Adding Your Application Names in Serena Release Control 

Before you start releasing applications using Serena Release Control, you must pre-populate Serena Release Control with the names of your applications that you plan to release over time using Serena Release Manager. This enables you to associate those applications with the release information that you enter in Serena Release Control.

What Can You Change?

You can change the following application information:

What is the Impact?

The application names appear in the Application Release dialog box in the Associate to application selection field. If you change the names or add names, this impacts the list of names the users see when they select applications for an application release.

How Do You Change It?

You add and change application information in the Application auxiliary table.

To change the Application table entries:

  1. In SBM Application Administrator, click Auxiliary Data.

  2. In the Table field, select Application.

  3. Click New and enter the application name and description.

  4. You may select from existing deployment process templates here or add them from the user interface.

  5. Click OK to save.

Documentation References

Complete documentation on adding data to SBM auxiliary tables is in the Serena Business Manager Application Administrator Guide in "About Auxiliary Data".