In Serena Release Control, a program or system in computers or devices that addresses some problem as a whole. Some types of applications are commercial websites, batch and online business systems, and packaged software. Examples: an online teller system for a bank, an online music store, an accounting system. In Serena Release Automation, a high-level design construct whose design and ultimate execution allow achieving a fully-automated implementation of a server-based system. |
Application Owner |
The role in Serena Release Control that is the business owner of an application. An application owner is responsible for approving an application release during the planning stage and receives notifications of application release status. |
Represents a version of an application or project, where the application or project architecture is specified by components. One or more release packages are associated with each application release. |
Architecture |
In Serena Release Automation, a generic design of a possible physical configuration for the implementation of an application. |
Automation Deployment Task |
A type of deployment task that integrates with release automation to automate installation and configuration tasks through the release automation software (such as Serena Release Automation) as part of the deployment process. |
The role in Serena Release Control that performs builds for a release. This role may also be the Installation Manager in some organizations. |
Change Manager |
The role in Serena Release Control that is responsible for the IT Operations for the systems where the pre-production and production release environments reside. A change manager approves deployment into pre-production and production environments. |
Change Request |
See Request. |
The visual representation of release trains and their schedules in Serena Release Manager. |
Deployment |
The activities that make a software system or application available for use in an environment, including the physical movement of files, execution of commands, and configuration of environment settings. |
Deployment Area |
In Serena Release Vault, an environment defined to a project in the context of a Global Stage Lifecycle. |
Deployment Process Template |
Enables you to create and copy sets of deployment tasks for reuse in different stages, release packages, and applications. |
Deployment Task |
Action to be executed as part of the deployment process to deploy a release package into a specific environment. Deployment task types include manual, vault, and automation. |
Deployment Unit |
Represents a set of deployable components, such as a Serena Release Vault baseline with build outputs. |
Represents delivered changes from the development process and are typically represented as tickets from development management systems. For example, these may be Serena Release Vault requests or SBM tickets used to manage development processes. See Request. |
Development Manager |
The role in Serena Release Control that is responsible for and approves development activities for a release. A development manager would typically be consulted during the release management process and provide approval on the content of a release package. |
Environment |
A physical computer and operating system on which software resides; for example, a Windows or UNIX server. In Serena Release Automation, one of any number of real, physical implementations of a specific architecture that was designed for the application. |
In Serena Release Vault, the lifecycle that items follow that controls which versions are included in configurations and builds of the project or stream. This lifecycle is defined for the base database. Deployment areas for a project/stream can be associated with these stages so that item files are copied to those areas when they are deployed to the corresponding stage. |
The role in Serena Release Control that ensures that the deployment, or installation, of a release is done correctly and completely. An installation manager is assigned manual deployment tasks in Serena Release Control and is responsible for deployment of request packages into environments. This role may also be the Build Manager in some organizations. |
Integration Test (INT) |
Testing of all application release components together to ensure that the application release’s functions properly as a whole. This testing typically follows unit testing in a testing lifecycle. In the default implementation of Serena Release Control, Integration Test is also a stage in release train and release package schedules. |
Lifecycle |
In Serena Release Vault, the set of states and rules for transitions between states defined for a particular object type and design part in the process model. |
Manual Deployment Task |
A type of deployment task. An action to be executed by a person as part of the deployment process. |
Pre-Production |
The environments to which production-ready application releases are deployed and held before deployment to production. Pre-production can be thought of as final staging or production readiness. In the default implementation of Serena Release Control, Pre-Production is also a stage in release train and release package schedules. |
Process |
In Serena Release Automation, a high-level sequence of planned activity involving one, multiple, or all components of an application. |
Production |
The environments to which production-ready application releases are ultimately deployed. Production can be thought of as live or real-time environments. |
Production Deployment |
A stage in release train and release package schedules in the default implementation of Serena Release Control. |
Product Test |
Testing of a product’s features and functionality. This testing typically follows unit testing in a testing lifecycle. In the default implementation of Serena Release Control, Product Test is also a stage in release train and release package schedules. |
