Serena Release Control uses SBM reports to display the action item information in your inbox views.
What Can You Change?
You can change the reports displayed in the inbox as follows:
Change the reports that populate the inbox.
Save reports with different names.
What is the Impact?
If you change the inbox reports, the list of items in the My Inbox page changes according to the new report criteria.
These reports may be used for multiple views. You must ensure that the changes you make are appropriate for all the places the information is displayed.
If you change the name of the report incorrectly, the view that uses that report will be displayed incorrectly.
How Do You Change It?
You can change the associated reports to change the information shown in the inbox.
To change reports for the inbox:
From the Serena Release Control standard SBM user interface, select the process app for which you want to change a report, such as RTrain.
From the Reports section of the navigation pane, search for all reports.
Select the report you want to change, make your changes, and then click Save.
Overtype the existing name with a new name, making sure that you do not change the report reference name.
Repeat for all Serena Release Control process apps for which you want to change My Inbox page reports.
The default reports for each inbox selection are shown in the following table.
Documentation References
Documentation on managing reports in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager User’s Guide in "Working with Reports".
Documentation on referencing reports in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager SBM Composer Guide in "Referencing a Report".