMan ZMF SERCOMC installation libraries.

    6. For the NEWCMD job, change the CLIST library in the sample DD statement to point to the actual REXX execution library where SERSERVC will reside at runtime.



      TIP  This may be either a SYSEXEC or SYSPROC library, depending on your installation standards. Run ISRDDN from TSO if you are uncertain about how your REXX execution libraries are handled.

    7. In the SERVA and SERVP sample DD statements, change the name of the library containing members SERSERVA and SERSERVP from USER.PROCLIB to your actual installation PROCLIB dataset name.

  5. Run SERSERVI.

    This job installs the HTTP server software in the REXX execution library where it will reside at runtime.

    SERCMD Server Control Routine

  6. Modify REXX EXEC module SERCMD to use the actual IP address and port number assigned to SERSERVC.

SERCMD is copied to the actual REXX execution library where SERSERVC resides by the SERSERVI install job.