Removing Files from Source Control

When you remove a file from source control, the file is removed from the Dimensions CM project. You will no longer be able to access previous revisions of the file from this project. Only the latest revision will remain in your local area (if you do not opt to delete it).

The file will still exist in the $GENERIC:$GLOBAL project (the global project) should you need to restore it later.

To remove files from source control:

  1. In Eclipse, right-click the files under Repository Projects. A pop-up menu appears.

  2. Select Team | Remove from Dimensions.

  3. The Remove From Control dialog box appears with a list of files to be removed.

  4. On the Remove from Control panel, do any of the following:

  5. On the Relate Requests panel, select the Dimensions CM requests to relate to the item during the remove operation. The items are grouped by type, allowing you to easily relate requests to multiple items with similar types.

  6. By default, only those requests that can be used are displayed. If you choose the Show All option, the unavailable requests appear in italics and the Details column provides information on why they cannot be used.

  7. Click Finish.