This example shows how to add a new stage that’s associated with a new Release Train Start and End Date and a new Release Package stage process. This example adds a stage of PAT, PAtch Test. This stage is defined to be used only when the release type is Patch.
To add a stage for the Release Train process app:
Add new Start and End Date fields in the primary table Release Train.
In the Release Train table add PAT start and end dates, as shown in the following figure.
Add the Start and End field controls in the related form, createReleaseTrain, as shown in the following figure.
Edit the related Javascript for the UI shell, Attributes visibility, to specify when to show or hide the dates in the following forms:
The dates are shown or hidden based on release train type (ISSUETYPE table field). The lines to change in the Javascript file are shown in bold in the following figure.
Include the new Start and End Date fields in the report All Release Train as shown in the following figure.
To add the stage for the Release Package process app:
Add the new stage name value in the primary table Release package, in the DB DEPLOY_STATE single selection field as shown in the following figure.
Create a new swim lane for the new stage process and arrange it according to the Release Package staging process sequence as shown in the following figure.
Create required states for the new stage process. For this example, those are:
Ready for PAT
Deploy to PAT
The added states are shown in the following figure.
Add From and To transitions with all associated forms, mappings, and overrides for the new states as shown in the following table.
Map a new deployment transition action based on the Deploy state single selection field. To do so, create a new Deploy transition from the state Failed Deployment to the state Deploy to PAT as shown in the following table.
Add a new re-deploy transition action.
Set the rule as follows:
Perform a transition > when this transition occurs > affect this item > only if item's Deploy state field is PAT > invoke Release Package:Deploy
The rule settings are shown in the following figure.
Configure the Stage auxiliary table to relate the new stage to the Release Train Start and End Dates and the Release Package Deploy state.
Relate the PAT Start and End date fields in the Release Train table. This relationship is indicated in the following figure.
Relate the new Release Package Deploy state to the Stage Package Deploy State text field. This will allow any deployment tasks that are associated to this new Stage to execute when the Deploy transition is executed in the Release Package for the new Stage process.
Optionally add a new deploy decision rule to the Release Package stage process.
In our example, the new stage process execution is controlled by Release Package release type, so we will add a decision rule. Stages that are used for every release type do not require a decision rule.
Add the decision in the workflow as shown in the following figure.
Add a new Package type single-selection field value as shown in the following figure.
Add a rule for the selection, Package type in Patch, as shown in the following figure.
Add a new transition for the deploy decision: add a transition to PAT from the Deploy Decision box to the state Deploy to PAT as shown in the following table.
Add the new rule to the deploy decision box. Specify the To transition and state as shown in the following figure.
Documentation References
Complete documentation on configuring workflows in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager SBM Composer Guide in "Managing Workflows".
Complete documentation on configuring tables in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager System Administrator Guide in "Table Configuration".