Specifying Release Automation Sign-on Credentials

So that Serena Release Manager can receive information from Serena Release Automation, you must update the ALF event properties file used by AFS with sign-on credentials SBM uses for the connection. AFS sends ALF events to SBM after it is notified from Serena Release Automation that requested events have been processed. Serena Release Manager gets the information through SBM.

To update the Serena Release Automation sign-on credentials:

  1. Navigate to the Serena Release Manager common Tomcat Web server classes folder. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Serena\common\tomcat\6.0\webapps\rlm\WEB-INF\classes

  2. Open the alf.properties file.

  3. Set the AE_USERID and AE_PASSWORD variables with the user ID and password of your Serena Release Manager administrative user.

  4. Restart the Serena Common JBOSS and IIS Admin Service services.



ALF_EVENTMANAGERURL = http://sbmhost:8085/eventmanager/services/ALFEventManagerDocLit

AE_USERID = rlmadmin

AE_PASSWORD = rlmadmin_test