Serena Release Manager 2.0 Web Services Reference

Table of Contents



Publication date: January 2012

Copyright © 2011-2012 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document contains Web Service descriptions for the following services.

Web Services
Name  Description 
RLMUtilService  Serena Release Manager Utility Service
ReleaseRequestService  Serena Release Manager Release Request Service
DeployUnitService  Serena Release Manager Deployment Unit Service
DeploymentAutomationService  Serena Release Manager Deployment Automation Service

RLMUtilService Web Service


Serena Release Manager Utility Service





See Also

Methods | Complex Types | Simple Types | Elements

Methods: RLMUtilService

Name  Description 
changeDeploymentTasksOrder  Change the order of provided deployment tasks
copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain  Copy related application releases from input release train into target release train with or without release packages info
copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage  Copy deployment tasks from specified template into specified release package
copyDeploymentTasks2Template  Copy deployment tasks for specified release package in specified state to specified template
deleteDeploymentTasks  Delete deployment tasks either for deployment process template or for release package and optional stage.
deployReleasePackage  This operation manages the release package deployment process.
deployTask  This operation initiates the deployment of Dimensions CM Vault Task and Nolio Automation Task.
This could also drive the deployment of the ZMF Vault task or any supported 3rd Party vault system.
failReleasePackage  Move the release package into the failed state by using transition that is assigned in FailedDeployTransition.
getBuildVersion  Returns build version for RLM Utility web service
getInterfaceVersion  Returns interface version number.
promoteVaultTask  This operation initiates the promotion of Dimensions CM Vault Task to a specified target stage area.
In the future, this should also be able to drive the promotion of the ZMF Vault task or any supported 3rd Party vault system.
relateChildrenRecords  This operation relates children records by setting their parent field to specified parent ID value.
relateChildrenRecordsToParent  This operation relates children records to the parent table by setting the children field values specified in the child IDs value.
relateRecordsInBothDirections  Relates specified records for 2 tables in both directions. Usually there is a multi-relational field in a parent record and a single-relational field in a child record.
unrelateChildrenRecords  This operation un-relates children records by setting empty values in their parent field.
unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent  This operation un-relates children records by setting empty values in their parent field.
unrelateRecordsInBothDirections  Un-relates specified records for 2 tables in both directions. Usually, we have a multi-relational field in parent record and a single-relational field in child record.
This method sets empty values for all children records and removes those children from the multi-relational field in the parent record.
updateDeploymentTaskStatus  This operation updates the related Deploy Task item status based on the result of the Dimensions CM submitPromoteBaselines or Nolio execution job.
updateReleasePackageDeployStatus  This method checks the deployment status of all the tasks related to the release package that is currently being deployed.
If all the related tasks are in “Completed” state, it will move the release package into the state that is assigned in the NextDeployTransition field.
It there is a failure in the deployment process, it will move the release package into the state that is assigned in FailedDeployTransition.
validateApplicationRelease  Validate Application release record before creation. For now it only checks if name and version are unique.
validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks  This operation validates that there are no tasks in the release package that are in “Incomplete” or “Failed” task status.
validateReleaseTrain  Validate release train record before creation. For now it only checks if name is unique.

Method: changeDeploymentTasksOrder


Change the order of provided deployment tasks





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:changeDeploymentTasksOrder having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:tasksOrderInfo  xs:string  0..1  Tasks ids and order pairs separated by commas. In form of table_item_id_1=seq_num_1,table_item_id_2=seq_num_2,...,table_item_id_N=seq_num_N
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:changeDeploymentTasksOrderResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain


Copy related application releases from input release train into target release train with or without release packages info





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleaseTrainItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of input release train which application releases should be copied from
ns:targetReleaseTrainItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of target release train which application releases should be copied to
ns:namePrefix  xs:string  0..1  Name prefix to make names of new application releases copies to be unique.
ns:copyPackagesInfo  xs:boolean  0..1  Whether to copy or not release packages from copied application releases. Default - false.
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrainResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage


Copy deployment tasks from specified template into specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of source deployment process template- where tasks will be copied from.
ns:targetReleasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of target release package - where tasks will be copied to.
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackageResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: copyDeploymentTasks2Template


Copy deployment tasks for specified release package in specified state to specified template





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:copyDeploymentTasks2Template having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of release package
which tasks we should copy from
ns:inputStageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage which tasks
we should copy from
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks from
ns:targetReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks to
ns:targetTemplateStageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage which we
should use to assign all copied tasks
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:copyDeploymentTasks2TemplateResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: deleteDeploymentTasks


Delete deployment tasks either for deployment process template or for release package and optional stage.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:deleteDeploymentTasks having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information.
ns:releaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of deployment process template.
ns:releasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of release package.
ns:stageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage.
ns:taskIds  xs:string  0..1  Identificators of tasks to be deleted, separated by commas.
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:deleteDeploymentTasksResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: deployReleasePackage


This operation manages the release package deployment process.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:deployReleasePackage having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:options  ns:deployOptions  1..1  Either to run or just check deploy status
ns:releasePackageDeployState  xs:string  0..1  State of deployment for release package. If this is not specified, it will default to the current state of the release package.
ns:sequenceType  ns:SequenceTypes  1..1  Either current, next, or previous sequence should be run/checked.
ns:sequenceNumber  xs:integer  0..1  Number of sequence to run/check.
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:deployReleasePackageResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:totalDeployCount  xs:integer  0..1  Count of deployment tasks that will be started in this run/check
ns:currentSequence  xs:integer  0..1  Currently processing sequence number
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: deployTask


This operation initiates the deployment of Dimensions CM Vault Task and Nolio Automation Task.
This could also drive the deployment of the ZMF Vault task or any supported 3rd Party vault system.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:deployTask having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:deployTaskResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if deploy was successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: failReleasePackage


Move the release package into the failed state by using transition that is assigned in FailedDeployTransition.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:failReleasePackage having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Error message
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:failReleasePackageResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if transition was successful
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: getBuildVersion


Returns build version for RLM Utility web service





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getBuildVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Build version number
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: getInterfaceVersion


Returns interface version number.





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version number
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: promoteVaultTask


This operation initiates the promotion of Dimensions CM Vault Task to a specified target stage area.
In the future, this should also be able to drive the promotion of the ZMF Vault task or any supported 3rd Party vault system.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:promoteVaultTask having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:promoteVaultTaskResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if vault task has been promoted successfully
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: relateChildrenRecords


This operation relates children records by setting their parent field to specified parent ID value.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateChildrenRecords having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateChildrenRecordsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: relateChildrenRecordsToParent


This operation relates children records to the parent table by setting the children field values specified in the child IDs value.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateChildrenRecordsToParent having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateChildrenRecordsToParentResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: relateRecordsInBothDirections


Relates specified records for 2 tables in both directions. Usually there is a multi-relational field in a parent record and a single-relational field in a child record.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateRecordsInBothDirections having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:parentDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of parent database table
ns:parentDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in parent database table
ns:childDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of child database table
ns:childDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in child database table
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  List of identifiers of children records separated by commas
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of related children IDs separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: unrelateChildrenRecords


This operation un-relates children records by setting empty values in their parent field.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unrelateChildrenRecords having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent


This operation un-relates children records by setting empty values in their parent field.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParentResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: unrelateRecordsInBothDirections


