Associating RFCs with Release Trains 

When planning release trains, you can associate requests for change with them. RFCs represent operational changes that may affect multiple applications or implement system infrastructure changes within an enterprise. These are typically associated with tickets from service management systems such as Serena Service Manager.

Serena Release Manager identifies and lists the requests for change based on the RFC provider information configured for your system. See the Serena Release Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

Adding RFCs to Release Trains

You can add a request for change only when the release train is in a state for which this action is implemented. In the default workflow, a request for change can be added to the release train only when the release train is in Planning.

To associate requests for change with a release train:

  1. View a release train and select the Requests For Change tab.

  2. Click Add requests for change.

  3. Select one or more requests for change to add to the release train.

  4. Click OK.

Removing RFCs from Release Trains

You can remove a request for change only when the release train is in a state for which this action is implemented. In the default workflow, a request for change can be removed from the release train only when the release train is in Planning.

To remove requests for change from a release train:

  1. View a release train and select the Requests For Change tab.

  2. Select one or more requests for change.

  3. Click Remove requests for change.

  4. Click OK.