Adding Your Server Names in Serena Release Control 

Before you start using environments in Serena Release Control, you must pre-populate Serena Release Control with the names of your servers that you plan to manage over time using Serena Release Manager. This enables you to associate those servers with environments that you manage in Serena Release Control.

An environment represents one or more servers associated to a specific stage a release train or release package is going through. For example, you may have one or more UAT environments available that are used in parallel for different purposes, where different applications are installed on each for different testing scenarios. You may also have more than one INT environment available, more than one pre-PROD environment available, and so forth.

You can create environments in Serena Release Control and manage their availability through the associated workflow actions. You can report on the availability and schedule release trains and release packages accordingly.

In the default implementation of Serena Release Manager, there is not yet an active connection to the Serena Release Control objects, but you may choose to extend and customize this functionality. For example, you could customize the system to use the environment server configuration to store parameters in specific field values which could then be passed to Serena Release Automation.

What Can You Change?

You can change the following server information:

What is the Impact?

The server names appear in the Create Environment dialog box in the Servers selection field. If you change the names or add names, this impacts the list of names the users see when they select servers for environments.

How Do You Change It?

You add and change server information in the Server auxiliary table.

To change the Server table entries:

  1. In SBM Application Administrator, click Auxiliary Data.

  2. In the Table field, select Server.

  3. Click New and enter the values into the following fields:

  4. Click OK to save.

Documentation References

Complete documentation on adding data to SBM auxiliary tables is in the Serena Business Manager Application Administrator Guide in "About Auxiliary Data".