Un-relates specified records for 2 tables in both directions. Usually, we have a multi-relational field in parent record and a single-relational field in child record.
This method sets empty values for all children records and removes those children from the multi-relational field in the parent record.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unrelateRecordsInBothDirections having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:parentDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of parent database table
ns:parentDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in parent database table
ns:childDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of child database table
ns:childDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in child database table
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records separated by commas
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unrelateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of unrelated children records separated by commas
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: updateDeploymentTaskStatus


This operation updates the related Deploy Task item status based on the result of the Dimensions CM submitPromoteBaselines or Nolio execution job.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:updateDeploymentTaskStatus having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskType  ns:TaskType  1..1  Either vault or automation task type
ns:jobId  xs:string  1..1  Identifier of deployment job for vault or execution process for automation
ns:jobStatus  xs:string  1..1  Current status of execution
ns:jobStatusMessage  xs:string  0..1  Message related to provided status of execution
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if update is successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:taskComplete  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: updateReleasePackageDeployStatus


This method checks the deployment status of all the tasks related to the release package that is currently being deployed.
If all the related tasks are in “Completed” state, it will move the release package into the state that is assigned in the NextDeployTransition field.
It there is a failure in the deployment process, it will move the release package into the state that is assigned in FailedDeployTransition.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:updateReleasePackageDeployStatus having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if update was successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message.
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: validateApplicationRelease


Validate Application release record before creation. For now it only checks if name and version are unique.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:validateApplicationRelease having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:appRelease  ns:AppReleaseItem  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:validateApplicationReleaseResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:AppReleaseItem  0..1 
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks


This operation validates that there are no tasks in the release package that are in “Incomplete” or “Failed” task status.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasksResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Method: validateReleaseTrain


Validate release train record before creation. For now it only checks if name is unique.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:validateReleaseTrain having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releaseTrain  ns:ReleaseTrainItem  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:validateReleaseTrainResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ReleaseTrainItem  0..1 
Name  Content  Description 
RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage 

Complex Types: RLMUtilService

Complex Types
Name  Description 

Complex Type: ns:AppReleaseItem

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of application release
ns:version  xs:string  0..1  Version of application release
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:AuthInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:ReleaseTrainItem

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:code  xs:string  0..1  Code of release train
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of release train
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Type of release train
Referenced By

Simple Types: RLMUtilService

Simple Types
Name  Description 

Simple Type: ns:deployOptions

Derived By

Restricting xs:string

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Simple Type: ns:SequenceTypes

Derived By

Restricting xs:string

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Simple Type: ns:TaskType

Derived By

Restricting xs:string

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Elements: RLMUtilService

Name  Description 
ns:appRelease [element validateApplicationRelease] 
ns:auth [element changeDeploymentTasksOrder]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element deleteDeploymentTasks]  Authentication information.
ns:auth [element relateChildrenRecords]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unrelateChildrenRecords]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections] 
ns:auth [element validateApplicationRelease]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element validateReleaseTrain]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element deployReleasePackage]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element deployTask]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element failReleasePackage]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element promoteVaultTask]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]  Authentication information
ns:authInfo [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatus]  Authentication information
ns:childDBField [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of field in child database table
ns:childDBField [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of field in child database table
ns:childDBTable [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of child database table
ns:childDBTable [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of child database table
ns:childrenIds [element relateChildrenRecords]  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent
ns:childrenIds [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent
ns:childrenIds [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  List of identifiers of children records separated by commas
ns:childrenIds [element unrelateChildrenRecords]  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated
ns:childrenIds [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated
ns:childrenIds [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Identifiers of children records separated by commas
ns:code [type ReleaseTrainItem]  Code of release train
ns:copyPackagesInfo [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]  Whether to copy or not release packages from copied application releases. Default - false.
ns:currentSequence [element deployReleasePackageResponse]  Currently processing sequence number
ns:deployReleasePackage  Authentication information
ns:field [element relateChildrenRecords]  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:field [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:field [element unrelateChildrenRecords]  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:field [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:inputReleasePackageItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Identificator of release package
which tasks we should copy from
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]  Identificator of source deployment process template- where tasks will be copied from.
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks from
ns:inputReleaseTrainItemId [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]  Identificator of input release train which application releases should be copied from
ns:inputStageId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Identificator of stage which tasks
we should copy from
ns:jobId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]  Identifier of deployment job for vault or execution process for automation
ns:jobStatus [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]  Current status of execution
ns:jobStatusMessage [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]  Message related to provided status of execution
ns:message [element deployReleasePackageResponse]  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:message [element deployTaskResponse]  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:message [element failReleasePackage]  Error message
ns:message [element promoteVaultTaskResponse]  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:message [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:message [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse]  Message related to result, such as an error message.
ns:name [type AppReleaseItem]  Name of application release
ns:name [type ReleaseTrainItem]  Name of release train
ns:namePrefix [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]  Name prefix to make names of new application releases copies to be unique.
ns:options [element deployReleasePackage]  Either to run or just check deploy status
ns:parentDBField [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of field in parent database table
ns:parentDBField [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of field in parent database table
ns:parentDBTable [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of parent database table
ns:parentDBTable [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Name of parent database table
ns:parentId [element relateChildrenRecords]  Identifier of parent record
ns:parentId [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Identifier of parent record
ns:parentId [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]  Identifier of parent record
ns:parentId [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Identifier of parent record
ns:parentId [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]  Identifier of parent record
ns:password [type AuthInfo]  Password of authenticating user
ns:relateChildrenRecords  Authentication information
ns:relateChildrenRecordsToParent  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageDeployState [element deployReleasePackage]  State of deployment for release package. If this is not specified, it will default to the current state of the release package.
ns:releasePackageItemId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]  Identificator of release package.
ns:releasePackageItemID [element deployReleasePackage]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemID [element failReleasePackage]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemID [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatus]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemID [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releaseTemplateItemId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]  Identificator of deployment process template.
ns:releaseTrain [element validateReleaseTrain] 
ns:return [element changeDeploymentTasksOrderResponse]  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
ns:return [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrainResponse]  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
ns:return [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackageResponse]  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
ns:return [element copyDeploymentTasks2TemplateResponse]  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
ns:return [element deleteDeploymentTasksResponse]  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull
ns:return [element deployTaskResponse]  Returns true if deploy was successful
ns:return [element failReleasePackageResponse]  Returns true if transition was successful
ns:return [element getBuildVersionResponse]  Build version number
ns:return [element getInterfaceVersionResponse]  Interface version number
ns:return [element promoteVaultTaskResponse]  Returns true if vault task has been promoted successfully
ns:return [element relateChildrenRecordsResponse]  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas
ns:return [element relateChildrenRecordsToParentResponse]  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas
ns:return [element relateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse]  List of related children IDs separated by commas
ns:return [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParentResponse]  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas
ns:return [element unrelateChildrenRecordsResponse]  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas
ns:return [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse]  Identifiers of unrelated children records separated by commas
ns:return [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]  Returns true if update is successful
ns:return [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse]  Returns true if update was successful
ns:return [element validateApplicationReleaseResponse] 
ns:return [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasksResponse]  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status
ns:return [element validateReleaseTrainResponse] 
ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage [element RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage]  Error message
ns:sequenceNumber [element deployReleasePackage]  Number of sequence to run/check.
ns:sequenceType [element deployReleasePackage]  Either current, next, or previous sequence should be run/checked.
ns:stageId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]  Identificator of stage.
ns:table [element relateChildrenRecords]  Name of the table
ns:table [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Name of the table
ns:table [element unrelateChildrenRecords]  Name of the table
ns:table [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Name of the table
ns:targetReleasePackageItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]  Identificator of target release package - where tasks will be copied to.
ns:targetReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks to
ns:targetReleaseTrainItemId [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]  Identificator of target release train which application releases should be copied to
ns:targetTemplateStageId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]  Identificator of stage which we
should use to assign all copied tasks
ns:taskComplete [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status
ns:taskIds [element deleteDeploymentTasks]  Identificators of tasks to be deleted, separated by commas.
ns:taskItemId [element deployTask]  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:taskItemId [element promoteVaultTask]  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:taskItemId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:tasksOrderInfo [element changeDeploymentTasksOrder]  Tasks ids and order pairs separated by commas. In form of table_item_id_1=seq_num_1,table_item_id_2=seq_num_2,...,table_item_id_N=seq_num_N
ns:taskType [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]  Either vault or automation task type
ns:totalDeployCount [element deployReleasePackageResponse]  Count of deployment tasks that will be started in this run/check
ns:transition [element relateChildrenRecords]  Name of the update transition
ns:transition [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]  Name of the update transition
ns:transition [element unrelateChildrenRecords]  Name of the update transition
ns:transition [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]  Name of the update transition
ns:type [type ReleaseTrainItem]  Type of release train
ns:unrelateRecordsInBothDirections  Authentication information
ns:username [type AuthInfo]  Name of authenticating user
ns:validateApplicationRelease  Authentication information
ns:version [type AppReleaseItem]  Version of application release

