In order to use existing Dimensions CM Eclipse SCC projects as project containers, you must first convert them. When you convert SCC projects, you can choose whether to:
Convert them to project containers, or to single projects that map one-to-one to Eclipse projects.
Convert all Eclipse SCC projects in a product to containers at one time.
Convert a specific Eclipse SCC project to a container. When you convert an existing SCC project, the conversion includes all derived baselines and projects.
To convert existing Dimensions SCC projects to either single projects or project containers, follow the instructions in the following document, available from the Serena Support Web site:
Serena Dimensions 10.1: Guide to Upgrading Existing SCC Projects in Eclipse
This document explains how to load the conversion plug-in to Eclipse, and then how to convert your existing projects to container projects.
Steps to Convert to Project Containers
The following summarizes the key steps that you must follow in order to convert your projects.
Load the project conversion plug-in in Eclipse, as described in the Guide to Upgrading Existing SCC Projects in Eclipse.
To convert all Eclipse projects to the new project container model:
Expand the Convert Dimensions Eclipse Projects node and right-click on Projects.
Select Convert All to Containers from the context menu. When you choose this option, all projects that have no parent projects are marked as container projects. All projects under these container projects are converted to contained projects.
To convert a specific project to a project container:
Under Convert Dimensions Eclipse Projects | Projects, right-click the project and choose Convert to Container from the context menu. When you choose this option, the project is converted to a container project. All child projects are included in the new container project.