Serena Release Control uses an SBM report to display release package deployment status information on your Activity page.
What Can You Change?
You can change the Activity page as follows:
Change the report.
Select different data to be displayed in the activity report.
Change the color-coding from the defaults of red for Failed state and green for Production or Completed state.
Change the display name for the Activity tab.
What is the Impact?
If you change the activity report, the list of items in the Activity page changes according to the new report criteria.
If you change the name of the report incorrectly, the Activity page will be displayed incorrectly.
If you change the HTML files and don’t resolve all references properly, the Activity page will be displayed incorrectly.
How Do You Change It?
In the SBM User Workspace you can change the report used to populate the Activity page.
In the activity.html file you can select different data to be displayed in the activity log by adding new columns to the tabular report.
In the activity.html file you can change the color-coding.
In the wrapper.html file you can change the display name for the tab.
Documentation References
Complete documentation on managing reports in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager User’s Guide in "Working with Reports".