Element: ns:appRelease [element validateApplicationRelease]

Derived By

Type ns:AppReleaseItem

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of application release
ns:version  xs:string  0..1  Version of application release
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element changeDeploymentTasksOrder]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element deleteDeploymentTasks]


Authentication information.

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateChildrenRecords]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unrelateChildrenRecords]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element validateApplicationRelease]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element validateReleaseTrain]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element deployReleasePackage]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element deployTask]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element failReleasePackage]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element promoteVaultTask]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:authInfo [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatus]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:changeDeploymentTasksOrder

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:tasksOrderInfo  xs:string  0..1  Tasks ids and order pairs separated by commas. In form of table_item_id_1=seq_num_1,table_item_id_2=seq_num_2,...,table_item_id_N=seq_num_N

Element: ns:changeDeploymentTasksOrderResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Element: ns:childDBField [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of field in child database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childDBField [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of field in child database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childDBTable [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of child database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childDBTable [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of child database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element relateChildrenRecords]


Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


List of identifiers of children records separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element unrelateChildrenRecords]


Identifiers of records which should be unrelated

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Identifiers of records which should be unrelated

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:childrenIds [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Identifiers of children records separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:code [type ReleaseTrainItem]


Code of release train

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleaseTrainItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of input release train which application releases should be copied from
ns:targetReleaseTrainItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of target release train which application releases should be copied to
ns:namePrefix  xs:string  0..1  Name prefix to make names of new application releases copies to be unique.
ns:copyPackagesInfo  xs:boolean  0..1  Whether to copy or not release packages from copied application releases. Default - false.

Element: ns:copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrainResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Element: ns:copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of source deployment process template- where tasks will be copied from.
ns:targetReleasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of target release package - where tasks will be copied to.

Element: ns:copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackageResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Element: ns:copyDeploymentTasks2Template

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:inputReleasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of release package
which tasks we should copy from
ns:inputStageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage which tasks
we should copy from
ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks from
ns:targetReleaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks to
ns:targetTemplateStageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage which we
should use to assign all copied tasks

Element: ns:copyDeploymentTasks2TemplateResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Element: ns:copyPackagesInfo [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]


Whether to copy or not release packages from copied application releases. Default - false.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:currentSequence [element deployReleasePackageResponse]


Currently processing sequence number

Derived By

Type xs:integer

Referenced By

Element: ns:deleteDeploymentTasks

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information.
ns:releaseTemplateItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of deployment process template.
ns:releasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of release package.
ns:stageId  xs:string  0..1  Identificator of stage.
ns:taskIds  xs:string  0..1  Identificators of tasks to be deleted, separated by commas.

Element: ns:deleteDeploymentTasksResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Element: ns:deployReleasePackage


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:options  ns:deployOptions  1..1  Either to run or just check deploy status
ns:releasePackageDeployState  xs:string  0..1  State of deployment for release package. If this is not specified, it will default to the current state of the release package.
ns:sequenceType  ns:SequenceTypes  1..1  Either current, next, or previous sequence should be run/checked.
ns:sequenceNumber  xs:integer  0..1  Number of sequence to run/check.

Element: ns:deployReleasePackageResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:totalDeployCount  xs:integer  0..1  Count of deployment tasks that will be started in this run/check
ns:currentSequence  xs:integer  0..1  Currently processing sequence number
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message

Element: ns:deployTask

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:deployTaskResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if deploy was successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message

Element: ns:failReleasePackage

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Error message

Element: ns:failReleasePackageResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if transition was successful

Element: ns:field [element relateChildrenRecords]


Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:field [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:field [element unrelateChildrenRecords]


Name of the field which should be emptied

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:field [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Name of the field which should be emptied

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:getBuildVersionResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Build version number

Element: ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version number

Element: ns:inputReleasePackageItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Identificator of release package
which tasks we should copy from

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]


Identificator of source deployment process template- where tasks will be copied from.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:inputReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks from

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:inputReleaseTrainItemId [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]


Identificator of input release train which application releases should be copied from

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:inputStageId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Identificator of stage which tasks
we should copy from

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]


Identifier of deployment job for vault or execution process for automation

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobStatus [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]


Current status of execution

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobStatusMessage [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]


Message related to provided status of execution

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element deployReleasePackageResponse]


Message related to result, such as an error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element deployTaskResponse]


Message related to result, such as an error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element failReleasePackage]


Error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element promoteVaultTaskResponse]


Message related to result, such as an error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]


Message related to result, such as an error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:message [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse]


Message related to result, such as an error message.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type AppReleaseItem]


Name of application release

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type ReleaseTrainItem]


Name of release train

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:namePrefix [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]


Name prefix to make names of new application releases copies to be unique.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:options [element deployReleasePackage]


Either to run or just check deploy status

Derived By

Type ns:deployOptions

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Element: ns:parentDBField [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of field in parent database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentDBField [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of field in parent database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentDBTable [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of parent database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentDBTable [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Name of parent database table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentId [element relateChildrenRecords]


Identifier of parent record

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentId [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Identifier of parent record

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentId [element relateRecordsInBothDirections]


Identifier of parent record

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentId [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Identifier of parent record

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:parentId [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirections]


Identifier of parent record

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:password [type AuthInfo]


Password of authenticating user

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:promoteVaultTask

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:promoteVaultTaskResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if vault task has been promoted successfully
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message

Element: ns:relateChildrenRecords


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent

Element: ns:relateChildrenRecordsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas

Element: ns:relateChildrenRecordsToParent


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be updated with provided parent ID value
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that should be related to a specified parent

Element: ns:relateChildrenRecordsToParentResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas

Element: ns:relateRecordsInBothDirections

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:parentDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of parent database table
ns:parentDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in parent database table
ns:childDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of child database table
ns:childDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in child database table
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  List of identifiers of children records separated by commas

