The product log file is rlm.log. Logging is done through the common Tomcat Web server using the Apache log4j Java-based logging utility.
The rlm.log file contains status messages returned to the AFS server. The level of messaging depends on the settings in the log4j settings. Debugging and append are on by default.
The default location of the rlm.log file is the catalina home directory, set by the variable ${catalina.home}. For example:
C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0
To change the location of the log files:
Navigate to the Serena Release Manager common Tomcat Web server classes folder. For example:
C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\webapps\rlm\WEB-INF\classes
Open the file.
Change the following line to specify the location for the file.