Configuring the Calendar

Serena Release Control uses a Gantt report to display the information in your calendar view.

What Can You Change?

You can change the reports displayed on the calendar as follows:

What is the Impact?

If you change the calendar reports, the calendar page changes accordingly.

How Do You Change It?

You can change the associated report to change the information shown on the calendar.

To change the calendar report:

  1. From the Serena Release Control standard SBM user interface, click the RTrain tab.

  2. Select Reports from the navigation pane and search for reports with Gantt in the title.

  3. Under Release Train New Project (Release Train), select Release Trains in Gantt and then click Modify Listing for that report.

  4. Expand Additional Options and look at the Optional HTML Template field.

    This lists the HTML page for the selected report. The default report is:


  5. Modify the report selections and the corresponding HTML page as needed.



NOTE  The Calendars page appears empty unless at least one release train exists to display in the ganttview.htm report.

Documentation References

Complete documentation on managing reports in SBM is in the Serena Business Manager User’s Guide in "Working with Reports".