Element: ns:relateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of related children IDs separated by commas

Element: ns:releasePackageDeployState [element deployReleasePackage]


State of deployment for release package. If this is not specified, it will default to the current state of the release package.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]


Identificator of release package.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemID [element deployReleasePackage]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemID [element failReleasePackage]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemID [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatus]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releasePackageItemID [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releaseTemplateItemId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]


Identificator of deployment process template.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:releaseTrain [element validateReleaseTrain]

Derived By

Type ns:ReleaseTrainItem

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:code  xs:string  0..1  Code of release train
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of release train
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Type of release train
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element changeDeploymentTasksOrderResponse]


service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrainResponse]


service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackageResponse]


service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element copyDeploymentTasks2TemplateResponse]


service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element deleteDeploymentTasksResponse]


service execution message log - empty if everything is successfull

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element deployTaskResponse]


Returns true if deploy was successful

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element failReleasePackageResponse]


Returns true if transition was successful

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getBuildVersionResponse]


Build version number

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getInterfaceVersionResponse]


Interface version number

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element promoteVaultTaskResponse]


Returns true if vault task has been promoted successfully

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateChildrenRecordsResponse]


Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateChildrenRecordsToParentResponse]


Identifiers of children records that were updated, separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse]


List of related children IDs separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParentResponse]


List of unrelated IDs separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unrelateChildrenRecordsResponse]


List of unrelated IDs separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unrelateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse]


Identifiers of unrelated children records separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]


Returns true if update is successful

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse]


Returns true if update was successful

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element validateApplicationReleaseResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:AppReleaseItem

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of application release
ns:version  xs:string  0..1  Version of application release
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasksResponse]


Returns true if the task status is in Completed status

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element validateReleaseTrainResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ReleaseTrainItem

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:code  xs:string  0..1  Code of release train
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of release train
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Type of release train
Referenced By

Element: ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage [element RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage]


Error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:RLMUtilServiceFaultMessage  xs:string  0..1  Error message

Element: ns:sequenceNumber [element deployReleasePackage]


Number of sequence to run/check.

Derived By

Type xs:integer

Referenced By

Element: ns:sequenceType [element deployReleasePackage]


Either current, next, or previous sequence should be run/checked.

Derived By

Type ns:SequenceTypes

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Element: ns:stageId [element deleteDeploymentTasks]


Identificator of stage.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:table [element relateChildrenRecords]


Name of the table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:table [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Name of the table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:table [element unrelateChildrenRecords]


Name of the table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:table [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Name of the table

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:targetReleasePackageItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2ReleasePackage]


Identificator of target release package - where tasks will be copied to.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:targetReleaseTemplateItemId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Identificator of template which we
should use to copy tasks to

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:targetReleaseTrainItemId [element copyAppReleases2ReleaseTrain]


Identificator of target release train which application releases should be copied to

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:targetTemplateStageId [element copyDeploymentTasks2Template]


Identificator of stage which we
should use to assign all copied tasks

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskComplete [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]


Returns true if the task status is in Completed status

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskIds [element deleteDeploymentTasks]


Identificators of tasks to be deleted, separated by commas.

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskItemId [element deployTask]


Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskItemId [element promoteVaultTask]


Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskItemId [element updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse]


Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:tasksOrderInfo [element changeDeploymentTasksOrder]


Tasks ids and order pairs separated by commas. In form of table_item_id_1=seq_num_1,table_item_id_2=seq_num_2,...,table_item_id_N=seq_num_N

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:taskType [element updateDeploymentTaskStatus]


Either vault or automation task type

Derived By

Type ns:TaskType

Value  Description 
Referenced By

Element: ns:totalDeployCount [element deployReleasePackageResponse]


Count of deployment tasks that will be started in this run/check

Derived By

Type xs:integer

Referenced By

Element: ns:transition [element relateChildrenRecords]


Name of the update transition

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:transition [element relateChildrenRecordsToParent]


Name of the update transition

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:transition [element unrelateChildrenRecords]


Name of the update transition

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:transition [element unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent]


Name of the update transition

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:type [type ReleaseTrainItem]


Type of release train

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:unrelateChildrenRecords

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated

Element: ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParent

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:table  xs:string  0..1  Name of the table
ns:transition  xs:string  0..1  Name of the update transition
ns:field  xs:string  0..1  Name of the field which should be emptied
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of records which should be unrelated

Element: ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsFromParentResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas

Element: ns:unrelateChildrenRecordsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  List of unrelated IDs separated by commas

Element: ns:unrelateRecordsInBothDirections


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:parentDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of parent database table
ns:parentDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in parent database table
ns:childDBTable  xs:string  0..1  Name of child database table
ns:childDBField  xs:string  0..1  Name of field in child database table
ns:parentId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of parent record
ns:childrenIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of children records separated by commas

Element: ns:unrelateRecordsInBothDirectionsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of unrelated children records separated by commas

Element: ns:updateDeploymentTaskStatus

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:taskType  ns:TaskType  1..1  Either vault or automation task type
ns:jobId  xs:string  1..1  Identifier of deployment job for vault or execution process for automation
ns:jobStatus  xs:string  1..1  Current status of execution
ns:jobStatusMessage  xs:string  0..1  Message related to provided status of execution

Element: ns:updateDeploymentTaskStatusResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if update is successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message
ns:taskItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of deployment task (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:releasePackageItemId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:taskComplete  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status

Element: ns:updateReleasePackageDeployStatus

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:authInfo  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  1..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:updateReleasePackageDeployStatusResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if update was successful
ns:message  xs:string  0..1  Message related to result, such as an error message.

Element: ns:username [type AuthInfo]


Name of authenticating user

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:validateApplicationRelease


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:appRelease  ns:AppReleaseItem  0..1 

Element: ns:validateApplicationReleaseResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:AppReleaseItem  0..1 

Element: ns:validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasks

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releasePackageItemID  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:validateReleasePackageDeploymentTasksResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:boolean  0..1  Returns true if the task status is in Completed status

Element: ns:validateReleaseTrain

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:releaseTrain  ns:ReleaseTrainItem  0..1 

Element: ns:validateReleaseTrainResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ReleaseTrainItem  0..1 

Element: ns:version [type AppReleaseItem]


Version of application release

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

ReleaseRequestService Web Service


Serena Release Manager Release Request Service





See Also

Methods | Complex Types | Elements

Methods: ReleaseRequestService

Name  Description 
getBuildVersion  Returns build version for Release Requests web service
getInterfaceVersion  Returns interface version for Release Requests web service
getRelatedRequestProjects  Returns related projects for specified release package
getRelatedRequests  Returns related requests for specified release package
getRequestProjects  Returns projects
getRequests  Returns requests from registered request providers.
relateRequestProjects  Relates specified project to specified release package
relateRequests  Relates specified requests to specified release package
unRelateRequestProjects  Un-relates specified project from specified release package
unRelateRequests  Un-relates specified request from specified release package

Method: getBcrRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getBcrRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:filter  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getBcrRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getBuildVersion


Returns build version for Release Requests web service





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getBuildVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Build version information
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getInterfaceVersion


Returns interface version for Release Requests web service





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version information
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRelatedBcrRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedBcrRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedBcrRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRelatedRequestProjects


Returns related projects for specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRequestProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRequestProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRelatedRequests


Returns related requests for specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRelatedRfcRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRfcRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedRfcRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRequestProjects


Returns projects





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRequestProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRequestProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRequests


Returns requests from registered request providers.





