Manual or Tutorial
Serena Business Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Provides information on installing SBM and creating a database. Database and Web server configuration information is also provided.
Serena Business Manager Composer Guide
Provides details on using SBM Composer to create the tables, fields, workflows, forms, and other design elements comprised in process apps. Information about saving, versioning, importing, and exporting process apps is also provided. This document is intended for individuals who want to design and maintain process apps.
Serena Business Manager Application Administrator Guide
Explains how to configure deployed applications. Instructions for managing projects, user and group accounts, and notifications are included.
Serena Business Manager Application Repository Guide
Provides information on using SBM Application Repository to deploy process apps to runtime environments and to promote configured applications from one environment to another.
Serena Business Manager System Administrator Guide
Provides information on administering the SBM Application Engine. Instructions for database utilities, system settings, and authentication are included.
Serena Business Manager Licensing Guide
Explains how to manage licenses for Serena Business Manager. License types are discussed, along with instructions for installing and using the Serena License Manager. This guide is intended for administrators who will install and implement Serena Business Manager.
Serena Business Manager User's Guide
Provides information about the SBM User Workspace and is intended for end users. Instructions on using the SBM User Workspace, including the robust reporting feature in SBM, are included. To ease the process of providing a copy for every user in your system, the Serena Business Manager User's Guide is provided in PDF and can be accessed
from the Product Information tab of the About page in the SBM User Workspace.
Serena Release Automation Center Installation and Administration Guide
Describes how install and configure Serena Release Automation.
Serena Dimensions CM Installation Guides for Windows and for UNIX
Describes how install and configure Dimensions CM for the respective platforms.
Serena Dimensions CM Administrator’s Guide
Describes how to administer the Dimensions CM tool.
Serena Dimensions CM and RM Installing the Serena License Manager
Describes installing the Windows version of SLM.
Serena Dimensions CM User's Guide
A user guide to the Dimensions CM Client Tools.
Serena Dimensions CM Process Modeling Guide
Describes how to configure the process model using the Administration Console.
Serena ChangeMan ZMF Administrator’s Guide
Describes ChangeMan ZMF features and functions with instructions for choosing options and configuring global and application administration parameters.
Serena ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide
Provides step-by-step instructions for initial installation of ChangeMan ZMF. Assumes that no prior version is installed or that the installation will overlay the existing version.
SER10TY User’s Guide
Gives instructions for applying licenses to enable ChangeMan ZMF and its selectable options.
Serena Service Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Provides information on installing and configuring Serena Service Manager.
Serena Service Manager User’s Guide
Provides information about the Serena Service Manager default implementation user interface and is intended for end users.