Modifying Release Types and Stages

Serena Business Manager release types are used to determine the stages, or environments, that release packages move through on their path into production.

The default release types are major, minor, and emergency, and default stages include Integration Test, User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and Production Deployment.

Stages are implemented in the Release Train and the Release Package, so any changes to one must be made in the other.

What Can You Change?

You can change the following release type and stage information:

What is the Impact?

The task status single selection field, TASK_STATUS, controls when a deployment task can be executed for deployment, when to execute the task deployment process, and when to execute the fail deployment process.

To indicate when a deployment task can be executed for deployment, the task status value must be set to Planned. This is currently set in the Create transition.

How Do You Change It?

You add or change most stage information in SBM Composer.

The summary and example given here are for adding a stage. From this you should also gain the knowledge you need to change or delete a release type or stage.

Before you add a stage, it is recommended that you look at the implementation of an existing stage, such as INT, as the new stage should be implemented in a very similar manner.