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: getRfcRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRfcRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:filter  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRfcRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: relateBcrRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateBcrRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateBcrRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: relateRequestProjects


Relates specified project to specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateRequestProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Project ID list
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateRequestProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: relateRequests


Relates specified requests to specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1  Request ID list
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: relateRfcRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateRfcRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateRfcRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: unRelateBcrRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateBcrRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateBcrRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: unRelateRequestProjects


Un-relates specified project from specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRequestProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRequestProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: unRelateRequests


Un-relates specified request from specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1  Request ID list
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Method: unRelateRfcRequests





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRfcRequests having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateRfcRequestsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
ReleaseRequestServiceException  ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException 

Complex Types: ReleaseRequestService

Complex Types
Name  Description 

Complex Type: ns:AuthInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:BcrRequestInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:ProjectInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Project ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Project owner
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Project status
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Project type
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:RequestInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Request ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Request name
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Request status
ns:statusOld  xs:string  0..1 
ns:url  xs:string  0..1  Request URL
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Request owner
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:RfcRequestInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Elements: ReleaseRequestService

Name  Description 
ns:arId [element getRelatedBcrRequests] 
ns:arId [element relateBcrRequests] 
ns:arId [element unRelateBcrRequests] 
ns:auth [element getBcrRequests] 
ns:auth [element getRelatedBcrRequests] 
ns:auth [element getRelatedRequestProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRelatedRequests]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRelatedRfcRequests] 
ns:auth [element getRequestProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRequests]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRfcRequests] 
ns:auth [element relateBcrRequests] 
ns:auth [element relateRequestProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateRequests]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateRfcRequests] 
ns:auth [element unRelateBcrRequests] 
ns:auth [element unRelateRequestProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unRelateRequests]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unRelateRfcRequests] 
ns:description [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:description [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:designMode [element getBcrRequests] 
ns:designMode [element getRelatedBcrRequests] 
ns:designMode [element getRelatedRequestProjects]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element getRelatedRequests]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element getRelatedRfcRequests] 
ns:designMode [element getRequestProjects]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element getRequests]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element getRfcRequests] 
ns:designMode [element relateBcrRequests] 
ns:designMode [element relateRequestProjects]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element relateRequests]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element relateRfcRequests] 
ns:designMode [element unRelateBcrRequests] 
ns:designMode [element unRelateRequestProjects]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element unRelateRequests]  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:designMode [element unRelateRfcRequests] 
ns:displayName [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:displayName [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:filter [element getBcrRequests] 
ns:filter [element getRfcRequests] 
ns:id [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:id [type ProjectInfo]  Project ID
ns:id [type RequestInfo]  Request ID
ns:id [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:name [type ProjectInfo]  Project name
ns:name [type RequestInfo]  Request name
ns:owner [type ProjectInfo]  Project owner
ns:owner [type RequestInfo]  Request owner
ns:packageId [element getRelatedRequestProjects]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element getRelatedRequests]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element getRequests]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element relateRequestProjects]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element relateRequests]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element unRelateRequestProjects]  Release package ID
ns:packageId [element unRelateRequests]  Release package ID
ns:password [type AuthInfo]  Password
ns:projectIds [element relateRequestProjects]  Project ID list
ns:projectIds [element unRelateRequestProjects]  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:projectName [type RequestInfo]  Project name
ns:providerName [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:providerName [type ProjectInfo]  Provider name
ns:providerName [type RequestInfo]  Provider name
ns:providerName [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:relatedPackageId [type ProjectInfo]  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:relatedPackageId [type RequestInfo]  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException [element ReleaseRequestServiceException]  error message
ns:requestIds [element relateBcrRequests] 
ns:requestIds [element relateRequests]  Request ID list
ns:requestIds [element relateRfcRequests] 
ns:requestIds [element unRelateBcrRequests] 
ns:requestIds [element unRelateRequests]  Request ID list
ns:requestIds [element unRelateRfcRequests] 
ns:return [element getBcrRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element getBuildVersionResponse]  Build version information
ns:return [element getInterfaceVersionResponse]  Interface version information
ns:return [element getRelatedBcrRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRelatedRequestProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRelatedRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRelatedRfcRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRequestProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRfcRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateBcrRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateRequestProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateRfcRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateBcrRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateRequestProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateRequestsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateRfcRequestsResponse] 
ns:rtId [element getRelatedRfcRequests] 
ns:rtId [element relateRfcRequests] 
ns:rtId [element unRelateRfcRequests] 
ns:state [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:state [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:status [type ProjectInfo]  Project status
ns:status [type RequestInfo]  Request status
ns:statusOld [type RequestInfo] 
ns:title [type BcrRequestInfo] 
ns:title [type RfcRequestInfo] 
ns:type [type ProjectInfo]  Project type
ns:url [type RequestInfo]  Request URL
ns:username [type AuthInfo]  User name

Element: ns:arId [element getRelatedBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:arId [element relateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:arId [element unRelateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedRequestProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedRequests]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRequestProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRequests]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateRequestProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateRequests]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateRequestProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateRequests]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  User name
Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedRequestProjects]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedRequests]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRequestProjects]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRequests]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateRequestProjects]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateRequests]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateRequestProjects]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateRequests]


Enable design mode if set to true.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:displayName [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:displayName [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:filter [element getBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:filter [element getRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:getBcrRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:filter  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:getBcrRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getBuildVersionResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Build version information

Element: ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version information

Element: ns:getRelatedBcrRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:getRelatedBcrRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRelatedRequestProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID

Element: ns:getRelatedRequestProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRelatedRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID

Element: ns:getRelatedRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRelatedRfcRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:getRelatedRfcRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRequestProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information

Element: ns:getRequestProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID

Element: ns:getRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRfcRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:filter  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:getRfcRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:id [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type ProjectInfo]


Project ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type RequestInfo]


Request ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type ProjectInfo]


Project name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type RequestInfo]


Request name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:owner [type ProjectInfo]


Project owner

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:owner [type RequestInfo]


Request owner

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getRelatedRequestProjects]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getRelatedRequests]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getRequests]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element relateRequestProjects]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element relateRequests]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element unRelateRequestProjects]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element unRelateRequests]


Release package ID

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:password [type AuthInfo]



Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectIds [element relateRequestProjects]


Project ID list

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectIds [element unRelateRequestProjects]


Release package ID associated with this project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [type RequestInfo]


Project name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type ProjectInfo]


Provider name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type RequestInfo]


Provider name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relateBcrRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:relateBcrRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedPackageId [type ProjectInfo]


Release package ID associated with this project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedPackageId [type RequestInfo]


Release package ID associated with this request

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedReleaseTrainId [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedReleaseTrainId [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relateRequestProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Project ID list

Element: ns:relateRequestProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:relateRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1  Request ID list

Element: ns:relateRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:relateRfcRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:relateRfcRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException [element ReleaseRequestServiceException]


error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:ReleaseRequestServiceException  xs:string  0..1  error message

Element: ns:requestIds [element relateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:requestIds [element relateRequests]


Request ID list

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:requestIds [element relateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:requestIds [element unRelateBcrRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:requestIds [element unRelateRequests]


