You can automate processes for deploying application release components into environments by configuring sets of deployment tasks for your applications.
Deployment tasks are actions to be executed as part of the deployment process to deploy release packages into specific environments as defined by release stages, such as Integrated Testing, User Acceptance Testing, and Production Deployment. Deployment tasks:
Integrate with Dimensions CM and ChangeMan ZMF release vaults for secure deployment of deployment units.
Integrate with Serena Release Automation to automate installation.
Types of deployment tasks are as follows:
Manual deployment tasks are actions to be executed by people.
Approval deployment tasks integrate with ChangeMan ZMF to support approvals that must be obtained before change packages are deployed.
Vault deployment tasks integrate with Dimensions CM and ChangeMan ZMF for secure deployment of deployment units. Vault deployment tasks move deployment units (baselines or change packages) securely to deployment areas (environments or sites).
Automation deployment tasks integrate with release automation to automate installation and configuration tasks through the release automation software (such as Serena Release Automation) as part of the deployment process.