Project |
In Serena Release Vault, a project is a collection of item revisions that are relevant to a development activity. A project differs from a stream in that it can contain parallel versions of the same items. |
QA Manager |
The role in Serena Release Control that is responsible for and approves testing activities for a release. |
Release |
See Application Release. |
Release Automation |
The part of release management that automates application installation and configuration tasks. In the default implementation of Serena Release Manager, the release automation is done using Serena Release Automation. |
Release Calendar |
See Calendar. |
Release Control |
The part of release management that controls the processes. In the default implementation of Serena Release Manager, release control is powered by Serena Business Manager (SBM). |
Release Engineer |
The role in Serena Release Control that is responsible for the automating the release deployment and resolving any deployment failures. For example, a release engineer may create deployment tasks for release packages. This role may be the Installation Manager or Build Manager in some organizations. |
Release Management |
The management of defining and deploying versions of applications into production environments. The activities of release management include defining, scheduling, monitoring, changing, provisioning, and analyzing history of multiple releases deployed into production environments. |
Release Manager |
The role in Serena Release Control that is responsible for releases within a particular organization. A release manager manages and monitors releases, plans releases in collaboration with development managers, and responds to successes, failures, and other statuses. |
Release Package |
A portion of IT or Service Infrastructure normally built, deployed, tested, and released together. Release packages define the set of changes to be deployed and drive the deployment processes. |
Release Schedule |
See Release Train. |
Gate that the release goes through on its path into production. Typical stages in a release are integration test (INT), product test (PT), user acceptance test (UAT), pre-production (PRE) and production (PROD). Some organizations may also have a stage for disaster recovery (DR) which is updated after production deployment. A stage may have one or more environments related to it. Releases may be deployed into an environment based on availability. |
Provides a published schedule of changes to production. One or more application releases are associated with each release train. |
Release Type |
Drives release policies on what types of changes may be delivered for release trains and determines the stages release packages are deployed through. In the default implementation of Serena Release Manager, release types include major, minor, and emergency. |
Release Vault |
The part of release management that secures and bundles the deliverables of changed components. In the default implementation of Serena Release Manager, the release vault is Serena Release Vault. |
In Serena Release Vault, an object used to report a defect, suggest an enhancement, or detail other work for a particular product. Requests can include external files (such as requirements or specification documents) as attachments. |
Server |
A computer that manages centralized data storage or network communications resources. A server provides and organizes access to these resources for other computers linked to it. (American Heritage Science Dictionary) In Serena Release Automation, the actual physical machines on which a Web-based application will ultimately run. |
Server Type |
In Serena Release Automation, an abstract representation of a server specified for a particular architecture. |
Software Application |
See Application. |
Stage |
In Serena Release Control, a Release Stage. In Serena Release Vault, a stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle. |
State |
A key part of a Serena Business Manager (SBM) workflow. States are positions that a primary item, such as a release package, resides in while moving through a process workflow. States can also be considered a stopping point along a workflow's path. |
Status |
A measure of where an item is in relation to a preset goal. For a release train, status is the lowest status of the application releases associated with it. Release managers manually set the status for application releases. Release package status is automatically set by Serena Release Control based on movement of the release package through underlying SBM states. |
Status Indicator |
A visual representation of status, such as green for on schedule, yellow for schedule at risk, and red for behind schedule. |
System |
Depending on the context, can refer to a software application, to an environment, or both. |
Unit Testing |
Testing of individual or groups of similar components of a software application as part of the development process. This testing is typically done by software engineers who are developing the components and is done before the components are considered complete and packaged for deployment (baselined). |
User Acceptance Test (UAT) |
Testing of an application release by key users to evaluate the application release’s compliance with its specified user requirements. This testing typically follows system testing in a testing lifecycle. In the default implementation of Serena Release Control, UAT is also a stage in release train and release package schedules. |
Vault Deployment Task |
A type of deployment task that integrates with Release Vault for secure deployment of deployment units. Vault deployment tasks move deployment units (baselines in Serena Release Vault) securely to deployment areas (environments). |
Workflow |
In SBM, a collection of states, transitions, and fields that define an organization's tracking process. |