Request ID list

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:requestIds [element unRelateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getBcrRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:BcrRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getBuildVersionResponse]


Build version information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getInterfaceVersionResponse]


Interface version information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRelatedBcrRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:BcrRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRelatedRequestProjectsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ProjectInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Project ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Project owner
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Project status
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Project type
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRelatedRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Request ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Request name
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Request status
ns:statusOld  xs:string  0..1 
ns:url  xs:string  0..1  Request URL
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Request owner
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRelatedRfcRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RfcRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRequestProjectsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ProjectInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Project ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Project owner
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Project status
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Project type
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Request ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Request name
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Request status
ns:statusOld  xs:string  0..1 
ns:url  xs:string  0..1  Request URL
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Request owner
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getRfcRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RfcRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateBcrRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:BcrRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateRequestProjectsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ProjectInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Project ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Project owner
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Project status
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Project type
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Request ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Request name
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Request status
ns:statusOld  xs:string  0..1 
ns:url  xs:string  0..1  Request URL
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Request owner
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element relateRfcRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RfcRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unRelateBcrRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:BcrRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedApplicationReleaseId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unRelateRequestProjectsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ProjectInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Project ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Project owner
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Project status
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Project type
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unRelateRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Request ID
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Request name
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Request status
ns:statusOld  xs:string  0..1 
ns:url  xs:string  0..1  Request URL
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Request owner
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Project name
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this request
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Provider name
Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element unRelateRfcRequestsResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:RfcRequestInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1 
ns:displayName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1 
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1 
ns:relatedReleaseTrainId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:state  xs:string  0..1 
ns:title  xs:string  0..1 
Referenced By

Element: ns:rtId [element getRelatedRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:rtId [element relateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:rtId [element unRelateRfcRequests]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:state [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:state [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:status [type ProjectInfo]


Project status

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:status [type RequestInfo]


Request status

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:statusOld [type RequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:title [type BcrRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:title [type RfcRequestInfo]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:type [type ProjectInfo]


Project type

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:unRelateBcrRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:arId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:unRelateBcrRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:BcrRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:unRelateRequestProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID associated with this project

Element: ns:unRelateRequestProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:unRelateRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Enable design mode if set to true.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Release package ID
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1  Request ID list

Element: ns:unRelateRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:unRelateRfcRequests

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:rtId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:requestIds  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:unRelateRfcRequestsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:RfcRequestInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:url [type RequestInfo]


Request URL

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:username [type AuthInfo]


User name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

DeployUnitService Web Service


Serena Release Manager Deployment Unit Service





See Also

Methods | Complex Types | Elements

Methods: DeployUnitService

Name  Description 
getApprovers  Returns list of available ZMF application approvers
getBuildVersion  Returns build version for Deploy Unit web service
getDeploymentArea  Returns list of deployment areas
getDeploymentSites  Returns list of available ZMF deployment sites
getDeploymentStages  Returns list of available deployment stages
getDeployUnitProjects  Returns deploy units projects
getDeployUnits  Returns list of available deploy units separated by commas
getGslAreas  Returns list of all areas defined for a specific stage of the Dimensions GSL
getGslStages  Returns list of stages in the Dimensions CM Global Stage Lifecycle
getInterfaceVersion  Returns interface version number
getPromotionAreas  Returns list of available ZMF deployment promotion areas
getRelatedDeployUnitProjects  Returns list of related deployment unit projects
getRelatedDeployUnits  Returns list of related deploy units
relateDeployUnitProjects  Relates deployment unit projects to specified release package
relateDeployUnits  Relate specified deploy units to specified release package
unRelateDeployUnitProjects  Un-relate deployment unit projects

Method: getApprovers


Returns list of available ZMF application approvers





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getApprovers having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getApproversResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ApproverInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getBuildVersion


Returns build version for Deploy Unit web service





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getBuildVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getDeploymentArea


Returns list of deployment areas





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentArea having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:stageName  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment stage
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of project
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of release package
ns:unitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentAreaResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployAreaInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getDeploymentSites


Returns list of available ZMF deployment sites





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentSites having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentSitesResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeploySiteInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getDeploymentStages


Returns list of available deployment stages





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentStages having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of project used for filtering available stages
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11) - used for filtering available stages
ns:unitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas - used for filtering available stages
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getDeploymentStagesResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployStageInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getDeployUnitProjects


Returns deploy units projects





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getDeployUnitProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getDeployUnitProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getDeployUnits


Returns list of available deploy units separated by commas





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getDeployUnits having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getDeployUnitsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getGslAreas


Returns list of all areas defined for a specific stage of the Dimensions GSL





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getGslAreas having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:stageName  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment stage
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getGslAreasResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployAreaInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getGslStages


Returns list of stages in the Dimensions CM Global Stage Lifecycle





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getGslStages having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getGslStagesResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployStageInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getInterfaceVersion


Returns interface version number





Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version number
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getPromotionAreas


Returns list of available ZMF deployment promotion areas





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getPromotionAreas having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:deploymentSite  xs:string  1..1  Name of deployment site
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getPromotionAreasResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:PromotionAreaInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getRelatedDeployUnitProjects


Returns list of related deployment unit projects





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedDeployUnitProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedDeployUnitProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: getRelatedDeployUnits


Returns list of related deploy units





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedDeployUnits having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:getRelatedDeployUnitsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: relateDeployUnitProjects


Relates deployment unit projects to specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateDeployUnitProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deployment unit projects separated by commas
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateDeployUnitProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: relateDeployUnits


Relate specified deploy units to specified release package





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:relateDeployUnits having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:deployUnitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:relateDeployUnitsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: unRelateDeployUnitProjects


Un-relate deployment unit projects





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateDeployUnitProjects having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM Composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of projects that should be unrelated from specified package
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateDeployUnitProjectsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Method: unRelateDeployUnits





Input (Literal)

The input of this method is the document element ns:unRelateDeployUnits having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1 
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1 
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1 
ns:deployUnitIds  xs:string  0..1 
Output (Literal)

The output of this method is the document element ns:unRelateDeployUnitsResponse having the structure defined by the following table.

Element  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 
Name  Content  Description 
DeployUnitServiceException  ns:DeployUnitServiceException 

Complex Types: DeployUnitService

Complex Types
Name  Description 
ns:AuthInfo  Authentication information

Complex Type: ns:ApproverInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of approver
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of project
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of approver
ns:description  xs:string  0..1  Description of approver
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:AuthInfo


Authentication information

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:DeployAreaInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1  Description of deployment area
ns:directory  xs:string  0..1  Directory of deployment area
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of deployment area
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment area
ns:networkNode  xs:string  0..1  Network node of deployment area
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Owner of deployment area
ns:providerType  xs:string  0..1  Provider name of deployment area
ns:stageId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of deployment stage
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:DeploySiteInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of deployment site
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Deployment site project name
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment site
ns:jobCard1  xs:string  0..1  Deployment site job card1 information
ns:jobCard2  xs:string  0..1  Deployment site job card2 information
ns:jobCard3  xs:string  0..1  Deployment site job card3 information
ns:jobCard4  xs:string  0..1  Deployment site job card4 information
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:DeployStageInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:description  xs:string  0..1  Description of deployment stage
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of deployment stage
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment stage
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Owner of deployment stage
ns:projects  xs:string  0..*  Name of projects
ns:providerType  xs:string  0..1  Name of providers
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:DeployUnitInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of deployment unit
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment unit
ns:description  xs:string  0..1  Description of deployment unit
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Status of deployment unit
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Type of deployment unit
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment unit project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
ns:relatedDeployTask  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of related deployment task
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of related release package
ns:relatedProjectId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of related project
ns:relatedDeployTaskId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of related deployment task
ns:integrationTestStartDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of integration test start date
ns:integrationTestEndDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of integration test end date
ns:uatStartDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of uat test start date
ns:uatEndDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of uat end date
ns:prodDeploymentStartDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of production deployment start date
ns:prodDeploymentEndDate  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of production deployment end date
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:ProjectInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of project
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of project
ns:description  xs:string  0..1  Description of project
ns:owner  xs:string  0..1  Owner of project
ns:status  xs:string  0..1  Status of project
ns:type  xs:string  0..1  Type of project
ns:relatedPackageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Referenced By

Complex Type: ns:PromotionAreaInfo

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:id  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of promotion area
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Promotion area project name
ns:name  xs:string  0..1  Name of promotion area
ns:deploymentSite  xs:string  0..1  Name of promotion deployment site
ns:level  xs:string  0..1  Promotion area level
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
Referenced By

Elements: DeployUnitService

Name  Description 
ns:auth [element getApprovers]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getDeploymentArea]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getDeploymentSites]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getDeploymentStages]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getDeployUnitProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getDeployUnits]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getGslAreas]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getGslStages]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getPromotionAreas]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element getRelatedDeployUnits]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateDeployUnitProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element relateDeployUnits]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]  Authentication information
ns:auth [element unRelateDeployUnits] 
ns:deploymentSite [element getPromotionAreas]  Name of deployment site
ns:deploymentSite [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Name of promotion deployment site
ns:deployUnitIds [element relateDeployUnits]  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas
ns:deployUnitIds [element unRelateDeployUnits] 
ns:DeployUnitServiceException [element DeployUnitServiceException]  error message
ns:description [type ApproverInfo]  Description of approver
ns:description [type DeployAreaInfo]  Description of deployment area
ns:description [type DeployStageInfo]  Description of deployment stage
ns:description [type DeployUnitInfo]  Description of deployment unit
ns:description [type ProjectInfo]  Description of project
ns:designMode [element getApprovers]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getDeploymentArea]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getDeploymentSites]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getDeploymentStages]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getDeployUnitProjects]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getDeployUnits]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getGslAreas]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getGslStages]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getPromotionAreas]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element getRelatedDeployUnits]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element relateDeployUnitProjects]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element relateDeployUnits]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:designMode [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM Composer.
ns:designMode [element unRelateDeployUnits] 
ns:directory [type DeployAreaInfo]  Directory of deployment area
ns:getBuildVersionResponse  build version number
ns:id [type ApproverInfo]  Identifier of approver
ns:id [type DeployAreaInfo]  Identifier of deployment area
ns:id [type DeploySiteInfo]  Identifier of deployment site
ns:id [type DeployStageInfo]  Identifier of deployment stage
ns:id [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of deployment unit
ns:id [type ProjectInfo]  Identifier of project
ns:id [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Identifier of promotion area
ns:integrationTestEndDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of integration test end date
ns:integrationTestStartDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of integration test start date
ns:jobCard1 [type DeploySiteInfo]  Deployment site job card1 information
ns:jobCard2 [type DeploySiteInfo]  Deployment site job card2 information
ns:jobCard3 [type DeploySiteInfo]  Deployment site job card3 information
ns:jobCard4 [type DeploySiteInfo]  Deployment site job card4 information
ns:level [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Promotion area level
ns:name [type ApproverInfo]  Name of approver
ns:name [type DeployAreaInfo]  Name of deployment area
ns:name [type DeploySiteInfo]  Name of deployment site
ns:name [type DeployStageInfo]  Name of deployment stage
ns:name [type DeployUnitInfo]  Name of deployment unit
ns:name [type ProjectInfo]  Name of project
ns:name [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Name of promotion area
ns:networkNode [type DeployAreaInfo]  Network node of deployment area
ns:owner [type DeployAreaInfo]  Owner of deployment area
ns:owner [type DeployStageInfo]  Owner of deployment stage
ns:owner [type ProjectInfo]  Owner of project
ns:packageId [element getDeploymentArea]  Identifier of release package
ns:packageId [element getDeploymentStages]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11) - used for filtering available stages
ns:packageId [element getDeployUnits]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element getRelatedDeployUnits]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element relateDeployUnitProjects]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element relateDeployUnits]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:packageId [element unRelateDeployUnits] 
ns:password [type AuthInfo]  Password of authenticating user
ns:prodDeploymentEndDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of production deployment end date
ns:prodDeploymentStartDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of production deployment start date
ns:projectIds [element relateDeployUnitProjects]  Identifiers of deployment unit projects separated by commas
ns:projectIds [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]  Identifiers of projects that should be unrelated from specified package
ns:projectName [element getApprovers]  Name of project
ns:projectName [element getDeploymentArea]  Name of project
ns:projectName [element getDeploymentSites]  Name of project
ns:projectName [element getDeploymentStages]  Name of project used for filtering available stages
ns:projectName [element getPromotionAreas]  Name of project
ns:projectName [type ApproverInfo]  Name of project
ns:projectName [type DeploySiteInfo]  Deployment site project name
ns:projectName [type DeployUnitInfo]  Name of deployment unit project
ns:projectName [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Promotion area project name
ns:projects [type DeployStageInfo]  Name of projects
ns:providerName [element getApprovers]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element getDeploymentSites]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element getDeployUnitProjects]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element getDeployUnits]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element getPromotionAreas]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element getRelatedDeployUnits]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element relateDeployUnitProjects]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [element relateDeployUnits]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [type ApproverInfo]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [type DeploySiteInfo]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [type DeployUnitInfo]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [type ProjectInfo]  Name of provider
ns:providerName [type PromotionAreaInfo]  Name of provider
ns:providerType [type DeployAreaInfo]  Provider name of deployment area
ns:providerType [type DeployStageInfo]  Name of providers
ns:relatedDeployTask [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of related deployment task
ns:relatedDeployTaskId [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of related deployment task
ns:relatedPackageId [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of related release package
ns:relatedPackageId [type ProjectInfo]  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:relatedProjectId [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of related project
ns:return [element getApproversResponse] 
ns:return [element getBuildVersionResponse] 
ns:return [element getDeploymentAreaResponse] 
ns:return [element getDeploymentSitesResponse] 
ns:return [element getDeploymentStagesResponse] 
ns:return [element getDeployUnitProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element getDeployUnitsResponse] 
ns:return [element getGslAreasResponse] 
ns:return [element getGslStagesResponse] 
ns:return [element getInterfaceVersionResponse]  Interface version number
ns:return [element getPromotionAreasResponse] 
ns:return [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element getRelatedDeployUnitsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateDeployUnitProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element relateDeployUnitsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateDeployUnitProjectsResponse] 
ns:return [element unRelateDeployUnitsResponse] 
ns:stageId [type DeployAreaInfo]  Identifier of deployment stage
ns:stageName [element getDeploymentArea]  Name of deployment stage
ns:stageName [element getGslAreas]  Name of deployment stage
ns:status [type DeployUnitInfo]  Status of deployment unit
ns:status [type ProjectInfo]  Status of project
ns:type [type DeployUnitInfo]  Type of deployment unit
ns:type [type ProjectInfo]  Type of project
ns:uatEndDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of uat end date
ns:uatStartDate [type DeployUnitInfo]  Identifier of uat test start date
ns:unitIds [element getDeploymentArea]  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas
ns:unitIds [element getDeploymentStages]  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas - used for filtering available stages
ns:username [type AuthInfo]  Name of authenticating user

Element: ns:auth [element getApprovers]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getDeploymentArea]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getDeploymentSites]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getDeploymentStages]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getDeployUnitProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getDeployUnits]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getGslAreas]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getGslStages]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getPromotionAreas]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element getRelatedDeployUnits]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateDeployUnitProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element relateDeployUnits]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]


Authentication information

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:auth [element unRelateDeployUnits]

Derived By

Type ns:AuthInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:username  xs:string  0..1  Name of authenticating user
ns:password  xs:string  0..1  Password of authenticating user
Referenced By

Element: ns:deploymentSite [element getPromotionAreas]


Name of deployment site

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:deploymentSite [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Name of promotion deployment site

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:deployUnitIds [element relateDeployUnits]


Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:deployUnitIds [element unRelateDeployUnits]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:DeployUnitServiceException [element DeployUnitServiceException]


error message

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:DeployUnitServiceException

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:DeployUnitServiceException  xs:string  0..1  error message

Element: ns:description [type ApproverInfo]


Description of approver

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type DeployAreaInfo]


Description of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type DeployStageInfo]


Description of deployment stage

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type DeployUnitInfo]


Description of deployment unit

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:description [type ProjectInfo]


Description of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getApprovers]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getDeploymentArea]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getDeploymentSites]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getDeploymentStages]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getDeployUnitProjects]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getDeployUnits]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getGslAreas]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getGslStages]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getPromotionAreas]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element getRelatedDeployUnits]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateDeployUnitProjects]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element relateDeployUnits]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]


Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM Composer.

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:designMode [element unRelateDeployUnits]

Derived By

Type xs:boolean

Referenced By

Element: ns:directory [type DeployAreaInfo]


Directory of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:getApprovers

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:getApproversResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ApproverInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getBuildVersionResponse


build version number

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1 

Element: ns:getDeploymentArea

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:stageName  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment stage
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of project
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Identifier of release package
ns:unitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas

Element: ns:getDeploymentAreaResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployAreaInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getDeploymentSites

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:getDeploymentSitesResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeploySiteInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getDeploymentStages

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  0..1  Name of project used for filtering available stages
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11) - used for filtering available stages
ns:unitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas - used for filtering available stages

Element: ns:getDeploymentStagesResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployStageInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getDeployUnitProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:getDeployUnitProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getDeployUnits

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:getDeployUnitsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getGslAreas

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:stageName  xs:string  0..1  Name of deployment stage

Element: ns:getGslAreasResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployAreaInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getGslStages

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information

Element: ns:getGslStagesResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployStageInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getInterfaceVersionResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  xs:string  0..1  Interface version number

Element: ns:getPromotionAreas

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:projectName  xs:string  1..1  Name of project
ns:deploymentSite  xs:string  1..1  Name of deployment site
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:getPromotionAreasResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:PromotionAreaInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRelatedDeployUnitProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Element: ns:getRelatedDeployUnitProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:getRelatedDeployUnits

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:getRelatedDeployUnitsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:id [type ApproverInfo]


Identifier of approver

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type DeployAreaInfo]


Identifier of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type DeploySiteInfo]


Identifier of deployment site

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type DeployStageInfo]


Identifier of deployment stage

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of deployment unit

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type ProjectInfo]


Identifier of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:id [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Identifier of promotion area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:integrationTestEndDate [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of integration test end date

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:integrationTestStartDate [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of integration test start date

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobCard1 [type DeploySiteInfo]


Deployment site job card1 information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobCard2 [type DeploySiteInfo]


Deployment site job card2 information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobCard3 [type DeploySiteInfo]


Deployment site job card3 information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:jobCard4 [type DeploySiteInfo]


Deployment site job card4 information

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:level [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Promotion area level

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type ApproverInfo]


Name of approver

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type DeployAreaInfo]


Name of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type DeploySiteInfo]


Name of deployment site

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type DeployStageInfo]


Name of deployment stage

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type DeployUnitInfo]


Name of deployment unit

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type ProjectInfo]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:name [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Name of promotion area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:networkNode [type DeployAreaInfo]


Network node of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:owner [type DeployAreaInfo]


Owner of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:owner [type DeployStageInfo]


Owner of deployment stage

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:owner [type ProjectInfo]


Owner of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getDeploymentArea]


Identifier of release package

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getDeploymentStages]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11) - used for filtering available stages

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getDeployUnits]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getRelatedDeployUnitProjects]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element getRelatedDeployUnits]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element relateDeployUnitProjects]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element relateDeployUnits]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:packageId [element unRelateDeployUnits]

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:password [type AuthInfo]


Password of authenticating user

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:prodDeploymentEndDate [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of production deployment end date

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:prodDeploymentStartDate [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of production deployment start date

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectIds [element relateDeployUnitProjects]


Identifiers of deployment unit projects separated by commas

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectIds [element unRelateDeployUnitProjects]


Identifiers of projects that should be unrelated from specified package

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [element getApprovers]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [element getDeploymentArea]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [element getDeploymentSites]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [element getDeploymentStages]


Name of project used for filtering available stages

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [element getPromotionAreas]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [type ApproverInfo]


Name of project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [type DeploySiteInfo]


Deployment site project name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [type DeployUnitInfo]


Name of deployment unit project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projectName [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Promotion area project name

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:projects [type DeployStageInfo]


Name of projects

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getApprovers]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getDeploymentSites]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getDeployUnitProjects]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getDeployUnits]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getPromotionAreas]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element getRelatedDeployUnits]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element relateDeployUnitProjects]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [element relateDeployUnits]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type ApproverInfo]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type DeploySiteInfo]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type DeployUnitInfo]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type ProjectInfo]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerName [type PromotionAreaInfo]


Name of provider

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerType [type DeployAreaInfo]


Provider name of deployment area

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:providerType [type DeployStageInfo]


Name of providers

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedDeployTask [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of related deployment task

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedDeployTaskId [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of related deployment task

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relateDeployUnitProjects

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:projectIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deployment unit projects separated by commas
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:relateDeployUnitProjectsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:ProjectInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:relateDeployUnits

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:designMode  xs:boolean  0..1  Run service in design mode. Returns dummy data for use in SBM composer.
ns:auth  ns:AuthInfo  0..1  Authentication information
ns:packageId  xs:string  0..1  Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)
ns:deployUnitIds  xs:string  0..1  Identifiers of deploy units separated by commas
ns:providerName  xs:string  0..1  Name of provider

Element: ns:relateDeployUnitsResponse

Derived By

Restricting xs:anyType

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description 
ns:return  ns:DeployUnitInfo  0..* 

Element: ns:relatedPackageId [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of related release package

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedPackageId [type ProjectInfo]


Item identifier of release package (in form of table_id:record_id, for example 1001:11)

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:relatedProjectId [type DeployUnitInfo]


Identifier of related project

Derived By

Type xs:string

Referenced By

Element: ns:return [element getApproversResponse]

Derived By

Type ns:ApproverInfo

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table.

Component  Type  Occurs  Description